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The Khador Toolbox

While collecting your Khador army, you will see use out of certain models again and again. Starting with the Khador Battlebox, the following models are also solid additions to any Warmachine army.

What to Order

Making Widows


  • PIP 33014

Widowmakers are a precision ranged harrier unit. Their Sniper Ability lets them target damaged columns of a warjack or aspects of a warbeast and take out key systems. They also put the scare in high ARM units by being able to automatically damage them for one point.

Power of Cold


  • PIP 33025

Greylords help Khador control the table with their magical abilities. They have magical spray attacks that ignore stealth, melee combat, and concealment/cover. They can also use Ice Cage to try to make a target model stationary.

Warcaster's Best Friend

War Dog

  • PIP 33060

The War Dog is a solid protector for any Khadoran warcaster. It increases the warcaster's DEF in melee combat, and it has the Counter Charge Ability that allows it to engage or block a charge against its warcaster should a model foolishly step within range of it.

Hunter of Men


There are two sculpts available for the Manhunter. The first one is male:

  • PIP 33016

The second one is (you guessed it) female:

  • PIP 33052

Manhunters are useful additions to many Khadoran armies thanks to their two melee attacks and Weapon Master Ability. They are effective melee combatants, striking from terrain to charge someone or something and rolling four dice for damage.

Then they swing a second time with three dice for damage.

A Kodiak Moment


  • PIP 33023

Your standard hard hitting warjack is the Juggernaut. Your warjack that can shoot is the Destroyer Warjack.

When you need something a little faster and versatile, you bring the Kodiak. It uses the Pathfinder Ability to navigate terrain, two open fists to throw or pound enemies, and a heavy boiler that lets it run for free.


Familiarize yourself with these Khadoran tools, and you'll find a place for at least some of these models in many of your Khador armies.


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