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Starting with the Talion Charter

The Talion Charter binds together former members of the mutinied Exeter. Lead by Captain Phinneas Shae, a wanted man, the Charter seeks to fight and defeat the Mercarian League.

One way to start with the Talion Charter is to buy the equivalent of a battlebox. However, you will have to order the models separately.

What to Order

Captain Bartolo Montador aka "Broadsides Bart"

  • PIP 41050

Of the Privateer warcasters available to the Talion Charter, Bart needs warrior models the least and ranged warjacks the most.


  • PIP 41019

The Mule will get to fire two steamlobber shots per turn from Bart's signature Broadside Spell, giving it two chances to cause a critical devastation.


  • PIP 41057

If the Mule or Buccaneer can knock them down, the Freebooter will use the Trash Ability on it to deal extra damage.


  • PIP 41040

The Buccaneer gives you two more opportunities to knock down enemy models by firing two shots. One on its own activation and one during bart's activation and Broadside Spell.

Tactics with Bart's Battlegroup

Beyond the Starter Set


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