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User:Mookie Blaylock

I've been in the process of building an ork army for the best part of 4 years now and I'm still trying to finish them, or at least get a respectable amount of them painted up. The main reasons that the army is taking so long are that I'm quite lazy and easily distracted when it comes to painting, some weeks I can sit and paint for a few hours every night, and then might not touch a model for over a month, usually this results in a bunch of unfinished models. Another reason behind the slow painting process is the fact that I always try and paint to a high standerd, even with 6pt ork boyz. This can get a bit boring really, but to date I've always been happy with the rather few finished models I've produced.

Included below is are two pictures of one of the finished squads, a unit of ten slugga boyz and their trukk.

And from the side,

I have more models painted, (it hasn't taken me 4 years to paint one squad, I'm not that bad) but have yet to upload much more to my gallery, I have a buggy there if you want a look though.

More to come at a later date, possibly.



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