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Noto's Smurfs

Full Army Photo

I apologize if these are blurry

Unit Photos

My ragtag group that I call a command squad

Sergent Telion leading his group of scouts

Tactical squads with captains leading them

Sternguard squad

Vanguard squad with jumppack Chaplin

Termies with librarian and Chaplin

Calgar with his Honnour guard (sorry for the blur)

Droppods with Dreadnoughts

Army List

I don't really have a set army list I play with
I tend to adapt to what the situation calls for
Usually I drop a dreadnought in with a droppod first turn
Let my whirlwind lay back in cover
and advance my vanguard

Why I Started This Army

My friend Dylan got me into 40k
we went half and half on the assault on black reach set
i've experimented with colour schemes
i finally settled on ultramarines
they were easier to paint (since painting white scars on a black base coat sucked)
and the store didn't carry any other codex other than the stranded space marines
so thus settled on the warriors of Ultramar


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