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how to create a snazzgun

I like customizing my Orks rather than use the things given to you. I created this snazz gun to go with my band of flash gitz. customizing guns is easy. All you need is a few different guns, then stick them together and make them look cool. I think it is better to use nob bodies rather than normal boyz because they look ridiculous with a huge gun.

This is another snazzgun i made from a twin linked shoota, rocket launcher, scope and i also added a chainsaw thing on the bottom, for close combat.

With this snazzgun i extended the barrels on this twin pistol by using Stikbombs, upside down. This is a clever and effective trick i saw somewhere on the internet.

This snazzgun has a twin linked pistol with a chainsaw and an additional shoota. I later added a sight onto it.

That concludes my article on how to create snazzguns for your flash gitz i hope i have been able to help some you but if not please remember i am only 13.

Thank you


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