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Hive Fleet Naga

My first army What i have done so far:

6 genestealers 8 hormagaunts 7 spore mines (3 frag, 2 toxic, 2 bio) 1 lictor

I also have 2 infestation markers and 1 hive node for objectives

What i have to finish/start:

3 warriors -hopefully i will be done with these first so i can get 2 troops and an hq 6 genestealers 1 lictor 1 carnifex

Planned 1000 pt. list

Hive Tyrant w/ scything talons

- I plan to convert one using a carnifex model and giving it the enhanced senses head to represent synapse, i dont know what else I'm going to do to make it look different perhaps a pose.

Warriors (3) w/ scything talons Warriors (3) w/ scything talons

-just plan to use them to provide some synapse coverage for the army, figure i'll just keep them cheap

Lictor (2)

-with an all close combat army i think some disruptors will help out and they also make sure my spore mines arrive, the feeder tendrils are a big help but i expect them to change when they get revised

Hormagaunts (8) Hormagaunts (8)

-tie down units until the bigger gribblies get around

Genestealers (6) Genestealers (6)

- keeping small to hide behind other units and also everyone always targets them so less points invested less worry

Spore Mines (3) frags Spore Mines (2) toxic Spore Mines (2) bio

- with no shooting i figure these guys can give me some cover and will target any threatening shooting units

Carnifex w/ scything talons Carnifex w/ scything talons

- cheap fexes to run and worry my opponents

i plan to build to a larger army probably at least 1500 but I'm torn one if i want more bodies or want to make them more effective when they get there. So its either more hormies, biomorphs, or a mixture of both.


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