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Product Review: SABOL Combat Mat

I own two Sabol Combat mats. To view the product website, follow the link. http://www.saboldesigns.net/combatmat.html

There are two types of Mats, the desert and Plains versions. Both have a high definition picture printed onto a very dense felt type material such as you would see on industrial carpeting. It is soft enough to cushion a mini's fall, but firm enough to have no difficulty at all in standing up miniatures or placing terrain.

The back is a non slip rubberized material, similar to what you would see on the bottom of a piece of carpeting. It does not slide at all when placed upon even slick surfaces.

The coloring on my plains version of the Mat is a little off. It is a bit too bright, having an almost orange and green tint to it. I have to say it is not the most aesthetically pleasing coloring. It is not ugly, just unnatural looking. The website does say that colors may vary, so I guess I ended up with an off colored run of the Plains Mat.

The desert Mat in my opinion is much better looking. Pictures honestly do not do it justice; it is very impressive and makes for a nice looking table top. My gaming group does not have a desert themed board so this was a nice addition for us.

Both mats are of very high quality and give the impression that they will hold up very well over time.

They came rolled up tightly and so had a strong curl to them but thankfully were not folded and so have no creases. I store the mats between my mattress and my box spring when not in use and after a week they were very flat, only slightly curling at the ends, but not enough to cause a distraction.

To transport them I simply gently roll both mats up and carry them under one arm. So far, transportation to and from my weekly game has been no problem at all.

My biggest complaint is the fact that running down one short end of both mats is a large white strip of text displaying the manufacturer's name and website. It is very ugly and I find it to be distracting. It is not shown on Sabol's website in 3 of the four product pictures. The one picture it is shown in can very easily be confused with a watermark on the photo itself.

In the end, I am enjoying these Mat's and am happy I own them, however had I known about the advertising on them I would have taken a look at some of the other products on the market.

Here is the advert on the desert mat.

Here is the plains version of the mat. The odd coloring does not show up so well in the picture.


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