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Also under the snow, buried and buried in the dust, that plum opened and open, Ying Xi lonely standing drunk on the lake, watching from afar can be seen that the enemy never returned. But who knew that the soldiers have been fighting alongside the enemy Oath, Wei Magnificence probably have not promised to honor her commitment to the ...... years of reincarnation, that fox that Wei is the enemy encirclement of Magnificence when they rescued him, she wanted to Wei Magnificence lonely woman waiting for a lifetime of pain, Wei Magnificence from being detained this fox, let him forget everything, no longer see the beauty laugh ...... time are gone Wei Magnificence into a zombie, and that fox looked at every day drunk on the lake, such as enemy deserved Ying Xi.

One day they fly to Xi Ying letter: To see the enemy, the West Yuting a poly. The next day, Ying Xi came to the pavilion, that fox and turned it into a beautiful woman, with witchcraft, so Wei Magnificence come together to attend the meeting with her, they are very close in front of Ying Xi, Xi Ying Wei Magnificence has forgotten that her, and suddenly the sky is gray head pressed down, without looking back, the tears Yanhui the heart, gradually gone away ......

Time age a man, yesterday's roots are old, and Ying Xi, sobbing, his face pale, emaciated body rely on a guqin territory next to her hope that those voices can bring her some explanation, let the heart recover calm. The days passed, and that the roof covered with snow, one wearing Su Yi, Kunlun comes from a long road to a dilapidated temple to avoid snow. Gradually the 'dead fox, you want me to put you, the door children are not, Pindao today to punish the' heart said so. He came to the fox's lair, saw the fox being sucked the blood of man, the moment he unsheathed his sword, and the fox began a bloody war ...... gusts blowing.

Fox is his sword, and fell in a pool of blood, groaning with pain ...... Wei Magnificence, I was lucky, and you die together, I love you ...... love this original stained with blood ...... afar began to snow, Xi Ying Qian Hua Wei picked up the bodies, walking in the snow ...... year after year looking for his so-called rebirth of art, willing him to wake up, to honor his promise . I hope he always guard her ......


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