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Well this should be good! I hope I get this right (its my first battle report!) this is an objective match the objectives are: a crashed land raider, the citadel gaming hill and the aegis defence post. the crashed land raider is on the o+t side of the board and the gaming hill on the salamander's side. while the post was set up in themiddle.

orks and tau Player Army List= tau: 1 fire caste,crisis battle suit commander,stealth suit team,devilfish. orks:warboss, 20 boyz, 6 nobz, looted predator

salamanders Player Army List= 1 captain,5 assalt terminators with thunder hammers,tactical squad,scouts with snipers, whirlwind ,dreadnought.


Turn 1: the marines win prioity so they move the scouts on to the hill and the rest of the armymoves towards the other objectives. in the shoot phase the scouts take aim and score a wound on the warboss. in the t+o turn the stealth suits creeped their way to the land raider ob while the rest of the army made their way towards the post.

Turn 2: again the marines seized priority and moved their forces into the outpost. in shooting the scouts were very lucky, scoring a good shot with their sniper rifles blowing up the devilfish. the men in the outpost trained their guns on the looted predator immobilising it for that turn. the o+t then retaliated by not moving but then firing all their heavy weapons on the whirlwind only to find that they only immobilised it.

Turn 3: saw the captain and the terminators charge into the boyz squad using their high initiative to slay half the squad causing a moral test, the remainder of the boyz failed sofled off the board edge back to their shax and mek workshops. the marines let out a war cry but never the less the nobz had spotted this and ordered that 'ANYONE DAT WANTZ REVENGE SHOOTT DA GUNZ DAT WAY!' bring ing to bear the fire caste, the nobz, the warboss and the battle suit. even through all this the terminators marched out of the smoke and dust losing only one of their number.

Turn 4: in this turn the scouts shot down the stealth suits on the land raider ob and the tactical squad split to form two combat squads and one of them used his missile launcher to eradicate the fire caste and the other combat marines sped off to the (now unguarded) land raider ob and seized it giving the marine side all of the obs in their hands. the o+t side disn't have much to offer as their gun shots missed. but did manage to kill three marines on the outpost making them take a moral test but

the brave superhumans yelled: 'FOR THE EMPEROR!' and held their ground.



Closing Statements Well, that was a corker of a match! the terminators were excellant earning the title of man of the match for soldiering on against a wave of orks. well done men!


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