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The Rising Suns


At the beginning of 738M41 the Cult of Promethean have petitioned to the High Lords of Terra to create a new chapter derived from the gene-seed of Vulcan. The petition was granted and the Salamanders sent a detachment of marines to undergo the founding and take up the task of gathering aspirants, a time consuming task as the world was ablaze in civil war between six clans or Daimyo as the inhabitants call them

As the members of the Salamanders collect the youth to undertake the conditioning to become scouts. It is evident that the biological structure of these people have proved to take to it well as evident in the numbers. It is only once in a long time that you will get more than a handful of aspirant scouts that pass the first part of their trial but of the first batch of 10000 we have had 47 survive and take to the augmentation including a select few that have shown signs of latent psyker powers that properly groomed could be the first Liberians of the chapter ....


A chapter has been forged and has been given the name the Rising Suns as homage to when the chapter stoped the cival wars and put the planet into as the natives say "a new day". A chapter fortress has been constructed upon the Highest Peak of the only continent and been gifted the Battle Barge Yamamoto, several thonderhawk gun ships along with two score drop pods.


Kyushu VII is located half way between Ichar IV and Icefang in the southeast quadrant. The Rising Suns live on the only continent, Taito. Taito has lush green grass, plants, trees, rolling hills and mountains. The inhabitants are made up mostly of farmers, artisans, and merchants the planet mostly being covered by water, but Otherwise the climate is very moderate. Taito is sirounded by mountans beond the mountans is a inland dessert .The Rising Suns live in a mountain side monestary in the city of Azumi which is located in the middel of this dessert. Kyushu VII has a peroduction of a small forge wrold


The chapter is simeler to the salamanders the Rising Suns favers skill at the forge and makes almost all of their eqitment and that thay have less than ten companys the 1st being veteran, the 2nd and 3rd being comprised completly of tatical squads the 4th devastater squads and the 5th are fast attack units finaly, the 6th company being scouts. Each company is 100 men strong. The Rising Sun chapter vastly perfers razorbacks to other land transports. and althow thay have no suites of tatical dreadnought amour bosts some of the most master crafted wepons, and atifiser suites.

Chapter Terminology

  1. Shogun - supreme commander
  2. daymo - commander
  3. Yamabushi - Librarian
  4. Sohei - Chaplain
  5. Bushido - dreadnought
  6. Samurai - Elite troops
  7. Shinobi - scouts
  8. Ashigaru - basic troops
  9. Kamikazi - jetpacks
  10. Kyudo - Heavy Weapons Team
  11. Oban - Tank Squadron

Takeda Kenshin - Shogun

Takeda Masamori - Yamabushi




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