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Punisher Gunship Rules

I've Recently been Working on some rules for a Valkyrie Variant, Using the Valkyrie Body, but with the Aircraft Punisher Cannons Upgrade Pack, For those of you that want to see the Upgrade pack:



The Idea was to make an Anti-Infantry Flyer for 40k That could Zoom in, kill aloda guys, and Zoom back out.

Her are the Rules:

Points: 125

Composition: Vehicle Squadron Composed of 1-5 Punisher Gunships,

Profile: Bs: 3, Fa: 13, Sa: 12, Ra: 12, Type: Flyer (Fast when Skimming)

Hull Points: 3,

Transport: 12 Models (No Ogryns)

Wargear: 1 Lascannon (AA), 2 Punisher Gatling Cannon, 2 Hunter Killer Missiles, Search Light, Extra Armour,

Special Rules: Grav-Chute Insertion, Hover Mode (Scout), Heat-Proof Plating,

Heat Proof Plating: The Punisher Gunship is designed to travel at high speeds in atmosphere, the resistance can be so intense that it is platted with Heat-Proof plating os that the entire gunship doesn't Burn up. The 'Melta' Special Rule does not affect the gunship.

Aim Assist: Looks Below (Its an Upgrade). When in Skimmer Mode the Punisher Gunship has an Extra Weapon (that can be fired) with the following profile:

Name: Aim Assist Laser Range: 72" S: - Ap: - Type: Assault 1*

  • If the chosen Target is hit all units (Including the Gunship) may Re-Roll To hits against that unit.


May Swap Hunter Killer Missiles for 2 Bomb Pylons..........5p May Take Aim Assist.................................................................10p

Is it to Powerful, to many points, to little points e.t.c. please tell me I really want to field and would like other people to be able to field it?

I will also be posting some other stuff about some other data-sheets, and if anyone want me to make one for anything just ask,



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