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Real name: Scott Age: 19 Hobby: 40k and epic-40k. Starting WHFB. Armies: Blood angels, Imperial guard, Burning legion (vannila marines). WHFB: Chaos and possibly High elves. When did you start the GW hobby?: 2009 Favourite books: Horus rising by Dan abbnett, Halo: Cryptum by Greg Bear. Favourite Video Games: Halo 3, Halo: Reach, 40k: Space marine, Darksiders, Skyrim, Dawn of war 1 and 2 (all add-ons) Favourite films/videos: Dawn of Awesome 1-5, Inception, Paul, shaun of the dead.

A short story for 40k:

Warrior of darkness.

Chapter one:

Would the Emperor approve? Hell no! He'd just sacrificed over half a planets population to his secret, no our secret. Captain Seranus knew full well that he would be in BIG trouble with the Inquisition when they caught him. He didn't mind, most of the imperium thought that he and his men were corrupted by chaos 10,000 years ago. The burning legion was truly loyal to the Emperor and it was Seranus' and Master Ethan's belief that if the legion saved a few imperial worlds someone might pass a message on to segmentum command about their heroism.

Why did he do it? To safeguard the chapters secret from the imperium, a psychic on the planet had detected that many of the battle-brothers were psykers. The mortal told everyone what he'd found and Seranus had no choice just to wipe them out. He'd told them it was for their own good. It would help the Emperors angels of death.

'Captain, Inqiusitorial vessel inbound, activating warp drive!' yelled Sargeant Nero from his station on the bridge.

There was a loud thud as Seranus' ship entered the warp.

Send me a PM if you want more.


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