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The 13th Company and the Grey Knights


The 13th Company and the Grey Knights

Space Wolves 13th Company and Grey Knights Brotherhood

During the 41st Millennium, the galaxy is at war. During the 999th year, the traitor Abbadon led the 13th Black Crusade from the Eye of Terror and descended upon the Imperial fortress planet of Cadia and the surrounding sector. During this chaos, the Cadian battle group “Creed’s Blade” volunteered for a counter invasion mission to destabilize the daemonic forces gathered on the hell-world of Voidsoul. A number of reports and rumors leaked out from the handful of survivors involved. This most coherent one being: “Thousands died in terror and pain over the first few hours on the invasion. Just as the Daemon war-host began to surround the Battle-group, something happened. A pack of wolf-things, jaws snapping and claws caked with blood emerged from the greenish fires of Voidsoul. These barely bipedal beasts, clad in broken pieces of power armor over their overly muscular frames, fell upon the Daemon Legions with a savage fury. Even the upright, proud figures that walked among them were terrifying to behold. Only through the intervention of these barbaric and feral rescuers, was any part of the Battle-Group saved from utter annihilation or worse.”

This report spread far enough through the battle groups involved in the fighting around Cadia to reach the ears of a operative of the Space Wolves Chapter before it was able to be silenced. Upon hearing this report, and with the subsequent investigation by their agents, the Great Wolf Logan Grimnar realized with utter certainty that these were his long lost brethren. Those sent into the Eye of Terror at Leman Russ’s command to hunt down and destroy those vile traitors to the Imperium. Logan was then torn between the joy of finding these long lost wolf brothers and the sadness to know they could not all join them in their great hunt. While Logan would have loved nothing more then to bring his entire Chapter with him into the empyrean realm and join his brothers, he knew that he could not. Like Russ decided before him, he could not forsake his duty to the All-Father and the Imperium and send the whole Chapter. Nor could he order any of the battle brothers to go where he could not lead them himself.

It was in this situation that Logan gathered together the entirety of the Chapter. He then began to tell the story of Cadian Battlegroup and discovery of their long lost 13th Company. And while he could not send any of the Great Companies into the chaos he would ask for any volunteers who wished to join their brothers in the quest to destroy the traitors and return victorious. There was not a silent voice in the audience to be had. Logan was struck by their dedication and desire to embark upon Russ’s given quest that he could barely bring himself to say that they could not all go. Since they could only send so many men to join in the quest, it would have to be the elite and proven among them who would be allowed to join their brothers. So it was then that the greatest heroes among them were chosen. The most skilled of Grey Hunter, most respected of Long Fangs, the most talented of vehicle crews and the most honored of Wolf Guard and Dreadnaughts. Only the most proven of commanders and their retinues of Rune Priests, Iron Priests and Wolf Priests were selected by the Great Wolf to lead them.

These warriors and heroes then laid down their own company heraldry. In honor of those who have fought for millennia against the traitors of the All-Father, they took up the long unused crest of the 13th Company and repainted their equipment. For only once their mission was complete would they be able to return to reclaim the legacy that they would leave behind. They then set forth into the Eye of Terror to join their battle brothers of long ago.

These reinforcements moving to join the lost 13th Company did not go unnoticed however. One group that became aware of this was the Sons of Magnus the Red. While vile traitors and cursed psykers all, they had never been foolhardy or had lack of foresight. They realized that should these reinforcements join with the incessant threat of the 13th Company, they would be in serious trouble of being able to fulfill their revenge for the burning of Prospero. They also realized that this would offer them the greatest of opportunities to lead and attack on the rest of the Space Wolves chapter. Since such a sizable force of their elites had joined the 13th Company, and most of the rest of their chapter was engaged in the fighting around Cadia, there would scarcely be a better time to lead an assault upon The Fang.

To assault the Fang however, would be costly and hard, even with the severely limited forces there. The Thousand Sons knew they could not do it by themselves. They looked to their fellow traitor marines for aid in this goal. They came to the former Word Bearer Daemon Prince M’kar. M’kar being no different from any other Daemon, would only agree to help in exchange for great rewards. The Thousands sons agreed that in exchange for the burning of Fenris, they would help conquer Ultramar so the Word Bearer could make it his new daemon-empire.

The legions of Chaos are not the only ones in the galaxy that have a special interest in the Space Wolves. After the fallout of the 1st Armageddon war and the intervention of Space Wolves chapter letting many of those who were involved in the war to escape the culling by Grey Knights, the Inquisition has always kept close watch upon them. Between the fragmented reports from the Cadian Battle-group and the massive mobilization of the Wolves, the Inquisition could only conclude that the 13th Company had emerged from Eye and that the rest of the Chapter had gone to great lengths to keep it a secret from the Inquisition. A strike force of Grey Knights and operatives was launched with the goal of removing the group of potentially chaos-tainted marines and all of the mutant wulfen before they could bring harm to the Imperium or word of them escaped to more ears. The strike force moved quickly in order to catch the 13th Company and their new reinforcements before they could retreat to far into the realm of chaos and out of the Grey Knights reach.

The Grey Knights determined that extermantius of the planet Voidsoul was the best option available. Before they could move into position to complete it however, a whole fleet of Battle-barges appeared and moved in to intercept them. Preventing the Inquisition from destroying the planet and all the Space Wolves below. Logan Grimnar had caught word of the Grey Knights and had pushed the entire Space Wolves fleet at full capacity to arrive before the Inquisition could commit more atrocities against the loyal servants of the All-Father. Prevented from enacting exterminatous or launching a full-scale assault, the Grey Knights were forced to launch an entire assault planeside via teleport in order to bypass the Wolves fleet. Standing on the edge of the green warp flames that marked the barrier between reality and the wild chaos beyond, the Wolves were then suddenly surrounded by a host of Grey Knights, clad in Aegis armor and armed with all manner of psy-weaponry. All of which was aimed squarely at the Wolves.

Just as the tension between the two groups of Astartes was about to break into direct conflict, a figure emerged from the Warp to stand on the edge of reality. A lone figure of immense power and will, resplendent in shinning silver terminator armor and glowing with an aura of one who is a follower of the God Emperor. In his right hand held a sword that danced with both demonic powers as well and the holy light of the Emperor. In his left held a storm shield of intricate design and with a personalized heraldry upon it that was immediately recognized by every member of the Inquisition.

Just as the Thousand Sons noted the actions of Space Wolves, the actions of M’kar and his kind were in turn noticed. For inside the realm of impossibilities, roams a hero and loyal servant of the Emperor. One who despite all forms of twisted evil, has refused to yield. A hero who takes a special interest in the Daemon Prince M’kar and will do anything he can to destroy as much of the chaos spawned filth possible.

As Lord Kaldor Draigo strode forth from the depths of the Warp, every member of the Inquisition took a knee in honor of their lost Supreme Grand Master. “Brothers, why are we fighting amongst each other? Now is not the time to be in conflict with ourselves. The enemies of mankind are gathering against us and if we destroy each other here, we may as well be surrendering the Impeirum to them.” Kaldor then explained out what he learned of the traitor marines plans to destroy both Fenris as well as Ultramar while the forces of the Emperor were distracted. The wulfen howled in anger and desire to destroy their enemies. The Grey Knights were taken aback by the lack of foreknowledge about it from the Prognosticars.

Lord Kaldor Draigo then extended his hand to the Wolf Lord Bulveye. “I may not leave this warped unreality upon my on accord, nor can my fellow brothers enter easily. With the help of you and your Rune Priests however, we will be able to travel quickly through the Warp and lay into the forces of M’Kar and the Sons of Magnus before they are able to bring their evil deeds to pass.” With a growl of barely controlled rage, the Wolf Lord agreed.

While whole proceedings played out across the CIC of the flagships in both fleets above, there was nothing that could be done to affect the outcome. Even though their Supreme Grand Master has requested the help of the 13th Company, the Inquisition as a whole could not suffer the existence of the Company any longer then was necessary. When the next opportunity arose, there would be no stopping their cleansing. And while both Logan above and Bulveye below could accept the outcome for now, neither one enjoyed working with psykers nor was foolish enough to believe that the Inquisition had anything less then their destruction in mind. An uneasy alliance of had been settled. It was up to them to save both Fenris and Ultramar. And regardless of how they felt about each other, both groups knew what was at stake.

With a wave from Bulveye, the 13th Great Company set forth into the Warp to continue their Primarchs quest with their new Wolf Brothers. And with a command from Lord Kaldor, the gathered Grey Knights moved forward to join with their Lord and entered after the Wolves of Russ.

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