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Hi this is Andross AKA the Wanderer in the Eye. This is my profile page where people can find out about me. so here goes.

I am currently studying Creative Media Level 2 at Canterbury College, as well as Maths and English. I am 35 years old. And have been playing 40K since second edition. I got the Blood Angels Vs Orks box set and have been into all aspects of the hobby ever since.

My first army was Dark Angels. I got to over 3000 points worth of units. Which gave me a really flexible and diverse choice of units. I had at least 1 of every unit available in the third edition Imperial Space Marines and Dark Angels Codex's: Including all the Dark Angels Special Characters.

after seeing Chris Dennison's Dark Angels (awesome army Chris) I decided to add an Adeptus Ministorum Element to my army. It was led by Redemptor Kyronov, Uriah Jacobus, and a Priori Canoness. I had Three Battle Sister Squads and two Seraphim Squads. I then Added a 1500 point Catachan Jungle Fighters army.

I loved that force so much. Alas all good things must come to an end. I left it round a friend's house where we had been playing out a massive campaign. I was away at another friend's house when his Mum moved them all out the village, and my army went with.

I messed around painting models for display only for a few years, I couldn't find the heart to build a proper army for gaming ha ring lost such a personal and beloved thing as my very first 40K army. I'm sure many of can understand how painful that must be.

After a time however I decided to start fresh with two new armies. I loved my Space Marines so much but felt I was no longer able to serve the Corpse King so my first choice was simple Chaos Space Marines. I then decided the perfect army to complement them would be the Dark Eldar. I had gone to a very dark place indeed.

Now I have a new project. To build an advanced fan Codex:/Campaign Book cover every aspect of every faction in the service of the Dark Gods. Not just Space Marines and Daemons mind you, but Traitor Guard, Dark Ministry, Dark Mecanicum, Beast Men, and everything in between.

Any new units that I add to this book I will make as miniatures, then paint and post them so interested parties can follow the project as it develops.

I invite anyone interested in this project to provide feedback on rules etcetera and if it suits them add there own ideas and input to the project as a whole.

I look forward to working with you.


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