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2019/11/20 13:59:35
Subject: Re:Show off your painted Kings of War & Vanguard minis!
Reconquista at Partizan 2020, Christian Vignette II
I've been slowly working on vignettes to spread across the table top and create some interest outside of the units of fighting men for the demo.
The second to be finished is a chap being blessed by his Bishop during the battle. Perhaps he is in need of reinforcement to his mettle? Perhaps he is preparing himself for the very real possibility of death? Perhaps he will just look good on the table top!
Oops. I thought it was Kings of War historical!
This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2020/02/06 12:02:16
Long overdue, here's my Undead army. I haven't figured out how many points this is yet for 3rd edition, but it's around or just under 4,000
The family portrait:
So many commanders, so little time!
Four riders of the Apocalypse (counts as whatever cavalry I'm in the mood to go overboard on. Base size is equivalent to cavalry troop. Skull and Crown Stratagems minis.)
Can a man truly own too many zombies? Hint: this is not all my zombies
Some classic GW chaos warriors, happy to stand in for Revenants or Soul Reavers.
Do the undead even have a giant? How is this not a unit? Anyway, I guess he's just the team mascot.
The undead tend to be slow. So having a few of these in the army is pretty key.
Multibasing is fun - here's a few wraith troops
Woof woof! I don't know what this is, but the model is pretty cool!
I am long done with Warmachine, but true to the theme of the undead, these fellas live on as giant undead infantry in servitude to my Necromancer(s)
I play...
Who am I kidding? I only paint these days...
2021/06/17 20:28:17
Subject: Re:Show off your painted Kings of War & Vanguard minis!
Ancestral Hamster wrote: Empire of Dust has the Bone Giant if you don't mind changing "nationality".
The undead list also got a Zombie-monster 'Goreblight' that could stand in for a giant.
It's a bit on the small side for that particular model, Height 4 and a Monster rather than Titan class, but it's close enough, at least for non-tournament games and/or regular opponents.