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Turnover at Ootheca

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This is my first time attempting some fluff like this and I know my grammar isn't the best but its more about the story.

Title Of this Story

Turnover at Ootheca

Was reading about Gitsplitta blog about building a MW army and when I got to the pages where they were talking about turning their home planet over to the Space Sharks this kinda popped into my head

High above the Mantis Warrior home world or as it was soon to become known as the home of the Space Sharks Chapter hung a mighty Battle Barge of the Space Sharks Chapter and several smaller ships. The battle barge hung in space like the fierce predator it was named after standing watch over the smaller ships headed out system. Inside the throne room of the battle barge a fierce debate on the world’s future was nearing its conclusion.

“I still believe this to be a mistake” spoke the Chaplain in a brass rumble as he paced back and forth along the right side of the throne. “You have seen the corruption that lies within these people. They are weak and easily exploitable but with a few words whispered by those seeking power. That you would knowingly weaken us and the history of our Chapter with this…filth is not something I will let go unvoiced.”

“Careful Brother, lest your words veiled meanings be brought to the fore.” Spoke the Chief Librarian. “I hear your words and understand your concerns. We have been to long without a home or a people. They need us as much as we need them. To be seen as the source of a Chapter such as the Mantis Warrior will leave them tainted to their neighboring systems. They will train harder, fight harder, and produce even better candidates for our Chapter and to prove they are worthy of having our name attached to their system. You know that I am correct in this.”

“It does not matter is you believe you are correct or not. What matters is that we did not get a true world we won by conquest. We are being given a world that produced traitors to the Imperium. Adeptus Astartes traitors! A world tainted by their culture. Their ways of life. This world is the source of their blood and their imperfection. I would not have that infection take root in this Chapter.” Spoke the Chaplain.

“Enough.” Whispered a voice from the darkness of the throne. As a pale face leaned forward from the darkness each warrior could see the hint of a smile tugging at the corners of the sharp mouth. “I have made my decision about the world. Send for the Mantis Warrior.”

The Chaplain nodded to the terminator guard at the portal and each grabbed one of the ornate handles for the massive doors, stepping back to allow them to swing open and a line of bright light to illuminate a walkway from the foot of the throne to a lone Mantis Warrior in the room beyond. The Chaplain beckoned him forwards with a flick of his power fist. The lone figure walked into the room and bowed in front the Space Sharks Chapter Master holding out a stasis case which contained the precious documents detailing the ownership and history of the world known as Ootheca.

“What’s this?” Spoke the Chaplain. “This traitor comes before us with the fresh paint of Chapter Master on his armor. I can still smell the chemicals in the wet paint.”

“I am no traitor. My chapter has been granted His Forgiveness.” Retorted the Mantis Warrior.

“Only if you don’t fail as I’m sure such weaklings as you will,” snapped the Chaplain as he activated and deactivated his powerfist to emphasize his point.

“That’s enough Brother. This is not your time to speak,” voiced the Librarian from his side.

Walking to the Mantis Warrior the Chapter Master reached out and took the stasis case from his hands. “I feel that I should let you know that I have decided to agree with the Inquisition and invoke Rights of Conquest saving this world from being destroyed,” he spoke in a soft tone as he walked to the viewing port.

“You have my thanks Brother. For these are a strong people and will do you proud,” the Mantis Warrior spoke.

“No they will not,” spoke the Master as he turned to view the slowly spinning planet. “We will cull the population of this world until those truly loyal to the Imperium of Man are all that is left and resettle it with help from the Inquisition. We will remove the stain from this planet and bring it into the fold.”

“You cannot do this,” the Mantis Warrior voiced as he surged at the Space Shark only to be stopped by the Chaplain and Librarian."These people are innocent! They have nothing to do with our choices!"

“That’s where you are wrong. I can and I will!” Voiced the Chapter Master and he crushed the stasis case and the precious documents contained within. “This world and the people of it belong to us. Now if you’ll excuse me I have work to begin, and I believe you have a suicide quest to begin traitor.”

As the Mantis Warrior Chapter Master stalked to his awaiting ship his thoughts were of vengeance. They will pay for this. Attacking the innocent people of this planet is a bigger heresy than that he claims to fight against the Mantis Master thought. I will make them pay, but for now my Warriors can not know. There are enough challenges ahead without losing sight of our goal. If we return…no not if. When we return they will pay for this.

“We will keep the world and it will be ready for resettlement by time the first ships arrive Inquisitor,” spoke the Space Sharks Master to a figure as it detached itself from the darkness of a corner.

In the more civilized areas of Ootheca all vox channels along with vox screens let out a loud static hiss before going black. From the speakers on the streets arose an eerie voice and the screens were said to have shown a darkness with gleaming white teeth which issued forth, “You have been found tainted along with your Mantis Warriors. The Sharks have come and you are now ours.” With that static returned and the rain began.


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