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OK, well I guess I'll give this thing a shot! Well I have been posting on Dakka for a while now, since about December '08, at the time of writing, I have made over 620 posts, most of which were spam :) I play several armies for the GW game Systems Warhammer 40K and Warhammer Fantasy, in WHFB I play: Orcs and Goblins Warriors of Chaos and Wood Elves

In 40K I play: Space Marines (of the White flavour) Necrons Chaos Space Marines (of the Blue and dusty flavour) and Tyranids

I have a Daemon army that is used in both game systems

Recently, me and my friend Jake (posts on Dakka as 'Model Collector') decided to try our hand at making up our own game system, basically it is set in an alternate past where Queen Victoria never came to the throne and was replaced by an ambitious inventor named Solomon Fudge, his Empire covers much of Europe and the Game is all about various factions vying for control over the rest of the continent, the armies are: The Grand Empire of the Steam States (A VSF/Steampunk force, which I play as) The Treekin (Mysterious humans who worship nature) The Undead (Zombies and such) The Beestes offe the Nyte (A Werewolf army)

Current articles by P4NC4K3 http://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/P4NC4K3%27s_Necron_Patrol My Necron Army Profile


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