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Made in us
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair

California + Philidelphia

I'm just glad that the guy I traded them for has a tanith army too and wanted all the sniper cloaks he could get!

"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." "...to all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Awesome Rogue! The guy with the stocking hat is my fav! Nice job with the conversions too!

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in us
Lord Commander in a Plush Chair

California + Philidelphia

Not trying to bring this thread back to life, just trying to tell my viewers that I'm back and have a new and updated thread complete with a large first update! Vikings, Space Highlanders, Terrain, Sculptures, take a look!http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/604695.page

"Don't worry, Vik! You have all of your internet friends to keep you company! And, as everyone knows, internet friends are at least one step above imaginary friends "-Rawson
"Does an Ork shiiiit green?" "...Rogue! -you rock!" "Damn you too Rogue!""[TTFN]... That means tittyfething right?""Yep, that's me, a two-dollar whore"-Dsteingass
"... but if we all fail together we can make it look like we´ve won actually.." "...to all killers out there...: my face will hit your fist so hard it´s gonna bleed...your fist that is...""lol....OMG... you are a serial""he knows no pain...nor fear^^ he is a riveteer""yep... some of the dakka chaps here sure made the joints of my jaw quite loose...""er... emailsex... now that at least sounds like the perfect safer sex... but i like mine a bit more...wet""do you know what they call a quarter pounder of a buckte full of rivets in france?" "No...what?" "Rivitz royal"-Viktor von Domm
" I expected to hear gak like that from RW, not you Vik... for shame Sir, for shame"-AnUnearthlyChilde
"We are Vik's private collection of muses for the monkey on his back.....""you, guys are worse than my children......"-mxwllmdr
"Singling one out as odd in a =][_= thread is like going into an asylum, pointing at someone at random and saying "that person's insane""-Shrike
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