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Made in us
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

"Hardly noticeable as long as you don't take a ton of them"

It's still offensive from a fluff point of view for sure.
Made in us
Blood-Drenched Death Company Marine

Little Rock, Arkansas

Martel732 wrote:
"Hardly noticeable as long as you don't take a ton of them"

It's still offensive from a fluff point of view for sure.

I agree. I consider 12 point haywire wyches to be about on par with theoretical 12 point tac marines. They die to shooting, but are much better at melee, vehicle destruction, have fleet, and are better at dealing with MC's.

The problem with them is: shooty edition is shooty.

20000+ points
Tournament reports:
Made in us
Grim Rune Priest in the Eye of the Storm

Riverside CA

Well part of it is once more the Meta. When we list build we use the following guideline:
HQ: 1-2
Troops: 2-6
Elites: 1-3
Fast Attack: 1-3
Heavy Support: 1-3
We also try to have one scoring unit per 500 points and as we normally play 2,000-2,250 that is 4 Scoring Units.
I normally take:
HQ: Pedro Kantor
Troops: 3x Tactical Squads [Lighting Claw, Combi-Plasma, Plasma-Gun and Plasma Cannon each]
Elite: Sternguard [Lighting Claw, 8x Combi-Plasma, 2x Plasma Guns]
Fast Attack: 3x Land Speeder Typhoons
Heavy Support: Storm Talon
This is my Core; I usually take a Dreadnaught, and a Librarian, but not always.

I place Kantor and the Sternguard in the Storm Raven along with the Librarian and the Dread for taking Objectives. My Land Speeders act as Mobil Fire support.
This leaves my Tactical Squads to hold or take mid-field Objectives. This they do well generally speaking, nothing more nothing less. With the Plasma they threaten most things on the board, with the exception of AV14 and if I am expecting AV14 I take my Melta Armed Sternguard in a second Strom Raven, because that is what Sternguard do.

This is how I see Tactical Squads; they are a core to build your list around. Now I do believe that it is my local Meta is what make them work more than anything.

Now that is not to say they are the greatest, but they “Are Not That bad”.

Space Wolf Player Since 1989
My First Impression Threads:

I am a Furry that plays with little Toy Soldiers; if you are taking me too seriously I am not the only one with Issues.

IEGA Web Site”: http://www.meetup.com/IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation/ 
Made in us
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/24 19:39:06

Made in us
Grim Rune Priest in the Eye of the Storm

Riverside CA

Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Space Wolf Player Since 1989
My First Impression Threads:

I am a Furry that plays with little Toy Soldiers; if you are taking me too seriously I am not the only one with Issues.

IEGA Web Site”: http://www.meetup.com/IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation/ 
Made in us
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Tighter rules and codices would fix that tremendously.
Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot


 Vaktathi wrote:
Please just use the normal quote functionality, it can't be more effort than color coding everything.

Okey dokey.

Edit: Can we agree to make the arguments more concise, this post took pretty long to respond to.

They don't hold objectives with any degree of amazingness, they're T3 4+sv Ld8 units. Yes they pump out fire. However they're T3 4+sv Ld8 (meaning they're relatively easy to shift off objectives) and can't do squat to most vehicles and are relatively ineffective against most Monstrous Creatures.

Most infantry is ineffective against monstrous creatures in shooting (except, well, Grey Hunters/IG Vets with specials) and their defensive stats don't seem amazing, but considering that A) As a unit, they're cheap B) Ethereals are very commonly take to mitigate leadership issues and C) Most of the time the things that would wreck them at close range never get in the sweet spot because, well, Tau, and because they're relatively long ranged, I don't really agree they're easy to shift off objectives.

The key thing is that they're actually doing something useful in terms of firepower that isn't completely meh at a fairly long range.

Well, yes, supporting fire is rather silly, but that's not a Fire Warrior or Tac Squad specific thing, that's applies to all Tau units and many other armies have to deal with that as well.

True, but it mitigates the single weakness against other infantry they have.

There's all sorts of units that won't have a problem closing the range, the bigger issue for Tac squads is that they have to spend a turn sitting there after hopping out of a transport no matter what. Drop Pods usually work rather well, as even though they have the same problem, positioning is far easier and you can't shoot a pod from across the board before it gets to where it wants to be.

This is an issue that yes, is pretty bad for Tac squads foremost, and yes, some units like Bikers will find the job of closing with the Tau easier - but those Bikers are potential Troops, and they get a massive number of bonuses over Tacs anyway, so why not take them over Tacs? The big problem with Drop Pods is that we're also talking about an army where everything under the sun can buy a 5 pt Interceptor upgrade, and marshal retaliation fire that could easily wipe a Drop Pod assault turn after turn, even with some casualties sustained.

Regardless, that's nothing new, they've been able to take that many guns in a barebones platoon since at least 3rd edition if not 2nd. Why is this suddenly an issue?

It's not. Its the Tac Squad's allowances being pretty stupid that is an issue. They should at the very least be able to get 2 specials.

Yes, however, as above, the SM's basic weaponry is notably more effective and each gun the SM's have is more capable.

You don't buy a Tactical Squad for the basic weaponry- same as how you don't buy Veterans for the 6 Lasguns in the squad. The IG have plenty of support assets that can mop the floor with infantry, the flashlights aren't meant to let a Vet Squad decimate something outside of the specials, they're just extra fire that might conceivably do something. SM on the other hand get vary handi-capped support assets - Thunderfires are barrage, BS4, have multiple blasts, but they're not AP3, and they're not going to do much at all to heavy infantry that the Tacs can't handle. Vindicators vanish when their side armour is ranged, and have a short threat range and life expectancy. Just to name 2 examples. This doesn't mean either unit is particularly bad - it just demonstrates that when the balls-out firepower option of either conserving points in troops by getting Scouts, or by going for firepower by getting Bikes in place of Tacs, those downsides that the specialist heavy firepower have aren't such a big deal anymore, as Grav Bikers wreck MC's, heavy infantry and light infantry with equal measure, at high speed.

The only thing the SM Tac Squad gets that IG/GH don't is the Grav Gun for one, and that tends to be naff on non-relentless units and not taken even by those devoted to Tacs, and the Multi-Melta second, which you only get one of in a 200~ pt squad. Not exactly stellar. BS4 is nice, but not worth the sum of the other issues with Tacs.

3 slots, the command squad cannot take 2 heavy weapons, and they're all at a less capable ballistic skill.

My bad. Yes, its at a worse ballistic skill, but can the point really be made when comparing 3 BS3 weapons to 1 BS4 weapon? There is a clear winner there.

Yes, and that's largely the entirety of their value of those units, the guns. If you want as many guns as the IG...play IG? SM's have never been about achieving firepower parity with the shootiest army in the game. That would be absurd.

It is the entire value of those units, the role, the reason for taking, the thing that actually adds something competent to your list. Tacticals don't add anything except an expensive slab of meat that doesn't even particularly hold up against fire when it comes down to it, can't put out enough fire to be justifiable, and don't give any role that makes them worthwhile, while being inferior to Bikes in many, many ways. They do not have enough special/heavy firepower to create a squad with a solid role. They don't have any abilities or things that you really need in an SM list trying to be competitive.

Bikes are taken because they can rip half the wounds off an MC quick, efficiently and for much the same cost with Grav Weapons, decimate all forms of infantry, score and reposition quickly. Scouts are cheap and cheerful.

SM's have an APC, it's a cheap box to get Supersoldiers from point A to point B so they can do their Supersoldier thing. Guardsmen have an IFV, to shelter and support weeny infantry. The SM transport has better side armor and has side hatch, the IG transport must put its one good armor facing away from the enemy to get the maximum disembark distance and has worse side armor. Different tools for different purposes.

Except the Rhino just doesn't work. It may have very small advantages like its cheaper cost and better side armour, but the fact is, it evaporates considerably faster with AV11 front and there is nothing in the SM book worth taking that can do the LR+Chimera LOS block gimmick well.

A Tac squad with Rhino costs virtually the same as 5 Bikes - unless you take naff bolter marines to flesh out the Tac Squad, the price doesn't vary much at all between the two. Having a 12'' movement, 12'' turboboost, T5, jink save, relentless and maybe something else definitely wins out over the Rhino.

Meanwhile a flamer is going to utterly screw an IG squad while doing nothing to the SM's.

On how many occasions have you seen dedicated flamer units, much less any that get close to your infantry? In the competitive meta, they're extremely rare. Usually, template weapons like so are AP3 or better, or S6+.

Besides, a single flamer template, providing you didn't bunch up extremely close, is going to hit, at most, what, 6-8? That's about 4-5 dead Guardsmen. If they have bolters, add another 4 or 5 dead, presuming cover. You've then got about 20+ infantry left that with FRFSRF and supporting assets will wipe the floor with those Tacs.

Indeed, the far more common prospect here is the lower AP, considerable range pie plates.

Some weapons will naturally be more effective. Use the right tool for the job. AP3 pieplates are also generally the realm of heavy support battletanks (Fire Prism, Leman Russ, etc) so you're usually not facing a wall of them.

In competitive lists things like Riptides, Prisms, Russes, etc are going to be common and you can take 4-5 (exception of Eldar) at 1750~.

That said, there's also a huge number of ways to mitigate battlecannon fire. I stopped running normal Russ's in most games for precisly because they're so easy to mitigate. A modicum of spread and any amount of cover drastically reduces the effectiveness of a battlecannon.

Unless you catch a clumped up squad in the open with a hit, a battle cannon is probably only killing 2-3 marines. They're great psychological threats, but not as capable as many fear them to be. Landing shot on a unit of moderately spread marines in 5+ cover, say it hits 5, between wounding on 2's and 5+ cover, that fearsome pieplate might kill 3 guys.

The standard LRBT isn't that great, if we're being fair. The Executioner (with the mandatory anti-gets hot measures) is going to be the primary example for IG here. The Tacticals can spread, but then they're closer to your other elements, if its even practical for them to try, (e.g, trying to avoid being ranged by something) they may spend longer trying to get through cover, and with every casualty, they're taking longer to reach your lines, because of the space between each loose rank of infantry.

3 dead Marines, which is a pretty conservative estimate, also given the above, is still roughly a third of the squad, meaning your already naff anti-infantry is now even more trashy. And this is from just one 150 point tank, that is pretty underpowered and overcosted as it is.

They can take Commissars at 25pts per unit...on 50-60pt units. That's..not particularly cheap.

Marines at best get LD9 by paying 10 points on top of an already expensive redundant unit. You're not going to be shoving the HQ IC's in the Rhinos, and if you're silly enough to try, you're only putting a block of gold in a bag of rotten eggs. Except the bag is also rotting. And has holes in it. And you have other rotten bags to carry on top of the heavy weight of the priceless metal.

Priests are 25 for flat out fearless, a Commissar lets you auto-pass leadership so long as he lives, and while there is a small chance you may lose one special in a platoon blob, you still have several more. He also gives stubborn, so you don't get rolled easily in CC unless the enemy has a boatload of attacks.

They can take Lord Commissars for a minimum price nearly that of two rhinos and give a Regimental Standard to a CCS, but neither of those units are particularly hardy.

They're not the only options here, and definitely not the best. And the LC is far from easy to snipe out.

The only super cheap Ld booster, especially one that can't be relatively easily removed, is a Commissar for a conscript squad or a Combined Infantry Squad.

You're completely forgetting about Priests. 25 points for fearless, before you even consider the CC buffs. And the Priest has a 4+ invuln and the ability to smash.

That all depends on what you're throwing at them. If we're talking about a pitched heavy weapons battle, well surprise surprise, the army specializing in attritional pitched battles is going to win (until it has to start taking Ld tests or suffer a tankshock or whatnot, if we're assuming it has Ld reinforcement then the cost of the Ld reinforcement will need to be factored in and it's not going to be cheaper than the tac squad). If we're talking about an objective in the open (often happens) at close range, or one that has to be *taken*? That's a different story.

If there's an objective in the open, the SM player's Tacs will get wiped off it in as a cloth doth wipe down a table. Tacticals are atrociously bad at assaulting a defensive position with a sizeable platoon, with LD buffers sitting on it. At best they do about 10~ casualties, and then get double-tapped into oblivion, or even ripped apart in CC if a Priest is present. With re-rolls to hit and wound, there will be a sore pain in their posteriors. This isn't even considering the fact that Tacticals struggle to reach the enemy full stop, and the supporting assets of the IG.

It doesn't matter if its the same price, because in 40k we don't match units of equal cost on the field. What we can match in theoryhammer is likely unit loudouts - a blob in a competitive game is going to have an LD/morale buffer, period.

For some weapons in some cases this is true. But in most it isn't, and most of those are a whole lot cheaper than ones that are good at killing marines. Marines have a whole lot less cover save ignoring weaponry to fear, and there are no commonly available secondary weapons systems for tanks which do so, unlike say, Heavy Flamers that are available on each and every IG tank, or Smart Missile Systems available on anything Tau with an AV value plus their big scary robot guys (yeah we're twin linked, wound you on 2's, ignore your armor and cover, oh and we don't need line of sight).

Heavy Flamers on IG tanks are only really going to be threatening on Chimeras, and they're not particularly reliable enough to reach the perfect killing point against a competent opponent. The Riptide is one of the big examples of the worthlessness of Tac Marine defense, so I'm surprised you used that.

True, there are some weapons designed to muller Guardsmen that in some cases are more common, e.g the Thunderfire. However with the number of models you have you can take extreme defensive measures with massive spread (if their role is to be defensive in the first place, which it probably will be as the SM player will almost always be playing aggressive) and other precautions as you hinted at above far more efficiently than with 14 point dudes.

Surprise, if a unit designed to kill them gets in optimal range, they die. How's this different than anything else in the game?

You were claiming here that they were capable of taking on different targets in different situations, which isn't a particularly strong point here.

the option to take a missile launcher or lascannon no longer exists? They have no krak grenades anymore?

Missile Launchers/Lascannons aren't feasible or being fired at BS4 in a Tac Squad unless they're home camping, which is just mediocrity at its purest. Vehicle assaults just aren't reliable or feasibly going to happen against a competent opponent often unless his luck sucks or he makes a mistake.

Marines don't have ways of getting themselves within 6" of enemy units?

Rhinos/Razorbacks are horrible at getting within Tacs within 6'', half will be dead by turn 2 and by that point you won't have anything resembling a decent offensive. Storm Ravens are expensive and you're prone to losing the bird before you deploy often. Land Raiders are too expensive and take up HS slots. Drop pods only work well if your opponent doesn't know how drop pods work.

They can't take powerfists anymore? I've seen many an MC taken down by a powerfist. Now, the unit isn't always in great shape after that, but they're certainly not defenseless. A marine unit should on average kill something like a Carnifex in two rounds between a powerfist and their grenades.

Except you're bloating an already overpriced and naff unit with an upgrade that only really adds questionable defence against a hostile up to a certain point. A DP, the most fierce Nid MC's, the Avatar, a Wraithknight and various others will not be frightened of a Power Fist or will wipe the floor with the squad first.

Bikes ignore the issue of being screwed by MC's the moment you give them Grav Guns, or if playing White/Khan Scars, they can hit and run. The ability to hose your average MC with AP2 fire and evade it if necessary, for considerably cheaper, with upgrades that do a fair bit more too, makes the power fist point here a bit moot.

One will also note that the MC's that are best at engaging Marines are usually the ones that cost a ton of points and can't offer much besides marine killing and tank smashing, many of which also basically have to slog into CC on foot. For instance, yeah, an Eldar Avatar is *real* rough on a unit of Marines in CC, but he's also not good at really anything else but that and has to footslog his way there.

The problem is that they do show up, and if you're not playing aggressively with Tacs you're wasting points.

The Tac Marine squad here is roughly about 200 points, which is about 2/3 of even the most expensive MC's cost paid back immediately. And you mean "infantry decimating, MC tackling, Tank smashing." That is very all encompassing.

Again, how's that different than for any other unit in the game?

Wave Serpent Dire Avengers don't get that issue, period, because the Serpents are nigh-unkillable. IG Platoons have the numbers to absorb fire or the HW's to feasibly hold their ground instead. Tau don't have to move forward at all really because you're peppering them from 30''.

And how much is this platoon costing at this point? That certainly looks nothing like anything that might be made to resemble "cheap".

Maybe not entirely legitimate to claim those upgrades, but the IG have the supporting assets that mitigate the issues of MC's approaching greatly. E.g Straken+ Counter assault, Tanks, Vendettas,

Can you not do the same by taking Predators and Land Raiders? Besides, normally the IG are going to do the opposite, the LR tanks are going to sit behind the transports (especially as they're Heavy and can only move 6", a serious slowdown for a mechanized advance) and provide fire support while the Chimeras advance, much the way most marine mechanized assaults work.

Predators are complete garbage, and have side armour 11, where LR's have 13. Land Raiders are also pretty garbage in terms of firepower and cost efficiency, no competitive list will ever field them as LOS blockers like LR's. And though perhaps an entirely different debate, I place more value on my limited supply of Mech scoring and SW counter attack units because I don't run full mechanised generally. I always try to grab the 5+ 25% obscurement on the LR's or exploit Strike and Shroud.

or if non-mechanised infantry, you can move on foot very fast with MMM! issued every turn.
This requires having an officer within 12", not having anything better to do with that order, and passing the order. None of which are necessarily guaranteed. You can make it very reliable with a Commissar and a Vox, but that's another 30pts to a 5ppm unit.

The PCS is only really decent at blob buffing, so you will be using the orders on the blob. Getting an officer in 12'' is not difficult, and passing LD9/10 re-rollable (latter if you took an Inquisitor) is exceedingly reliable.

They hit back only after taking casualties into account, and guys getting back up don't count towards break tests, and don't get to swing until your marines get another chance to put them back down again. Unless you're facing a huge horde of them or they've got a character in there, the marines should take them in a couple of rounds of CC.

You will be killing at most 2-3 Warriors a turn, before reanimation, and there will likely be a Lord/IC with high leadership present. A Tactical Squad locked in a near unending combat is a worthless Tactical Squad - the CC ability you're trying to demonstrate here isn't working against Warriors. You probably won't even win the combat - the Warriors get S4 too.

What are we defining as "average"? Would it happen to be something like, oh, say, a statline of 4's?

Above average compared to Marines, yes. Harlequins, Beast Masters, Striking Scorpions, Ork Boys, CC buffed Guardsmen, Cult CSM infantry, the list goes on.

Marines have more than enough capabilities between their numerous deployment methods

All of which are pretty terrible...

and psychic abilities and other capabilities to create their own luck.

Yet no divination outside of Tiggy, who is not going to be in a Tac Squad...

At this point you're making it sound like Marine armies are mewling babes of ineptness, that simply cannot win a game on any terms unless through some stroke of extreme luck. This is not remotely true.

With Tacticals forming the core of your list, against competitive armies/lists, it is. I wasted months of my time trying to make them work, only for C:SM to be released, and invalidate them by making Bikes moronically superior.

They're supposed to be generalists. They've always been generalists. They always will beneralists. On their own, they put out more shooting hurt than most other units (in an absolute sense if not always a relative sense) and put out more CC hurt than most similar units (again, in an absolute sense if not always in a relative sense).

Noone wants a generalist that isn't particularly good at anything. Tac Marines are above average at most things, but pay out the ass for it, and have no role or effective contribution by the time you're done. You're stating what they're meant to be, instead of what they are.

And I feel that pain, as someone that has dozens of the buggers.

Maybe if the rules were written decently generalist Tacticals would work. Right now they don't.

And I'd trade my Tempestus Scions' stats and AP3 guns for Marine guns and stats any day of the week at the drop of a hat, especially given their near-parity in points.

Except you can't, though.

Tempestus Scions have double specials, and deepstrike. Therefore, they have a purpose/role/reason to include. They can do something you can't otherwise get. They have no better alternative, considering the deep strike, outside of Vets, which have more trouble reaching the enemy because they don't have DS.

Do they just walk around clumped up in the open or something? Mine usually only kill 2-3 a turn if they're lucky. If I manage to land that very rare shot on the clumped up disembarked unit in the open, that's always fun as they all get scraped off the board, but I can remember the numbers of times I've gotten to do that on two hands over multiple editions of this game. Most of the time the opponent spreads them out, can get some sort of cover save, so that even if I manage to hit 5 or 6 (or more usually 2-4) I'm probably not killing more than 3, and that's assuming the scatter doesn't completely whiff.

I'm looking more at 3-5 at worst, and with multiple tanks and other supporting assets. I can't really evaluate my opponents as a whole but 95% of the time I'm not playing Steve the newbie with DV.

Scatter whiffing is far less of an issue now we have plentiful access to divination with IG.

The transports are pretty easy to kill, but so are Chimeras, and so is basically anything that's not a heavy tank or a "we always have a 4+ save" medium armored skimmer in 6E.

Chimeras from the front are in the sweet spot for armour, have feasible LOS blocking LR's in partnership, and are either more plentiful than with Marines, and not the core part of the strategy most of the time- you have supporting assets that are better suited to killing their hunters.

For the price of such a platoon, I would hope so. A 50 man platoon, before *any* upgrades, costs more than a kitted tac squad and transport. A kitted 30man platoon? As above, easily more than 300pts.

Not easily more than 300 points. 3 Infantry Squads, with 3 meltaguns, a Vox and a Priest is 210, about the same cost as the Tactical Squad. Again, on likelihood of finding over cost comparison, you will be seeing 50 man squads your Tacticals can't handle.

And a half squad of marines unloading bolters at such a squad would do much the same back for roughly the same price.

5 Bolters at BS4, double tapping, is about 3 Guardsmen in 5+/4+ cover dead.

Not necessarily, the squad may have podded in, taken out something with meltas on entry, lost 4 or 5 dudes the turn after, and now it can hit a tank or two with grenades in an assault on its own turn.

1) This makes the assumption that you presented the unit freely to be killed, when you could have put it in reserve or given it bubble wrap, or done something similar.
2) Tacticals with 2 full BS melta shots are not that reliable at tank popping.
3) You move the tanks after the attack away, you pepper the Tacticals, and even if they survive (somehow) you present obstacles like bubblewrap Guardsmen or counter assault/attack units.

Yes, and that's why it costs as much as that tac squad. It's also not exactly the most reliable of weapons as it scatters about and the unit spreads itself out. Meanwhile the tank can't score or contest objectives, can't move more than 6" a turn, has nothing to do in the CC phase of the game but get hit and die, and has no way to get about the board more effectively or any alternate deployment options.

But it will be seen, making it seem a less attractive option doesn't really succeed in proving anything. And yes, it costs as much the squad possibly, but you're wiping many of the points off that Tac squad when you fire.

And, again, divination in IG.


I don't believe there's an point in debating if you can't concede on something.

Made in us
Grim Rune Priest in the Eye of the Storm

Riverside CA

Martel732 wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Tighter rules and codices would fix that tremendously.

I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?

Space Wolf Player Since 1989
My First Impression Threads:

I am a Furry that plays with little Toy Soldiers; if you are taking me too seriously I am not the only one with Issues.

IEGA Web Site”: http://www.meetup.com/IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation/ 
Made in se
Ferocious Black Templar Castellan


 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Tighter rules and codices would fix that tremendously.

I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?

Interceptor giving both interception and normal-BS-if-you-have-Skyfire, for one. Why they bundled those two together I'll never understand.

For thirteen years I had a dog with fur the darkest black. For thirteen years he was my friend, oh how I want him back. 
Made in us
Grim Rune Priest in the Eye of the Storm

Riverside CA

 AlmightyWalrus wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Tighter rules and codices would fix that tremendously.

I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?

Interceptor giving both interception and normal-BS-if-you-have-Skyfire, for one. Why they bundled those two together I'll never understand.

That is fixing a rule, Tighting is clarifying, at least thats understand it.

Space Wolf Player Since 1989
My First Impression Threads:

I am a Furry that plays with little Toy Soldiers; if you are taking me too seriously I am not the only one with Issues.

IEGA Web Site”: http://www.meetup.com/IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation/ 
Made in us
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Tighter rules and codices would fix that tremendously.

I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?

Go over to YMDC. But more importantly than that, not having things like C:BA and C:Eldar in the same game.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Okay. Mr. Omega is way more thorough than even I cared to be. His summary basically translated all my anecdotal experience and all my logical complaints into a post.

In practice, I ignore tacticals and for the stuff that hurts. Because it works. Because I CAN ignore them. I can't ignore 60 sniper kroot, from the rends alone.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/24 20:44:52

Made in us
Grim Rune Priest in the Eye of the Storm

Riverside CA

Martel732 wrote:

 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Tighter rules and codices would fix that tremendously.

I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?

Go over to YMDC. But more importantly than that, not having things like C:BA and C:Eldar in the same game.

I was looking something more specific.
As far as C:BA vs C:Eldar, that is the choice of the players.

Space Wolf Player Since 1989
My First Impression Threads:

I am a Furry that plays with little Toy Soldiers; if you are taking me too seriously I am not the only one with Issues.

IEGA Web Site”: http://www.meetup.com/IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation/ 
Made in us
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

"As far as C:BA vs C:Eldar, that is the choice of the players."

Not really. I shouldn't have to chase flavor of the edition lists.

Specific example: do vehicles get cover against grav hits? There's a ton of ambiguous rules in this game. But as I said, the 6th ed gulf between have and have-nots is pretty huge.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/24 20:52:26

Made in us
Gore-Soaked Lunatic Witchhunter


As far as C:BA vs C:Eldar, that is the choice of the players.

But it shouldn't have to be. If a given player just really loves Blood Angels, s/he should be allowed to bring his/her Blood Angels to any game against any other army and have a chance to win.

It is best to be a pessimist. You are usually right and, when you're wrong, you're pleasantly surprised. 
Made in us
Grim Rune Priest in the Eye of the Storm

Riverside CA

 Psienesis wrote:
As far as C:BA vs C:Eldar, that is the choice of the players.

But it shouldn't have to be. If a given player just really loves Blood Angels, s/he should be allowed to bring his/her Blood Angels to any game against any other army and have a chance to win.

Yes, but without going to house rules all we can do is B*tch and Whine or come up with something else.

That is what our group did, we Decided to play more Fluffy List. We did not create house rules to do it. That FOC list I gave earlyer was an Oprion Rule we ASKED avery one to go by and mostly. Since then no one army has Dominated the game other than MEQs, but that is the majority of our armies.

Space Wolf Player Since 1989
My First Impression Threads:

I am a Furry that plays with little Toy Soldiers; if you are taking me too seriously I am not the only one with Issues.

IEGA Web Site”: http://www.meetup.com/IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation/ 
Made in us

 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:

 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Tighter rules and codices would fix that tremendously.

I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?

Go over to YMDC. But more importantly than that, not having things like C:BA and C:Eldar in the same game.

I was looking something more specific.
As far as C:BA vs C:Eldar, that is the choice of the players.

Can models with blast weapons and the preferred enemy rule reroll scatter dice even though they may never roll a "1"?

Can Unit X after witholding from overwatch and being succesfully charged by Unit Y then overwatch Unit Z when it charges in the same assualt phase?

Commisar Yarrick outranks himself thus he can never be your warlord.

When Pyrovores die to an instant death results, every unit on the table is hit for each model within d6" of the slain pyrovore.

The exalted flamer chariot may never fire it's flamer if it intends to move.

Codex Legion of the Damned autoloses if taken as the only detachment type(s).

Anrakyr can draw LOS of to an enemy tank but he cannot use his power that requires LOS.

RAW, you hit units both above and below of a skyshield at the same time with blast weapons.

If you go second, you fire the Deathstrike Missile on your first turn.

Do troops in formations score?

Does the "Take Aim" order really make all IG shots placed shots or do they still require to roll a 6 first?

How does target locks and assault work in terms of choosing targets?

Can a character with infiltrate grant it to the unit he joins?

Can I assault a vehicle I cannot hurt? No, by the BRB, but Yes by the FAQs.

Can models that don't require LOS intercept a model that's has arrived from reserves and not within LOS?

Do multiple maledictions of the same type stack?

Per the rules, a vehicle draws line of site parallel to the plane of the weapon being fire with allowance for +/- 45 degrees. How does the SoB Exorcist target an enemy besides those directly above it?

If I am in area terrain and I am obscured by a ruin, if I go to ground, do I now have a 3+ or 2+ cover save?

Does a scarab grant entropic strike to a guad gun?

You can't run with the relic, but you can still turboboost with jetbikes.

What happens if a unit of Possesed is embarked in a transport and turns into beasts?

Flying MCs in swooping mode gain area terrain cover saves while "flying".

I can find more, but it's not worth my time. It's relatively easy to find massive discrepencies within the rules if you're actually looking.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/04/24 21:50:45

Shine on, Kaldor Dayglow!
Not Ken Lobb

Made in us
Grim Rune Priest in the Eye of the Storm

Riverside CA

 TheKbob wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:

 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Tighter rules and codices would fix that tremendously.

I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?

Go over to YMDC. But more importantly than that, not having things like C:BA and C:Eldar in the same game.

I was looking something more specific.
As far as C:BA vs C:Eldar, that is the choice of the players.

Can models with blast weapons and the preferred enemy rule reroll scatter dice even though they may never roll a "1"?

Can Unit X after witholding from overwatch and being succesfully charged by Unit Y then overwatch Unit Z when it charges in the same assualt phase?

Commisar Yarrick outranks himself thus he can never be your warlord.

When Pyrovores die to an instant death results, every unit on the table is hit for each model within d6" of the slain pyrovore.

The exalted flamer chariot may never fire it's flamer if it intends to move.

Codex Legion of the Damned autoloses if taken as the only detachment type(s).

Anrakyr can draw LOS of to an enemy tank but he cannot use his power that requires LOS.

RAW, you hit units both above and below of a skyshield at the same time with blast weapons.

If you go second, you fire the Deathstrike Missile on your first turn.

Do troops in formations score?

Does the "Take Aim" order really make all IG shots placed shots or do they still require to roll a 6 first?

How does target locks and assault work in terms of choosing targets?

Can a character with infiltrate grant it to the unit he joins?

Can I assault a vehicle I cannot hurt? No, by the BRB, but Yes by the FAQs.

Can models that don't require LOS intercept a model that's has arrived from reserves and not within LOS?

Do multiple maledictions of the same type stack?

Per the rules, a vehicle draws line of site parallel to the plane of the weapon being fire with allowance for +/- 45 degrees. How does the SoB Exorcist target an enemy besides those directly above it?

If I am in area terrain and I am obscured by a ruin, if I go to ground, do I now have a 3+ or 2+ cover save?

Does a scarab grant entropic strike to a guad gun?

You can't run with the relic, but you can still turboboost with jetbikes.

What happens if a unit of Possesed is embarked in a transport and turns into beasts?

Flying MCs in swooping mode gain area terrain cover saves while "flying".

I can find more, but it's not worth my time. It's relatively easy to find massive discrepencies within the rules if you're actually looking.

And these have to do with a Tactical Marine Being Bad How?
I am try to stay on topic

Space Wolf Player Since 1989
My First Impression Threads:

I am a Furry that plays with little Toy Soldiers; if you are taking me too seriously I am not the only one with Issues.

IEGA Web Site”: http://www.meetup.com/IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation/ 
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

The darkness between the stars

 Anpu42 wrote:
 TheKbob wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:

 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Tighter rules and codices would fix that tremendously.

I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?

Go over to YMDC. But more importantly than that, not having things like C:BA and C:Eldar in the same game.

I was looking something more specific.
As far as C:BA vs C:Eldar, that is the choice of the players.

Can models with blast weapons and the preferred enemy rule reroll scatter dice even though they may never roll a "1"?

Can Unit X after witholding from overwatch and being succesfully charged by Unit Y then overwatch Unit Z when it charges in the same assualt phase?

Commisar Yarrick outranks himself thus he can never be your warlord.

When Pyrovores die to an instant death results, every unit on the table is hit for each model within d6" of the slain pyrovore.

The exalted flamer chariot may never fire it's flamer if it intends to move.

Codex Legion of the Damned autoloses if taken as the only detachment type(s).

Anrakyr can draw LOS of to an enemy tank but he cannot use his power that requires LOS.

RAW, you hit units both above and below of a skyshield at the same time with blast weapons.

If you go second, you fire the Deathstrike Missile on your first turn.

Do troops in formations score?

Does the "Take Aim" order really make all IG shots placed shots or do they still require to roll a 6 first?

How does target locks and assault work in terms of choosing targets?

Can a character with infiltrate grant it to the unit he joins?

Can I assault a vehicle I cannot hurt? No, by the BRB, but Yes by the FAQs.

Can models that don't require LOS intercept a model that's has arrived from reserves and not within LOS?

Do multiple maledictions of the same type stack?

Per the rules, a vehicle draws line of site parallel to the plane of the weapon being fire with allowance for +/- 45 degrees. How does the SoB Exorcist target an enemy besides those directly above it?

If I am in area terrain and I am obscured by a ruin, if I go to ground, do I now have a 3+ or 2+ cover save?

Does a scarab grant entropic strike to a guad gun?

You can't run with the relic, but you can still turboboost with jetbikes.

What happens if a unit of Possesed is embarked in a transport and turns into beasts?

Flying MCs in swooping mode gain area terrain cover saves while "flying".

I can find more, but it's not worth my time. It's relatively easy to find massive discrepencies within the rules if you're actually looking.

And these have to do with a Tactical Marine Being Bad How?
I am try to stay on topic

"I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?"-Anpu42
You asked earlier on.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Well part of it is once more the Meta. When we list build we use the following guideline:
HQ: 1-2
Troops: 2-6
Elites: 1-3
Fast Attack: 1-3
Heavy Support: 1-3
We also try to have one scoring unit per 500 points and as we normally play 2,000-2,250 that is 4 Scoring Units.
I normally take:
HQ: Pedro Kantor
Troops: 3x Tactical Squads [Lighting Claw, Combi-Plasma, Plasma-Gun and Plasma Cannon each]
Elite: Sternguard [Lighting Claw, 8x Combi-Plasma, 2x Plasma Guns]
Fast Attack: 3x Land Speeder Typhoons
Heavy Support: Storm Talon
This is my Core; I usually take a Dreadnaught, and a Librarian, but not always.

I place Kantor and the Sternguard in the Storm Raven along with the Librarian and the Dread for taking Objectives. My Land Speeders act as Mobil Fire support.
This leaves my Tactical Squads to hold or take mid-field Objectives. This they do well generally speaking, nothing more nothing less. With the Plasma they threaten most things on the board, with the exception of AV14 and if I am expecting AV14 I take my Melta Armed Sternguard in a second Strom Raven, because that is what Sternguard do.

This is how I see Tactical Squads; they are a core to build your list around. Now I do believe that it is my local Meta is what make them work more than anything.

Now that is not to say they are the greatest, but they “Are Not That bad”.

So I'm looking at your restrictions and I ask..... how does this really restrict waveserpent spam? Also, the only real drawback to this for a FMC spam is the elite slot which is.... eeeeeeeh for chaos. Fast? Grab some khorne doggies, havy, DP, HQ, you know it, Troops either plagues or Pink Horrors, and.... bloodthirsters? This is the only real place I'm struggling to think of a proper unit. It'd just make the things slightly less spammy. And it still really doesn't do that much to Waveserpentspam lists.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/24 22:17:12

/ 1690
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WIP (150) 
Made in us

Oh, and for what it's worth, Tacs are bad because the game either loves elite units smothered in special rules or cheap hordes of bullet catchers; give this is a shooting edition that has settled upon high volume, medium strength weapons that readily wound Space Marines, the value of a 3+ armor save is gone.

Add in stupid crap like Riptides, Heldrakes, and all the new toys the IG got and you'll find that 10 dudes with a 3+ an easy kill.

150 points get you 10 tactical marines or so, correct?

Or 175 can you get you 50 Fearless Conscripts. That's why Tacs suck.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2014/04/24 22:28:59

Shine on, Kaldor Dayglow!
Not Ken Lobb

Made in us
Grim Rune Priest in the Eye of the Storm

Riverside CA

 StarTrotter wrote:

 Anpu42 wrote:
 TheKbob wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:

 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Martel732 wrote:
So why can't we make them so they work in EVERY meta?

Because every Meta is different.
If you brought them up to your local Meta Standards they would be come more powerful in others. It would be simple if everyone played the same way, but we don’t, thus to me that is the big problem.

Tighter rules and codices would fix that tremendously.

I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?

Go over to YMDC. But more importantly than that, not having things like C:BA and C:Eldar in the same game.

I was looking something more specific.
As far as C:BA vs C:Eldar, that is the choice of the players.

Can models with blast weapons and the preferred enemy rule reroll scatter dice even though they may never roll a "1"?

Can Unit X after witholding from overwatch and being succesfully charged by Unit Y then overwatch Unit Z when it charges in the same assualt phase?

Commisar Yarrick outranks himself thus he can never be your warlord.

When Pyrovores die to an instant death results, every unit on the table is hit for each model within d6" of the slain pyrovore.

The exalted flamer chariot may never fire it's flamer if it intends to move.

Codex Legion of the Damned autoloses if taken as the only detachment type(s).

Anrakyr can draw LOS of to an enemy tank but he cannot use his power that requires LOS.

RAW, you hit units both above and below of a skyshield at the same time with blast weapons.

If you go second, you fire the Deathstrike Missile on your first turn.

Do troops in formations score?

Does the "Take Aim" order really make all IG shots placed shots or do they still require to roll a 6 first?

How does target locks and assault work in terms of choosing targets?

Can a character with infiltrate grant it to the unit he joins?

Can I assault a vehicle I cannot hurt? No, by the BRB, but Yes by the FAQs.

Can models that don't require LOS intercept a model that's has arrived from reserves and not within LOS?

Do multiple maledictions of the same type stack?

Per the rules, a vehicle draws line of site parallel to the plane of the weapon being fire with allowance for +/- 45 degrees. How does the SoB Exorcist target an enemy besides those directly above it?

If I am in area terrain and I am obscured by a ruin, if I go to ground, do I now have a 3+ or 2+ cover save?

Does a scarab grant entropic strike to a guad gun?

You can't run with the relic, but you can still turboboost with jetbikes.

What happens if a unit of Possesed is embarked in a transport and turns into beasts?

Flying MCs in swooping mode gain area terrain cover saves while "flying".

I can find more, but it's not worth my time. It's relatively easy to find massive discrepencies within the rules if you're actually looking.

And these have to do with a Tactical Marine Being Bad How?
I am try to stay on topic

"I understand fixing the Codexes, but what Rules need "Tightning"?"-Anpu42
You asked earlier on.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
 Anpu42 wrote:
Well part of it is once more the Meta. When we list build we use the following guideline:
HQ: 1-2
Troops: 2-6
Elites: 1-3
Fast Attack: 1-3
Heavy Support: 1-3
We also try to have one scoring unit per 500 points and as we normally play 2,000-2,250 that is 4 Scoring Units.
I normally take:
HQ: Pedro Kantor
Troops: 3x Tactical Squads [Lighting Claw, Combi-Plasma, Plasma-Gun and Plasma Cannon each]
Elite: Sternguard [Lighting Claw, 8x Combi-Plasma, 2x Plasma Guns]
Fast Attack: 3x Land Speeder Typhoons
Heavy Support: Storm Talon
This is my Core; I usually take a Dreadnaught, and a Librarian, but not always.

I place Kantor and the Sternguard in the Storm Raven along with the Librarian and the Dread for taking Objectives. My Land Speeders act as Mobil Fire support.
This leaves my Tactical Squads to hold or take mid-field Objectives. This they do well generally speaking, nothing more nothing less. With the Plasma they threaten most things on the board, with the exception of AV14 and if I am expecting AV14 I take my Melta Armed Sternguard in a second Strom Raven, because that is what Sternguard do.

This is how I see Tactical Squads; they are a core to build your list around. Now I do believe that it is my local Meta is what make them work more than anything.

Now that is not to say they are the greatest, but they “Are Not That bad”.
So I'm looking at your restrictions and I ask..... how does this really restrict waveserpent spam? Also, the only real drawback to this for a FMC spam is the elite slot which is.... eeeeeeeh for chaos. Fast? Grab some khorne doggies, havy, DP, HQ, you know it, Troops either plagues or Pink Horrors, and.... bloodthirsters? This is the only real place I'm struggling to think of a proper unit. It'd just make the things slightly less spammy. And it still really doesn't do that much to Waveserpentspam lists.
Well to be honest, we don't deal with it becouse we don't get it.
The Last true Eldar Player left before the new Codex after my Blood Claws kept taking out his Harliquins with just Flamers and Bolt Pistol Fire. He did not the way we played for some reason, we were just playing by the rules.

As for SPAMing, other than Tactical Squads and Ork mobs we never saw much SPAM. The closest I ever got to a SPAM list was 6 Grey Hunter Pack and that was becouse I want to feald all three for once.

Space Wolf Player Since 1989
My First Impression Threads:

I am a Furry that plays with little Toy Soldiers; if you are taking me too seriously I am not the only one with Issues.

IEGA Web Site”: http://www.meetup.com/IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation/ 
Made in us
Locked in the Tower of Amareo

 TheKbob wrote:
Oh, and for what it's worth, Tacs are bad because the game either loves elite units smothered in special rules or cheap hordes of bullet catchers; give this is a shooting edition that has settled upon high volume, medium strength weapons that readily wound Space Marines, the value of a 3+ armor save is gone.

Add in stupid crap like Riptides, Heldrakes, and all the new toys the IG got and you'll find that 10 dudes with a 3+ an easy kill.

150 points get you 10 tactical marines or so, correct?

Or 175 can you get you 50 Fearless Conscripts. That's why Tacs suck.

What? 50 fearless wounds for 175 pts? WTF?
Made in us

Martel732 wrote:

What? 50 fearless wounds for 175 pts? WTF?

Sorry, I made a mistake.

50 Fearless SCORING Wounds for 175 points. I stand corrected.

(Conscirpts are 3 pts per model, 50 man strong in a blob, 25 points for a Priest that gives them Zealot. Even better, give them orders like FRF,SRF... You're at ork level shooting, now. Who cares if you're BS garbage? I got 150 shots!)

Shine on, Kaldor Dayglow!
Not Ken Lobb

Made in gb
Lone Wolf Sentinel Pilot


Martel732 wrote:
 TheKbob wrote:
Oh, and for what it's worth, Tacs are bad because the game either loves elite units smothered in special rules or cheap hordes of bullet catchers; give this is a shooting edition that has settled upon high volume, medium strength weapons that readily wound Space Marines, the value of a 3+ armor save is gone.

Add in stupid crap like Riptides, Heldrakes, and all the new toys the IG got and you'll find that 10 dudes with a 3+ an easy kill.

150 points get you 10 tactical marines or so, correct?

Or 175 can you get you 50 Fearless Conscripts. That's why Tacs suck.

What? 50 fearless wounds for 175 pts? WTF?

If it makes you feel any better you need a minimum of 85 infantry models before you can even think about trying to field a conscript blob like that. And your troops section would otherwise suck. So you'd need even more infantry.

Made in us

For lulz, this is a legal 1850 Guard List:

CCS (AC, MoO, OotF, Vox)

2x Infantry Platoon:
-10x Dudes (Vox)
-10x Dudes (Vox)
-SWS (3x Melta)
-50x Conscripts
-HWS (3x Mortars)
-HWS (3x Mortars)
-HWS (3x Mortars)


-2x Wyvern
-2x Wyvern

174 Scoring models, 100 fearless. 34x S4 Ap6 blasts. Deep strike metla guns to handle tanks, all other infantry = MAKES SAVES LOSERZ!

Shine on, Kaldor Dayglow!
Not Ken Lobb

Made in us
Rough Rider with Boomstick

Georgia, US

I personally think they're some of the best out there. Now I have pretty much zero reason to back it up but they've always done well for me.

My blog!
 cincydooley wrote:
It don't want none unless you got buns, hon.
1,500 Points II 1,500 Points II 125
Have a nice day. 
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

The darkness between the stars

@Anpu? Just going to check is:
The Last true Eldar Player left before the new Codex after my Blood Claws kept taking out his Harliquins with just Flamers and Bolt Pistol Fire. He did not the way we played for some reason, we were just playing by the rules.

As for SPAMing, other than Tactical Squads and Ork mobs we never saw much SPAM. The closest I ever got to a SPAM list was 6 Grey Hunter Pack and that was becouse I want to feald all three for once.

all that you typed? Just making sure because your response glitched up and it's kinda messy.

Anyways, I was looking more at this as showing that even these restrictions don't really help SM. Simply put, SM aren't that good. Then again, most troops really aren't that good in the grand scheme of things. The best troop is one that's a cheap throw away units that can flag objectives at the end of the game. Perks are anything extra. In general troops aren't that great though and that's really it.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/04/25 02:18:30

/ 1690
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WIP (150) 
Made in us
Grim Rune Priest in the Eye of the Storm

Riverside CA

 StarTrotter wrote:
@Anpu? Just going to check is:
The Last true Eldar Player left before the new Codex after my Blood Claws kept taking out his Harlequins with just Flamers and Bolt Pistol Fire. He did not the way we played for some reason; we were just playing by the rules.

As for SPAMing, other than Tactical Squads and Ork mobs we never saw much SPAM. The closest I ever got to a SPAM list was 6 Grey Hunter Pack and that was because I want to field all three for once.

all that you typed? Just making sure because your response glitched up and it's kinda messy.

Yes I do glitch from Time to Time when I write on the fly without using Word, so let me restart this.

The last true Eldar Player [One that that was his only army] spent most of his time complaining about how my Blood Claws would always take down his Harlequins with my Blood Claws with just shooting [mostly with Flamers and Bolt Pistols]. I should be taking down his Harlequin with such a “Sucky Unit”.
He stopped showing up and later I was told that he quit because he did not like playing with us because we played by the rules.

Anyways, I was looking more at this as showing that even these restrictions don't really help SM. Simply put, SM aren't that good. Then again, most troops really aren't that good in the grand scheme of things. The best troop is one that's a cheap throw away units that can flag objectives at the end of the game. Perks are anything extra. In general troops aren't that great though and that's really it.

Well they kind of do a little. It does when people use more Troops so there is a lot more “Troop on Troop action”. Also once you fill in a 2,000 point with the required units there is a lot less points for SPAMing the “Over Powered Units”.

It is also an attitude my group has:
>Super Competitive Builds:
Triple/Quad Riptide Units are Winners, we know that so there is no need to pull them out to show how they can win.
>Sub-Par Units: We like to pull them out to see if we can win with them.
>Winning: While we like to win, loosing does not ruin our day. In fact a lot of “Competitive Players” have stopped playing us because loosing does not upset us and all it really does is make us try to come up with some way to beat them.
>Loosing: We have the attitude of we lost we lost, the worse thing that would happen with a loss was the winner did not have to pitch in for Pizza.
What actually upset me about the last “Competitive Player” who left because he was bulldozing me with Ork Battle-Wagon-Death-Roller SPAM and I was still not coming up with a way to beat him.

As for my Marines, the only thing that really gives me issues is AP2 Pie [there is a not of it running around here] and 30 model Genestealer Broods when they get into close combat [which happens a lot in some games]. Though I have not dealt with the new Eldar or Nid Codex yet.
Other than reducing their price or giving them a Combat Knife to go along with their Bolt Pistol there is not much more you can do for them. Here are some of the suggestions I have seen.
>AP4 Boltguns:
This just invalidates the Armor of half the other Codex’s Armor Saves.
>Volley 2/4 [or 4/2 however it is listed]: Poof, every Marine Army becomes a Gun-Line Army.
>Limited-Rending: I think it would cause more issues than it solves, not that I would turn it down.

>6+ Invulnerable Saves:
Only helps a little.
>5+ Invulnerable Saves: Why take Terminators.
>Fell no Pain: 6+ FNP, just what we need more Rolls, and half the time would be denied anyways

GW has painted them selves into a corner, and has no clue they have done it. The play Testers Play “Friendly/Fluffy Games only to test the new models, they would not know a Death-Star if bit them in the rear. The other option is that “Competitive Players” are playing the game wrong. Either way nothing is going to change without house rules. If you are like my group we keep them to a minimum and most of them are fluffy thing like allowing Salamander Tactical/Scout Squads to take Heavy Flamers.

In conclusion and trying to make this short [To Late]: I think Tactical Squads, just ok, not Good, not Bad, just sort of ok. Do I think they could be better, yes, but they could be a lot worse off to.

Space Wolf Player Since 1989
My First Impression Threads:

I am a Furry that plays with little Toy Soldiers; if you are taking me too seriously I am not the only one with Issues.

IEGA Web Site”: http://www.meetup.com/IEGA-InlandEmpireGamersAssociation/ 
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Slippery Scout Biker


this thread is stupid long, so here's the deal, as I see it: yes, there are many troop units that can be made better than tactical marines. Now having said that, look at the armies that are being touted as having better troops: Eldar, with their paper thin armor, and plethora of so-so elite choices (I'm looking at you, Banshees, wraithguard and Scorpions), need really cheap, decently killy troop slots in order to be competitive. Now lets look at Tau: They rely on being able to shoot holes in everything before they get killed in CQC by literally every other unit in the game. Tactical Marines exist for one reason, not to blow holes in things, not to be super killy, not to make up for gak elite slots, but to be a body on an objective that won't turn and run when someone decides to maul them with a 3-500pt chunk of their army. tacs hold objectives, at ~ 170pts a squad, so that other units in the army (sternguard, termies, assault, HS etc.) can go do business. thats it. If you want stupidly good-at-everything troops that do all the work in your army in one squad or less, understand that youll be sacrificing in some other department in your codex.

In summary, space marines are good troop choices, because they do what needs to be done in their codex, camp objectives, hide behind metal boxes, and not get chased off the board while the big boys go to work.

P.S. if you have a problem with the probability of killing things with bolters, take Imp Fist chapter tactics, and exploit bolter drill all day every day.

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 OlGreye wrote:
this thread is stupid long, so here's the deal, as I see it: yes, there are many troop units that can be made better than tactical marines. Now having said that, look at the armies that are being touted as having better troops: Eldar, with their paper thin armor, and plethora of so-so elite choices (I'm looking at you, Banshees, wraithguard and Scorpions), need really cheap, decently killy troop slots in order to be competitive. Now lets look at Tau: They rely on being able to shoot holes in everything before they get killed in CQC by literally every other unit in the game. Tactical Marines exist for one reason, not to blow holes in things, not to be super killy, not to make up for gak elite slots, but to be a body on an objective that won't turn and run when someone decides to maul them with a 3-500pt chunk of their army. tacs hold objectives, at ~ 170pts a squad, so that other units in the army (sternguard, termies, assault, HS etc.) can go do business. thats it. If you want stupidly good-at-everything troops that do all the work in your army in one squad or less, understand that youll be sacrificing in some other department in your codex.

In summary, space marines are good troop choices, because they do what needs to be done in their codex, camp objectives, hide behind metal boxes, and not get chased off the board while the big boys go to work.

P.S. if you have a problem with the probability of killing things with bolters, take Imp Fist chapter tactics, and exploit bolter drill all day every day.

gak elite slots. I wouldn't quite say they are that. Banshees are really bad whilst wraithguard and scorpions are more decent. Also, they don't really NEED cheap and decently killy troops. The thing that makes Eldar good are seerstar and waveserpents as well as their psychic potential really. They don't balance it that way, it's just by chance really.

Although, I do ask what that makes CSM exactly.

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I personally hold the humble Necron warrior as the gold standard of troop units due to being very survivable and benefitting tremendously from certain buffs while having shooting that's at least passable against anything besides monstrous creatures, the leadership to largely ignore the morale game, and is okay in CC against anything less good than a marine (which admittedly means they get smashed by a lot of things, including Kriegers.)

It's hard to beat a twenty warrior brick with a ghost orb and resorb (and MSS lords) in terms of survivability, especially per point, and this unit is as much of a threat to vehicles as it is to infantry.

What marines have over warriors is a 3+ save (which thanks to RP doesn't matter too much) and weapon options, though they can't put all that many fancy guns on their squads. Marine transports though, are substantially less good.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/25 08:29:41

 Midnightdeathblade wrote:
Think of a daemon incursion like a fart you don't quite trust... you could either toot a little puff of air, bellow a great effluvium, or utterly sh*t your pants and cry as it floods down your leg.

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