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Washer Sizes for Adding Weight to Bases

Metal models have a good, hefty feel to them. Plastic and resin are great, but if you're prone to bumping feather-light models around when they're on the table like me, maybe you would like it if they had a bit more mass.

Introducing: Put Washers Under Your Bases!

I use three main sizes of washer for my 28mm, 32mm, 40mm, and 60mm bases, these being the most common base size at least for models I have.

  • 13/16" outer diameter washer for a 28mm base
  • 1 1/16" or 17/16" outer diameter washer for a 32mm base
  • 1 5/8" outer diameter washer for a 40mm base

For a 60mm base, I put 3 of the 1 1/16" washers under the base.


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