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Made in us
Hoary Long Fang with Lascannon

On the Ice World of Fenris....running with the wolves...

@ Sirbudligton

Thanks, Im pleased with the out come. I am going to be doing all of my behemoth models with the green. I like it.....A Lot!

DQ:90S++GM--B++ I+Pw40k09#-ID-A++/hWD-R++T(Pic)DM+ My blog of Tyranid/Space Wolves! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/422238.page 
Made in us
Fusilier Paramedic


Reminds me of the Creep from Starcraft

CKD's Warband

Made in gb
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

I did something like that on my lone zoey. I made it sort of like the zoey had just risen from the grueling biomass beneath itself. maybe I will get pictures for this!

For those whovians out there, I something planned.

Something big.

Made in se
Been Around the Block

So gonan use this to make my spores Just trying to find a nice object to cover in pva
Made in us
Oozing Spawning Vat

Maui Baby!


Have my babies
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

ordenrahl wrote:OP:

Have my babies

lmao you like then?
im glad! =] =]

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


ordenrahl wrote:OP:

Have my babies

Step off home-wrecker, you're in line

I'm a big fan of all the ideas other people are using with the original concept of this. I've seen pipes added in, the idea used for mutation, somebody used some chopped sprue to change the terrain a bit, I'm gonna use it to mess with the brains of my Zoe soon.... Way rockin'.

My next idea: What if you put some elmers down on the side of a tank, and just put down 1 big drop of super glue... think it'll look fairly good as battle damage? (eg: hole blasted in the side) If painted appropriately, of course.

Just wondering... could be an easy answer to my prayers, rather than attacking my rhino with a soldering iron...

Why is it that only those who have never fought in a battle are so eager to be in one? 
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

fenrir1997 wrote:
ordenrahl wrote:OP:

Have my babies

Step off home-wrecker, you're in line

I'm a big fan of all the ideas other people are using with the original concept of this. I've seen pipes added in, the idea used for mutation, somebody used some chopped sprue to change the terrain a bit, I'm gonna use it to mess with the brains of my Zoe soon.... Way rockin'.

My next idea: What if you put some elmers down on the side of a tank, and just put down 1 big drop of super glue... think it'll look fairly good as battle damage? (eg: hole blasted in the side) If painted appropriately, of course.

Just wondering... could be an easy answer to my prayers, rather than attacking my rhino with a soldering iron...

you would need to be VERY careful you didnt use too much glue for the bullet holes and such!, but i reckon you could pull it off!, would also look amazing if painted well =] =] good luck with that one! =] =]

Made in us
Oozing Spawning Vat

Maui Baby!

So I tried this at home with Citadel Modelling PVA Glue and I had some problems. Its been three days and the PVA glue hasn't turned transparent yet. The edges are clear but mostly the glue remains white. It did however create the fantastic texture.

I only used about .5cm in the thickest point and I probed around with my hobby knife and found all the white stuff is still un-dried glue.

I went out to Ben Franklin to try and find some more PVA glue but they didn't have any specific "PVA" glue. I remember someone saying that PVA glue is basically elmer's glue so I picked up some "Elmer's Craft Bond Fabric and Paper glue" which is white Elmer's glue that is acid free (also dries clear). When I tried it out, I found that it also has problems drying clear but I don't seem to get such a nice texture effect as using Citadel PVA.

Anyone have any luck with any Brand of glue Like Tack Glue, or Elemer's Glue all? I would just order what the OP used in the tutorial but I always get robbed on shipping because of where I live.

The superglue I've been using is Crazy Glue.



This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/02/09 09:23:16

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

hey i replyed to your message also... i dont ever wait for it to go completely dry, once the top has tryed thats when you apply the wash or paint, so you are doing it correctly your just too patient lol...
(which in most cases is ok)

it should take about an hour for the top to dry then you can get to work on colours! =] =]

Made in us
Hoary Long Fang with Lascannon

On the Ice World of Fenris....running with the wolves...

Agreed, elmers takes a long time to fully dry, but when the top is dry, get to work!

DQ:90S++GM--B++ I+Pw40k09#-ID-A++/hWD-R++T(Pic)DM+ My blog of Tyranid/Space Wolves! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/422238.page 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


I usually let it set overnight for good measure (I'd hate to ruin the detail of the scabbing effect, so...)

Why is it that only those who have never fought in a battle are so eager to be in one? 
Made in us
Oozing Spawning Vat

Maui Baby!

So I tried it with "Elmer's Glue All" from Walmart and it worked MUCH better. The flow is a little high for my needs but atleast now I'm on the right track.

Elmer's Craft Bond Fabric and Paper Glue is much thicker but does not create the "wrinkle effect" that I see here on the forums. Elmer's Glue All seems the way to go.

Made in us
Hoary Long Fang with Lascannon

On the Ice World of Fenris....running with the wolves...

No prob! Glad it worked out!

DQ:90S++GM--B++ I+Pw40k09#-ID-A++/hWD-R++T(Pic)DM+ My blog of Tyranid/Space Wolves! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/422238.page 
Made in gb
Virulent Space Marine dedicated to Nurgle

kshaw2000 wrote:I did something like that on my lone zoey. I made it sort of like the zoey had just risen from the grueling biomass beneath itself. maybe I will get pictures for this!

unfortunately the little tyranid "tail" looking thing that rose out of the ground could not take the weight of the comparitively oversized model and snapped.

For those whovians out there, I something planned.

Something big.

Made in gb
Agile Revenant Titan

In the Casualty section of a Blood Bowl dugout

Wow, these look awesome!!

One question, as I'm slightly confuzzled, is it the drops of superglue that make it go all 'crinkly'?


9th Age Fantasy Rules

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut



All glues either have a "resin + hardner" or "certain chemical evaporates" system that creates polymers (chain molecules) to form, thus, the bond between the 2 pieces you are gluing together.

Elmer's glue is water based. When the water is removed (typically via evaporation), it cures.

The "Hardener" for superglue (cyanoacrylate) is water. When water is added (in the correct amount) to cyanoacrylate, it cures.


The Cyanoacrylate sucks the water out of the Elmer's glue, causing the awesome little wrinkle effect we so admirably adore.

Ok, used my brain for the day.

Why is it that only those who have never fought in a battle are so eager to be in one? 
Made in us
Hoary Long Fang with Lascannon

On the Ice World of Fenris....running with the wolves...

Haha....Sounds like it!

DQ:90S++GM--B++ I+Pw40k09#-ID-A++/hWD-R++T(Pic)DM+ My blog of Tyranid/Space Wolves! http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/422238.page 
Made in au
Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!

Adelaide, Australia

Mother of god... *takes off sunglasses*

This thread is sick!

Notice: If you notice this notice you will notice that this notice is not worth noticing
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

Norn King wrote:Mother of god... *takes off sunglasses*

This thread is sick!

haha glad you think so man! =]

ive now nearly based my whole army with this ... its gonna look amazing =] =]

Made in us
Hungry Little Ripper

Excellent basing. Definately a must for a venomthrope.

Something I add is a gaunt tail or leg for wound rings. I place small metal rings 6-8mm on these posts to keep track of wounds.

A 3 wound model gets 2 rings. (last wound removes model) A guard retinue or biovore brood gets 3 rings. remove a ring then a model then a ring then a model...

It was so difficult keeping track since so many nids have multi wounds.

Nom Nom Nom sez the carnifex.
10k hive
3k catachan

Actually nids don't use vowels. Nmm Nmm Nmm... 
Made in us
Mindless Spore Mine

I used your idea to do the bases for my Tervigons.

After-birth leaves a gooey mess... I have since added a high gloss finish to the goop to make it look wet... no photo of the finished product as of yet.

Made in au
Regular Dakkanaut

Awe that looks awesome man, I see what you mean by the gooPy mess that a tervion would make! Would love to see the finished model!

Made in us
Veteran Wolf Guard Squad Leader

San Diego, CA

Those look pretty awesome!

Made in us
Lesser Daemon of Chaos

Alright, next time I buy some Plague Marines, I'm giving this a shot. Hell, I might go grab one of my Rhinos and see if I can Nurglify it some, because that looks downright nasty.

Props to you, bro.
Made in es
Elite Tyranid Warrior

Ashland Ky

I am thinking of creative ideas for another table for my gaming club. Running into this thread, I was thinking of making a Tyranid infestation table. Maybe something like all the outsides of the table having this effect ...and then having this effect in combination with grass a foliage, and then in the middle making it look like a normal grassy terrain. The idea being that it looks like the Tyranids "Creep" is enveloping from all sides.

Question would be, how do you guys think this technique would work on a large scale?
Made in us
Yellin' Yoof

Honolulu, Hawaii

 Jburch wrote:
I am thinking of creative ideas for another table for my gaming club. Running into this thread, I was thinking of making a Tyranid infestation table. Maybe something like all the outsides of the table having this effect ...and then having this effect in combination with grass a foliage, and then in the middle making it look like a normal grassy terrain. The idea being that it looks like the Tyranids "Creep" is enveloping from all sides.

Question would be, how do you guys think this technique would work on a large scale?

On a large scale, it probably would look pretty wild. The only thing I'd be worried about is if it was cost effective. You can get PVA glue by the gallon, but for a cynoacrylate adhesive, that might be a little hard to come by. Unless if you use it sparingly. Also, if its not completely covered in it as you have mentioned, maybe it might be ok. Please post pics if you do this.
Made in gr
Slippery Ultramarine Scout Biker

Byzantine Sector

 Jburch wrote:
I am thinking of creative ideas for another table for my gaming club. Running into this thread, I was thinking of making a Tyranid infestation table. Maybe something like all the outsides of the table having this effect ...and then having this effect in combination with grass a foliage, and then in the middle making it look like a normal grassy terrain. The idea being that it looks like the Tyranids "Creep" is enveloping from all sides.

Question would be, how do you guys think this technique would work on a large scale?

On a large scale, consider where the wind would carry the spores that generate the Nid terraforming terrain. Those areas are where the Nid biostuff would be taking root and they would most likely be shaltered areas in many cases.

I would create at least two levels of terrain, that is, ground level and hilltop (but I would try to go for bare rock on the tops of the hills cuz there would be an explosion of color below).

Then I would tie two visual stories into the board: Gamers eye view and models eye view.

Gamers eye: what you said: Nid life creeping into a pocket of natural life from all around.(Terrain themes being xenos all round and natural in the middle here).

Models eye: Coming over a natural crest to see lots of other natural crests all around- but getting to the edge of that crest to find very prosperous nid life in the 'ground' level below, well sheltered against overhanging cliff walls and so on,

Your bases look excellent. I will be trying this 2 glue technique out as well.

Chrome Novas Angels:Aurora (The Ascension Angels) Angels:Oblivion (Omenwing, Phantomwing) Sons of Molossia Wildrunners (101st LocBat /H-K) Burnun Skyze Eradication Angels Neutral Bay (Echoworld) Exodites.
Made in us
Devastating Dark Reaper

it's a little messy but I like it!

In peace, sons bury their fathers. In war, fathers bury their sons.

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...a true eldar 
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Can't load these pictures at school. But if what I think you are making take effect here, I can use this to make my Zerg Nids creep bases.

Side note. I know GW didn't copy zerg. I know. I play zerg as a master ranked starcraft player and would like to translate that to my tyranids.
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