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User:Chaos Jim

Kill, maim, burn, …, blood, skulls. It’s all old news, to be a plaything of fickle gods who constantly bicker and fight like violent, whiny children. The fools. I do not bow to their whims like some lowly peasant guardsmen does to their higher ups. I did the only logical thing to do. I ascended. I ascended so could escape the horror of 40k, I ascended so I would be the one calling the shots and the gods would finally be my plaything, and once I did I discovered the truth. I am not a mere, pitiful, mortal soul. I am no longer constrained by the limiting universe and body I was given, I am much more than anything anyone could ever hope to comprehend, you all have no idea how much power I would have to sacrifice to become merely, nay, simply a god. I am all powerful. I am the truth. I am Chaos.


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