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Nudity on miniatures...  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
Nudity on miniatures...
It is art - anything goes (yay slaanesh) 45% [ 1446 ]
It is art but keep it tasteful 26% [ 845 ]
Nudity is ok but nothing sexual 14% [ 451 ]
Young people play, keep it PG13 or below 5% [ 170 ]
There is a time and a place for boobies and wargaming is not it 8% [ 243 ]
Everybody should be wearing full suits of armour at all times 1% [ 42 ]
Other (write in) 1% [ 43 ]
Total Votes : 3240
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Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

London, UK

What are your feelings on the matter? Keep the discussion mature and within the rules of dakka as well please.

Check out our new, fully plastic tabletop wargame - Maelstrom's Edge, made by Dakka!
Made in us
Nasty Nob on Warbike with Klaw

Buzzard's Knob

If people don't like the bewbs, they have the option of not buying the minis. It is not everybody else's job to raise your children.

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

The land of cotton.

As long as it's not truly obscene (like depicting sexual acts or overt arousal, shall we say) then nudity in and of itself is not offensive to me. I say keep it tasteful but that's about it.
Made in us
Irked Necron Immortal

On the train headin down to delicious town

I wrote other as I dont really care one way or the other...

loota boy wrote:Ah, I see you have run into the great Mephiston, Lord of Cheese! Not to worry, that block of chedder can be tied up easily with 30 boyz, can get his ass handed to him in a match with Ghazzy, and can be squigified with Zogwort. How satisfiying would that be? ....Squigfiston, Lord of gak...
grendel083 wrote:"Dis is Oddboy to BigBird, come in over."
"BigBird 'ere, go ahead, over." "WAAAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!!!! over"
"Copy 'dat, WAAAAAAAGGGHHH!!! DAKKADAKKA!!... over"
Made in us
Serious Squig Herder

There are certain types of minis where nudity makes sense:

Amazons (or any deep jungle theme)
Egyptians (or any desert theme)
Beserker units

and prolly a few more I'm forgetting. That are prefectly acceptable IMO. As long as it's not "everyone's naked for no reason,and by everyone I mean only the women."

Personally I think it'd be funny if a giant or ogre had their big giant dong dangling below their kilt or somesuch. Likewise if most female demons are portrayed as succubi-like, more male demons should be packin'.
Made in gb
Hellacious Havoc


It's just nudity. Couldn't care less, and really don't understand why some people get so worked up over it (whether their reaction is disgust, amusement or titillation). I also agree that for many armies lack of clothing just makes sense. Of course, if you have an explicitly themed army it's inappropriate to show it to young 'uns. But that's really the only time it should be an issue.
Made in us
Fanatic with Madcap Mushrooms

Chino Hills, CA


Nudity is, technically, art. Even in a miniature form. So, they have a right to do so.

But, I'm sick of mini's with the overly sized "Assets", who do absolutely nothing but show off their "Assets".

Come on! You're in the middle of a damn battlefield, show some common sense (rather than skin) and get yourself some armor of some kind.

Hedonistic Pleasure Daemons would be, of course, incomplete without said "Assets", and are excused from the above argument.

But, a little off topic, it's not like the new plastic Slaanesh Daemonettes evoke anything than utter disgust...

Some people play to win, some people play for fun. Me? I play to kill toy soldiers.

WHFB, AoS, 40k, WM/H, Starship Troopers Miniatures, FoW

Made in gb
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Omadon's Realm

Breasts on minis is fine, genitals should be covered up. Esp soulgrinder's erect ones...

Give me back the diaz daemonettes...

Made in us

The paint dungeon, Arizona

Just like in the movies, I feel we're a long ways from equal opporunity in regards to full frontal nudity.

I dunno how many times I head "Watchmen was awesome except for the that blue dudes #$%^ hanging out all the time".

If the blue dude had been a blue chick the whining would have been minimal.
Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps

About to eat your Avatar...

Were people really all that offended by Watchmen? The guy was translucent blue FFS... anyway.

I could honestly care less what GW produces, that is their decision ultimately. Nudity is not offensive to me, but I can honestly say that a ding-dong monster is just way to freaking disturbing. Geiger has done a fantastic job of using the form without the detail, and I see nothing particularly nasty in his art. Just because something is nekked, does not mean it is any more artistic than the Porky's movie.

This is my opinion basically, but I feel that a war-gaming mini is not art until you choose to make it that way; miniatures are mainly a medium that you choose to work in. Some miniatures such as many of the Forge World models were designed to be display pieces, without much thought to how they would function on a gaming table; the fans get to figure that one out .

If I am not mistaken most of the vehicles used in War-gaming are built a lot thicker than some of the vehicles kits you get for dioramas or display pieces. Just one of many factors that make most war-gaming miniatures less accurate to their original designs as a sacrifice to the functional aspects of the model. As soon as a piece of art becomes literally functional, it ceases to be "true" art, which I consider to be a purely aesthetic thing. For these reasons you could say any "Art" that has has intention beyond aesthetic value is actually not art at all. Whether you choose to call it art is entirely up to you, but the limitations of this definition confine your perspective to a generalized and rather metaphorical twist from what is truly intended by the term of "Art".

Hence, a photo of a cherry blossom tree is not art until the shot has been taken. Even then the image is so generically embedded in our subconscious, the form of "Art" that is invoked by such images has a much more socially accepted "normal" response. This should be the same for nudity when you add all of the factors up, but there are a lot of reasons for this overt-sexuality taking form through nearly every facet of our media (war-gaming included). Anyway... I may be ranting technically .

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/08/16 23:54:25

Made in au
Morphing Obliterator


The nudity in the watchmen was possibly the only Non-gratuitous nudity in a movie I have ever seen. It was an essential indication of Dr Manhattan's increasing separation from his humanity - why would he worry about clothes, when 'its all just molecules anyway'.

Anyway, If you are building your own artistic army, Im not going to deny you the ability to make it as artistic/graphic as you like. Art should be confronting, and make us question our morals and ethics.

However if you are playing at the FLGS, maybe keep the Codpieces on your Termies, and the tops on your SoB's - This is a gaming environment, not the Louvre.
Made in us
Incorporating Wet-Blending

So long as its done well and done tastefully, I dont mind a bit.

Guess I dont care too much either way =P

Made in us
Honored Helliarch on Hypex

Back in GA

I know in the part of the US I live in, when they had the boobed daemonettes most stores shied away from displaying the models in storefront windows and such. Like it or not little kids do see this stuff and it can be tough for parents to explain the nudity part to younger kids. Trust me...I love boobs!!! but there is a time and place for it and I don't feel it is the table top.

I do what the voices in my wifes head say...
Made in us
Missionary On A Mission

The Eye of Terror

Nudity is fine, I view the hobby as an art form, but overtly sexual stuff is not art. This doesn't come up much, a naked woman or a willy here and there is fine, (see littleboyblues* gallery images for excellent examples of tastefully done work) a rhino with a sex toy attached to the top of it is not.

*Link to his profile: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/user/profile/13017.page

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/08/17 02:33:55

Made in au
Killer Klaivex

Forever alone

I think we need more Soulgrinders with penises.

People are like dice, a certain Frenchman said that. You throw yourself in the direction of your own choosing. People are free because they can do that. Everyone's circumstances are different, but no matter how small the choice, at the very least, you can throw yourself. It's not chance or fate. It's the choice you made. 
Made in us
Shas'o Commanding the Hunter Kadre


Not if they're giant, tasteless fething horse cocks we don't.

Nudity is just fine, I don't have a problem with it. Personally though I don't think it's really necessary to sculpt genitalia on Warhammer models, but if it's at least done tastefully I won't complain since I guess technically it is an art form. But a soulgrinder with no other conversion work done to it, except a stupidly long, erect penis complete with appropriately-sized nutsack, just sorta tacked on at the bottom? I really think there's something wrong with your head.

And the people that try to excuse it because "It's Slaanesh, lolz why so serious?!"...I really don't know what to say to you, other than you're fething stupid. Slaanesh can be faithfully represented on the tabletop without every single demon in the army being nude or depicting sexual acts, without 20 foot long "lashes of submission" that coil around the prince/sorceror's body, and without "power swords" attached to cod pieces. Crap like that is just crude and disgusting and makes the entire hobby look bad, and we don't need any more stigma attached to it.

That said, I won't disagree with you. If someone wants to do a Slaaneshi soulgrinder with a penis, go for it, but FFS do it well. If you can make it work then more power to you, but if you're just going to do it for the "lolz penis" reaction then please, don't bother.

 Desubot wrote:
Why isnt Slut Wars: The Sexpocalypse a real game dammit.

"It's easier to change the rules than to get good at the game." 
Made in cn
Bounding Assault Marine

Naples, Fl

Go for it, but dont go overboard.

.. Black Forest .. Red Sea .. 
Made in ca
Excellent Exalted Champion of Chaos

Grim Forgotten Nihilist Forest.

The Old Daemonette's were way better,

Nudity is art isn't it

Well a wise man once said "Nudity is Art I came here to see you naked and have no shame at it at all!"

I've sold so many armies. :(
Aeldari 3kpts
Slaves to Darkness.3k
Word Bearers 2500k
Daemons of Chaos

Made in us
Frothing Warhound of Chaos

Marysville, WA

I agree with most of you all... females in bikini chainmail or less is funny, but totally tasteless.. daemonettes of slaanesh makes perfect sense, as do the old keeper of secrets.. heck, even the beasts of slaanesh have what... 5 pairs of boobs... now THAT is something I would think people would find horrifying, and OMG what are you doing to my kids.. but yes, you DON'T have to buy the minis... And I do agree with "equal opportunity" nudity... but find it amazing that more than a few seconds of full frontal male nudity will give a movie an X rating.. but not with females... is it really different?? Just because there is "more to see" in terms of us guys shouldn't matter.. in my humble opinion. That's why I was SO glad to find my old dusty unopened box of daemonettes, yeah they weigh a ton being metal, but they look SO dang COOL!!



(The EYES of Chaos see ALL) GLORY BE TO CHAOS!!

Made in ca
Committed Chaos Cult Marine


Yeah, same here, RennyD, on a similiar note, I've seen a terminator sticking the finger thanks to the Chaos terminator lord kit's oversized middle finger power fist.

Why would GW make a bit like that?

95% of teens would go into a panic attack if the jonas brothers were about to jump off the empire state building copy and paste this if you are the 5% who would pull up a lawn chair grab some popcorn and yell JUMP BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mekboy wrote:Tzeentch: Full house! Yay!
Deciver: Straight Flush! Yay!
Eldrad: Four of a kind! Awww!
Creed: Warhound titan. Die, xenos scum!

Made in nl
Spawn of Chaos


Guess if you really want boobs you can just go to the internetz and find more boobs than you can handle. Wargaming just isnt the place to be worrying about boobs.

There are no stupid questions, just stupid people.
Da Wulff Den

===== Begin Dakka Geek Code =====
===== End Dakka Geek Code =====

Made in us
Hellish Haemonculus

Boskydell, IL

The players of these games are adults (I dont see too many chiddrins playing, or being able to afford it) so we should all be able to accept a little skin. While I dont think it makes sense for your Chapter Master's sausage to be hanging out of his pants, if you have an army of demons, then the nudity can make them all the more horrifying (it provides a very visceral connection to the bodies we know as real, which when companied with the horrible demon-y bits makes for a nice kick to the 'that's just wrong' part of the brain)

However, I also understand that a games store owner might not want you playing with the nudie models (because kids DO shop in his store) during games at the FLGS.

And on a side note, I totally understand that this may further alienate us from non gamers. I mean, sitting around in a dark room and playing weird games with naked toys that you hand painted looks just a tad strange to an outsider.

Welcome to the Freakshow!

(Leadership-shenanigans for Eldar of all types.) 
Made in au
Owns Whole Set of Skullz Techpriests

Versteckt in den Schatten deines Geistes.

Who cares about nudity?

It never ceases to amaze me that people will cry foul over nudity on miniatures in a game where the good guys are warrior monks hell-bent on genocide.

Industrial Insanity - My Terrain Blog
"GW really needs to understand 'Less is more' when it comes to AoS." - Wha-Mu-077

Made in jp
Anti-piracy Officer

Somewhere in south-central England.

Some historical wargame figures, such as Celts, are available with dangly bits. It's historically realistic.

I'm writing a load of fiction. My latest story starts here... This is the index of all the stories...

We're not very big on official rules. Rules lead to people looking for loopholes. What's here is about it. 
Made in us
Executing Exarch

Dallas, TX

Hahaha, this should lead to another poll: How many junior highers on voted for unbridled nudity?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2009/08/17 09:54:17

How is it they live in such harmony - the billions of stars - when most men can barely go a minute without declaring war in their minds about someone they know.
- St. Thomas Aquinas
Warhammer 40K:
Alpha Legion - 15,000 pts For the Emperor!
WAAAGH! Skullhooka - 14,000 pts
Biel Tan Strikeforce - 11,000 pts
"The Eldar get no attention because the average male does not like confetti blasters, shimmer shields or sparkle lasers."
Made in au
Ferocious Blood Claw


If you want to put your units into battle half naked then they should forfeit their armour save or something...

Trust mathematics not Murphy's law.

2500 points

200 points 
Made in au
Revving Ravenwing Biker

Sydney, Australia

I just think keep it away from the kids.
That means not really in stores.

I have never really seen the daemonettes in store windows, but I imagine that this might be a reason.

I honestly prefer less nudity,
but they are models, not real people, I love the art aspect, but I totally disagree that nudity equals art. Art should be more and skin does not grant you meaning if it is crap!!

IE, if you are going to do nudey models,
you better do it well and tastefully or I don't want anything to do with it.
Made in au
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Tau Player

I always sculpt genitalia on my models, especially in the case of kroot (both male and female).

Well, maybe i don't. I'm quite happy seeing bare chests on both male and female models, but I think taking it further than that is just asking for trouble.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/08/17 10:56:01

Made in us
Moustache-twirling Princeps

About to eat your Avatar...

Canonness Rory wrote:Nudity is fine, I view the hobby as an art form, but overtly sexual stuff is not art. This doesn't come up much, a naked woman or a willy here and there is fine, (see littleboyblues* gallery images for excellent examples of tastefully done work) a rhino with a sex toy attached to the top of it is not.

*Link to his profile: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/user/profile/13017.page

I am assuming that you mean gratuitous sexuality, like... well most of this stuff (if not all) is done through conversion work. On a funnier note I would buy a penis-men army and I would laugh about it every single time I played a game... go that direction GW, I dare you .

The turd and boob armies are currently being conceptualized as we speak... a veritable gold-mine I tell you.

Made in us
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos


I say do whatever you want. It's your army. There is no threshhold, for all the people saying to "keep it tastefull," where do you draw that line? Daemon tits are ok, but not dongs? Human nudity is ok, but only if they are from a warm climate?
You do realize that you are basing your arguments on an imaginary reality, right? Either that or simply pushing your own standards of "acceptable" and "unacceptable" nudity. It's my fething army, and if I want to show my Slaaneshi Demon beating himself raw I should be able to do that.
I understand why certain flgs wouldn't want you showing of that stuff in front of underagers, but I feel that if ANY type of nudity is allowed, then ALL type of nudity should be allowed, or else NO type of nudity is allowed.

Veteran Sergeant wrote:Oh wait. His fluff, at this point, has him coming to blows with Lionel, Angryon, Magnus, and The Emprah. One can only assume he went into the Eye of Terror because he still hadn't had a chance to punch enough Primarchs yet.

Albatross wrote:I guess we'll never know. That is, until Frazzled releases his long-awaited solo album 'Touch My Weiner'. Then we'll know.

warboss wrote:I marvel at their ability to shoot the entire foot off with a shotgun instead of pistol shooting individual toes off like most businesses would.

Mr Nobody wrote:Going to war naked always seems like a good idea until someone trips on gravel.

Ghidorah wrote: You need to quit hating and trying to control other haters hating on other people's hobbies that they are trying to control.

ShumaGorath wrote:Posting in a thread where fat nerds who play with toys make fun of fat nerds who wear costumes outdoors.

Marshal2Crusaders wrote:Good thing it wasn't attacked by the EC, or it would be the assault on Magnir's Crack.
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