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A long time ago, a powerful library of knowledge was lost. This artifact contains all human knowledge of the 20th-25th century, including redundant copies of all digital media from this time frame.It was the greatest cache of knowledge and information in the history of the human race. Once, during the Golden Age of Technology, this device was viewed as possibly the greatest creation of Mankind. But when the machines started to war with their creators, all forms of technology was abhorred.

Thus began the Dark Age of Technology.

Devices such as this became either a weapon, or currency used to wage war. Or even worse, brutally destroyed out of ignorance, intolerance, or both.
This pained a lowly engineer, the man whose responsibility it was to ensure the survival of this data for future generations. Taking advantage of a redesign of corporate policies regarding technology, the engineer stole a server blade

Now, 35 millenia later, this artifact has been found.

Reference for Nobz

  1. Dr. Rockzo (Pain Boy) http://www.mexicansamurai.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/09/rockso-300x261.jpg
  2. Pogo the Clown http://www.crimesceneforum.com/images/pogo.jpg
  3. Captain Spaulding http://myiq2xu.files.wordpress.com/2008/06/captain_spaulding2.jpg
  4. Pennywise the Clown http://doxxa.files.wordpress.com/2008/08/pennywise.jpg
  5. Canio, from Pagliacci http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/ABPub/2008/01/02/2004103967.jpg
  6. Bozo the Clown http://www.cinemarx.ro/stiri-cinema/wp-content/uploads/2008/07/bozo-the-clown.jpg
  7. Homie the Clown http://cn1.kaboodle.com/hi/img/b/0/0/4c/f/AAAAC7wCOi0AAAAAAEz_2g.jpg # # #


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