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Utan's Chaos Daemons

Army List

Chaos Daemons Roster - Nurgle Chaos Daemons

HQ: Ku'gath, The Plaguefather

HQ: Epidemius

Elite: Beasts of Nurgle

  3 Beasts of Nurgle
     Noxious Touch (x1)

Troops: Nurglings

  7 Nurglings

Troops: Plaguebearers of Nurgle

  5 Plaguebearers of Nurgle
     Noxious Touch (x1); Chaos Icon (x1); Instrument of Chaos (x1)

Troops: Plaguebearers of Nurgle

  10 Plaguebearers of Nurgle
     Noxious Touch (x1); Chaos Icon (x1); Instrument of Chaos (x1)

Heavy Support: Daemon Prince of Chaos

  1 Daemon Prince of Chaos
     Iron Hide; Mark of Nurgle; Cloud of Flies; Noxious Touch; Daemonic Gaze

Heavy Support: Soul Grinder of Chaos

 1 Soul Grinder of Chaos
     Mawcannon - Tongue; Mawcannon - Phlegm

Heavy Support: Daemon Prince of Chaos

  1 Daemon Prince of Chaos
     Daemonic Flight; Instrument of Chaos; Iron Hide; Mark of Nurgle; Noxious Touch

Total Roster Cost: 1,496 Pts

Unit Photos

HQ - Great Unclean One (old Greater Daemon model)

HQ - Herald of Nurgle (custom Epidemius)

Troops - Plague Bearers

Troops - Plague Bearers (converted from WHFB ghouls)

Troops - Nurglings

Elite - Beasts of Nurgle (1 old model and 2 chaos spawn-based)

Heavy - Demon Prince (old Chronopia Model)



Heavy - Flying Demon Prince (or Herald of Nurgle on Palanquin)

Heavy - Soul Grinder (Nurglesque)

Why I Started This Army

I simply liked the Nurgle art and fluff from days of old.

I had an attraction for all things Nurgle thanks to the cover art of "Realms of Chaos". I wasn't into WH back then and so didn't grab many of the models except those I could repurpose for my FRPGs.

When the Chaos Daemons book came out I thought, I'd make a little Nurgle-themed army from those models I had slowly accumulated over the years and flesh it out with a couple of newer ones.

This is the result is this army. Not exceedingly effective on the tabletop, but nice for me to look at.


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