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The Black Tears

Hi, this is the first time I have posted Fan Fiction and well on a forum really. I am new and I wish to try and improve my writing through one of my favourite franchises, Warhammer 40k, I hope you enjoy what read here and I am open to any and all feedback, just anything really to improve what I do. I know it's a bit long and I'll try to change it if this gets a good response and I may go more in depth with the Chapter. Thanks. Trying to get the hang of the layout as it spreads way too far across the page, is there a way I can fix this. The Black Tears Prologue: Avverous had doe this hundreds of time before, just this time it was different. Not by much just enough to have everyone on edge. Three weeks prior the Black Tears Chapter had picked up a distress call while investigating possible Tyranid infestation. The distress call came from an Imperial Guard outpost on the planet Tresa III. It wasn’t the normal distress code, the man wasn’t of rank to have any authorisation to issue a warning, the man’s voice was full of fear, his armour was cracked and bloody and he was screaming at the top of his voice “Their here, oh… there’s thousands of them send help or we’re all dead…Ahhhh!!” The man’s voice cut off as an explosion went off, a deafening chant blasted out of the message, the sound of screaming and hacking filled the ears of those who listened. Until it all stopped and an ork’s voice was heard “’At humie got a message off, trash da place boyz!” The message was over. When the Chapter arrived at the planet the Imperial fleet was destroyed entirely, all that remained was the charred hulls and fragmented pieces of metal. The Grand Master Aariel summoned the captains to the bridge of The Floodgate.

“As you know three weeks ago, the 1st Tresa Regiment sent out a distress call since then there as been no more contact with the planet” stated Grand Master Aariel. “Specifically the call was sent from the industrial area of the planet, in the area to Reaver class Titans are based and were about to be sent to the Blood Angels, but since it seems Ork’s have taken the area are job is to secure the Titans until Mechanicum can arrive to fully remove them” The Captains looked around at each other, the Devastator Captain Demnos nodded with his usual stony expression, it was joked he was an Imperial Fist but got on the wrong ship. The Assault Captain Hader seemed a bit taken back at the instructions given and Avverous shared the Hader’s silent shock unlike Scout Captain Feroun, who openly voiced his opinion on the matter. “Grand Master what about the Imperial Guard Regiment on the Planet surely they should be of equal priority…” “It pains me to say it but they are not, our founding Chapter requests the Titans for a war effort and they need them more than the Imperial Guard” replied Grand Master Aariel. “Grand Master, we should scout the planet and see if the Guard are still there before we rush full assault…” “Silence Feroun! Yes you bring a good point but it’s not our choice they need the Titans” “Grand Master Aariel…” The room fell silent as the voice emerged along with other so far silent companions. Librarian Exador strode through the room accompanied by the Terminator Captain Raegor, the Dreadnought Saendor, Chief Apothecary Vadrel and Techmarine Janus. “Ah Exador you join us at last and see with the others” “Yes Grand Master, I apologise for my lateness, and I’m afraid I have disturbing reports” “Well then speak them” commanded Aariel. “As you wish, I have detected a strong psychic on the surface” “An Ork shaman?” inquired Avverous. “No it’s much more powerful than that, it has effectively sealed the planet off from any of our scanners” said Exador. “Another reason why we should send a scout group” blurted Feroun. “Feroun again you forget who is in command here, but in light of this new evidence you will take and team of fifth teen scouts and scout the area, seven will go to the area were the psychic waves are most powerful and eight will scout the forge complex and place a teleporter for the Terminators” “Thank you Grand Master, we will begin deployment now” “And Exador monitor the psychic area and tell me if it changes” “Yes Grand Master” “As for the rest combat readiness until further notice”

As Feroun gathered his gear slinging his sniper rifle across his back and picking up his bolter he turned to see Avverous walking towards him. “Avverous?” asked Feroun “I came to see you, be careful down there those Ork’s down there aren’t going to just let you prance around” “Avverous, I know I’ll be fine…” “That may be the case but last time you lost your arm” said Avverous pointing to Feroun’s bionic arm. “Don’t worry about that, the Mad Dok died in the explosion” “You don’t know then” “Know what, what’s there to know?” “He ain’t dead, that was him on the recording” “What….How do you know it’s him?” “He didn’t sound like a Warboss and he is the only Mad Dok to lead an Orkish Warband” “If it is him I’ll send him my thanks” “No you won’t do the mission and leave, he’s more trouble than he is worth, you seen the experiments you don’t want that happening again” “Damn you Avverous” cursed Feroun. “Always the smart one you were, fine I’ll stay away if I see him” “Good see you on the ground Feroun” “Yeah, one way or the other”

Feroun boarded the Strombird and surveyed the team assembled there. They all sat ready for orders. “Right, we are dropping in to blind territory, a psychic storm is blocking our scanners and most likely our comms as well, so stick close together, seven of you will investigate the psychic area and the rest of you with me are checking the forge complex for Ork activity and to locate the Reaver Titans and deploy a teleporter homing beacon for the Terminators to deploy, any questions… good”

Avverous watched s the Strombird flew away until it was a tiny spec in the distance. He turned to see Janus the Techmarine walking towards him carrying a combi-bolter in his hand. “I’ve been assigned to your squad for the drop later” said Janus. “You are going in to secure the area along with the Terminators and I can’t teleport down so I’ll be dropping with you” “Luck will on our side then as we are going through munitions complexes from reports they have heavy security and we’ll need you to get through it with minimal damage to the building itself” “Well then let’s just hope the Ork’s ain’t in there yet”

Feroun braced as the Strombird slowed as it neared the surface, he buckled in his seat as the Strombird rocked, the warning claxon sounded in the bay of the ship Feroun hit the vox, “Pilot, status!” “Sir Ork’s have anti-air cannons they are firing at us, I’ll have to set us down now or…” The Strombird exploded.


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