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User:Dark Apostle Thirst

Ok, right. A lot of you know me from the Legio and from New Badab. For those of you who don't, I'll give you a quick run-down on what to expect.

I'm a Chaos fan and know the material concerning it pretty well, though I lack the old tomes of the Lost and the Damned from the very beginning. I don't consider this a loss on my part - most of you know how eager GW is to retcon things and by this time the older works are becoming obsolete, if they aren't already. I'm also a grammar nazi and perfectionist in my work, and not only am willing to accept criticism but often seek it out. I want to know my mistakes, because if I don't then how can I fix them? Bear in mind, I'm also pretty straightforward with my own criticism of another's work, but I do my best not to offend or insult. It's simply counterproductive, how can they fix their mistakes if they are too focused on the guy who just called them an idiot/fool/etc etc etc?

Lastly, I am a Christian. I'm not going to force my beliefs on you and I prefer religion to not be brought up at all in discussions - too many on both sides can see only their own point of view. I will, however, do my best to act as my God would have me do. If I've done anything to wrong someone, I apoligise to them, and to any of my brothers or sisters who I have given a poor example for.

As always, thanks for looking,



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