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Greetings all, this is my short story (or the beginnings of it) any C&C is welcome. The title is above.

Brother Gabriel primed himself at the controls. Fuel tank full, weapons functional. He gazed at the controls longingly, hoping he could remember his training. Ignition systems primed, ammunition restocked. Strange dials and lights flickered in the darkness of the hangar. The Stormraven was ready to launch. Gabriel clutched the control stick with all his might, his panic overriding all his years of training. He wasn’t ready, no, not at all…

The Gunship plunged like a falcon, pointing Gabriel into the heart of the Necron tide below him. The air rushing overwing whistled, and Gabriel shut his eyes, bracing himself for impact. He squeezed the ingnition trigger, and the engines made a guttural sound, and then screamed into life. The gunship pulled upwards, and they were fully airborne. Gabriel swooped and dodged gauss arcs that flew across the sky, as the roar of Assault Cannon destroyed living metal with righteous fury. Plasma Cannon fire flew into the undead hordes, ripping apart the skeletal beings that lay below.

The Monolith peered over the edge, making a slow advance towards the enemy. Warriors shielded it’s advance as it spewed out more minions, and the Flesh Tearers that were on the ground were being overwhelmed. Gabriel saw the crisis, and acted without fear or hesitation. He flew towards the Monolith, and one of his Bloodstrike missiles streaked across the sky, its lazy contrail spiralling in the air. It swerved toward the Monolith, but moments before impact, the Monolith jumped out of the line of fire. Again, another missile aimed to close into the metal fortress, but to no avail. All seemed lost. Gabriel, seeing the destruction of his battle-brothers, flew into the heart of the metal hordes, aiming to strike down the metal behemoth…


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