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Basic data

Name: The Swords of Bonnum

Founding Chapter: unknown

Chapter Master: chleb golata

Homeworld: Tempus Bonnum

Fortress Monastery: The Towers of Tempus Bonnum

Main Colours: Red with white trim with tabards and robes.

Speciality: Codex chapter, Plasma weapons

Battle cry:

The homeworld of The Brotherhood of the Sword was a large planet with many hives, and was a peaceful planet until the population suddenly exploded. Now the entire planet is covered in lights from cities that surround the hives that had to be built to accommodate the vast majority of Bonnumites, the entire planet hums with electricity and life as people within the Imperium flock to the great nightlife of the capitol city Civitas Magna. The battle brothers hide away in the towers of there fortress monastery in anger of what there homeworld has become at the hands of there people that have sold there souls and traditions to gluttony and selfishness, chapter master Golata has heard whispers of Slaaneshi cults and is currently investigating this treacherous accusation. The space marines are embarrassed by this, and have been known to blow up in the faces of other chapters and commanders that mock there place of birth. The space marines on the planet seem to be the only humans on the planet that have kept their native cultural heritage, because of this, they wear traditional native robes into battle that have been passed down from generation to generation. The Swords of Bonnum prefer to sort things out with words when dealing with a human planet and see the lives of humans as a top priority. When conducting raids and battles they will always go to great lengths to insure that any human civilian will be unharmed in the process. To be inducted into the scout company the applicants must go through a rigorous 48-hour written test, only the most in touch with the old ways of Bonnum are allowed to even go near the fortress monastery. The Bonnumites who pass this test must endure days of fighting in the fortress monastery’s coliseum against fully fledged battle brothers only those with the purest of hearts may join the ranks of the scout company, these events often last for 2 weeks, the applicants are free to leave at any time, and will often try to redo these tests the next time they are held.

1st company: The Emperors Bullwark

The people of Torian 9 affectionately gave the name to the 1st company after a long battle against a Tyranid infestation on their planet, The 1st company gladly took the name on and have designed heraldry for the name itself when a marine enters the first company after serving the sterngaurd veterans they are given terminator armour training and start off with a storm blotter and power fist. After years of fighting they are rewarded a pair of the chapters revered thunder hammer and stormsheild’s or a pair of relic power swords known as the blades of bonnum they are then trained in ultimate hand to hand combat.

Captain Terion of the 1st company rose through the ranks of the brotherhood of the sword at a fast pace, it wasn't until the battle of Sethrion 9 that he made a name for himself after the captain at the time was slain by a greater daemon of chaos Terion waded through the chaos filth picked up his captains spear and speared the daemon between the eyes, the daemon disappeared in a haze of warp fire. None know if the daemon died or was recalled into the warp by its god but it is general consensus that Terion has bought enough time for the company to gain strength to destroy the beast once and for all, Terion was elevated to company captain as soon as chapter master Golota heard the news.

2nd company


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