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Red Raptors Space Marines

AUTHOR: Brother Nexiss. Under order of Penitence by 1st Chaplain Roxus Torr, for the offence of Blasphemous Jesting. N.B/ Wondering whether or not the God-Emperor of Mankind's Arse is numb by now after all that sitting around, is no laughing matter!


FOUNDED: 26th Founding,738.M41

PROGENATOR/ GENE SEED: The White Scars/ The Great Khan J'aghatai Khan.

HOMEWORLD: None/ Fortress Citadel and Astartes Fleet+ support vessels.



CHAPTER MASTER: Slykal Oridar, Marshal Primus, Reaper Lord of the Red Raptors.

1st CHAPLAIN: Roxus Torr, Guardian of Rage.

LIBRARIUS PRIMO: Nial Vexar, Warpsmith Imperator.

APOTHECARION PRIMO: Phlint Jolanti, Corpus Helus.



27 Techmarines, 88 Tech-servitors.

25 Predators( various patterns )

6 Vindicators

12 Landraiders( )

20 Bike squadrons

20 Landspeeder squadrons.


1 Fortress Citadel- Giutezia Nella Morte( Justice in Death)

2 Battle Barges

  • Nolli Timere Messorum( Don't fear the Reaper. CMD Flagship/ 1st Cpy)
  • Igni Ferroque( With Fire And Iron)

6 Astartes Strike Cruisers.

8 Astartes Rapid Strike Vessels.

22 Thunderhawk Gunships.

10 Stormbird Assault Craft.


1ST CPY - Veteran Cpy.

Capt Raxor Meneleus, Sentor's Regent.

2ND-5TH CPY's - Battle Cpy's

Fast attack/ assault.

Hit first and hit hardest.

Disection doctrine.

6TH-8TH CPY's. - Reserve Cpy's

Fast attacks/ coup de grace.

Finishing off.

9TH CPY. - Devastator Cpy.

Hit hardest/ Nuff said.


5 Elite Scout Squads( permanent),The Belt Notchers.

5 Neophyte/training squads


Formed during the 26th Founding as it became painfully clear to The High Lords of Terra, and especially Lord Commander Militant Hythron, an immediate increasement of Astartes Chapters following The Despoilers 12th Black Crusade( Gothic Wars) was urgently required.

Deliberately created as a stellar roving chapter and positioned out to the eastern sectors of Imperial space, as a cautionary bulwark against xenos incursions from beyond the Eastern Fringe.

The Red Raptors were a fully operational, warp capable and immensely formidable Astartes Chapterby the year 742.M41. First blood as a Chapter came during The Damocles Crusade, against The fledgling Tau Empire, where they aquitted themselves admirably in actions on the surface of Hyrax III, and also in a gigantic space/orbital battle above the dirt brown globe in the same campaign.

Here though, the Chapter was to receive it's first taste of significant loss when the then Flagship: Khan's Anvil suffered severe punishment at the hands of a trio of Tau Manta class heavy cruisers. Although Chapter Master Abraxas Sentor deftly swooped and veered in the colossal battle, utterly obliterating the Sept Clanmaster's own Flagvessel with a nova cannon strike, and crippling a second, it was the third Manta which struck the mortal blow.

As Khan's Anvil limped around to face the final foe the venerable craft was biscected by no less than 5 seperate Ion torpedoes, and finished with a withering hail of magmarail-cannon salvos to the command bridge. Khan's Anvil, Flagship of the young Chapter for only 4yrs imploded as its warp engines detonated under such a fusillade.

Revenge came quick though as the Anvil's implosion created a warp flare which destroyed the Tau vessel's equivalent of The Geller Field, and it was sucked into the realm of Chaos with the loss of all hands.

A permanant stellar beacon marks the Chapter Master's last site of battle, and his personnel standard now flies with uncounted others on the Avenue of Heroes on Holy Terra.


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