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User:CDR G

Jumping into Dakka Dakka. So a bit about me. I am a Dystopian Wars player in Fredericksburg, VA. I have a LOT of DW models. Complete FSA (dups of critical models, except Annapolis), Complete RC, RoF and double set of LoIS. Also the Black Wolfe Naval, complete Hournerable Eclipse Company, East India Merchant Company, Free/Royal Australian Naval group, and the Merchant Operational Assets set. Almost all painted. Still have a Russian Bomber to paint. Favorite has got be French. Trying out a convoy scenario with four BGs, the Convoy group and a Aerial BG against two Aerial groups (FSA have the models for that). 2,000 points each side. Including model that don't see a lot of table time otherwise/ There is a small number of DW players in the area. If you call Arlington in the area of Fredericksburg. I am interested in picking up the odd model and have a few things to trade.

Outside of DW I do Board gaming. Lots of old AH and GMT, and the complete Advanced Squad Leader series. That is mostly accomplished online with CyberBoard/ACTS or Vassal. So if anyone in the area is interested in a FTF or online on any of the above, let me know. CDR G


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