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Scratchbuilding Death Korps Earthshakers: Now including Tanks!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Yellin' Yoof

In your closet

Finished the trenches. It may not look like much, but it was very time consuming. I was going for a Star Destroyer edge and Death Star trench look. As per the plans, I'll be adding two more large turrets to the sides of the hull and one very large one to the bottom. My next move is to add the antennas to the front and two large barrels for the mega "Turbolasers". I might add a couple more smaller turrets on the bow at the top and bottom, as well as, one behind the bridge area. Then a greeble here and there and I should be off to the paint shed.
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This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/18 16:06:38

"Now you will see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."  
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Unbelievable scratch build, you should be really proud!

Made in us
Krazed Killa Kan


A real thing of beauty

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Wow. that is coming on wonderfully!

Made in us
Grumpy Longbeard

BEEZ to the kneez!
So good! Griblies griblies everywhere.

Made in us
Sniping Hexa

I wish I could be this good with plasticard. Awesome stuff!

Hydra Dominatus

World Wide War Winner  
Made in us
Yellin' Yoof

In your closet

I thought I was almost done with the build, then I realized I forgot that I need to mount this on a stand. The original plan was to drill a hole and use a brass rod, but that was supposed to be done before I closed up the bottom so I could glue the support to one of the bulkheads. Now I’ve got to build a stand that the ship will sit on top of. I’m currently waiting on some styrene pieces to arrive so I can start on that.

Here are pics of where I’m at now. Going to add some greeblies here and there on the hull.
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[Thumb - IMG_2007.jpeg]

"Now you will see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."  
Made in ca
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

Beautiful work, That ship has some USS Sulaco vibes to it.
Made in de
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Looks amazing

~6740 build and painted
769 build and painted
Made in us
Boom! Leman Russ Commander

United States

TommyGun1918 nailed it before I could: Sulaco meets Space Battleship Yamato!

Absolutely brilliant scratchbuilding work.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/30 20:30:49

"He fears his fate too much, or his desserts are small, who will not put it to a single touch; to win- or lose- it all."

Montrose Toast

Made in us
Yellin' Yoof

In your closet

Taking a break from the project that I’m using to take a break from the tanks. Painting has come along nicely. Weathering is mostly done, a couple decals to be added and then cake it with mud and I can call it finished. Tried oils for the first time. The oils didn’t move like I think they should have. My guess it was because I didn’t have any gloss varnish, but I think I made it work.
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"Now you will see that evil will always triumph, because good is dumb."  
Made in gb
Ancient Venerable Dreadnought

The Malcador is looking amazing… are you sure you didn’t swap in the official model?!

Goberts Gubbins - P&M Blog, started with Oldhammer, often Blackstone Fortress and Void Panther Marines, with side projects along the way 
Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


Incredible work!

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