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How to paint a Savage Orc  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Sacramento, CA

Step 00 - Locate a Savage Orc model.

Step 01 - Prime your Orc with Grey. I use Rustoleum Flat Grey Automotive Primer

Step 02 - Base coat your Orc's skin with Orchide Shade

Step 03 - Dry brush Knarloc Green over the skin to start bringing out detail.

Step 04 - Use Scab red to color the eyes, and very lightly dry brush the edge of the lips.

Step 05 - Thakka Green Wash all over the skin.

Step 06 - Because this is a Savage Orc, you'll need to add Tattoos, I find Ultramarine Blue works best for this. Depending on how Old of a Savage Orc you want you may wish to leave this step till later, as future steps in this tutoril will begin to wash out the Tattoo and make the Orc look older.

Step 07 - Devlan Mud Wash.

Step 08 - Skull White on the Teeth.

Step 09 - P3's Hammerfall Khaki on the Tunic.

Step 10 - Vermin Brown Over the Scales on the Tunic.

Step 11 - Vallejo's US Field Drab over the wood parts of the weapons.

Step 12 - Adeptus Battlegrey over the stone part of the weapon.

Step 13 - Fortress Grey dry brushed over the stone part of the weapon.

Step 14 - Ogryn Flesh wash over the Tunic

Step 15 - Badab Black over the weapons

Step 16 - Scab Red over the Ornaments. Why wasn't this done before? When dealing with various squads of simular models, I find it best to give a uniform color to one part of all of the models in that squad. So for my Savage Orcs its the color of their armbands, and this will be Red Team.

Step 17 - Devlan Mud Wash #2. Savage Orcs are Friggen Dirty.

This same basic process can be used for any Orc or Ork.

Should you go for a younger Savage Orc and not want to have the tattoos look worn out, paint them on before the second Mud Wash.


Finished Savage Orc

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2009/05/14 15:54:17

-Emily Whitehouse| On The Lamb Games
Made in gb
Deadshot Weapon Moderati


Good guide.

I really should be spending my time more constructively. 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Sacramento, CA

Anti-Mag wrote:Good guide.


-Emily Whitehouse| On The Lamb Games
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

Have you had any luck painting tattoos in black? I want to add tribal tattoos to my 40K speed freeks army but I'm not sure how it's going to work out/look.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Sacramento, CA

Dobie wrote:Have you had any luck painting tattoos in black? I want to add tribal tattoos to my 40K speed freeks army but I'm not sure how it's going to work out/look.

I'd worry about the black just getting caught up in any washes you do and end up looking like shadows. You may want to do black base, and then go over it with a slightly lighter grey like Adeptus Battlegrey.

Also really depends on how dark is your Orc's skin? If you have a light skin tone, the black will probably show up just fine.

-Emily Whitehouse| On The Lamb Games
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

My orks are pretty dark. I want them to look like the tribal tattoos I see on people (solid black snaking around exposed skin areas), but I have the same concern you do about whether or not they will show up clearly.
Made in gb
Deadshot Weapon Moderati


It's a very solid method; and now is a great time to post an Ork-related guide. Should help the hordes of new Ork players out there. I'd also consider adding it to the articles page; it would only benefit people. You'll have to ask someone more technologically minded than myself on how to do that though!

I really should be spending my time more constructively. 
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

Maybe my resolution is too high but the pictures are small. Which isn't usually a problem if they are thumbs I can click on. I read what you did and I like it but the pictures didn't do too much.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Sacramento, CA

LBursley wrote:Maybe my resolution is too high but the pictures are small. Which isn't usually a problem if they are thumbs I can click on. I read what you did and I like it but the pictures didn't do too much.

Sorry about that, I'm still trying to figure out the gallery system.

I've made an Article for this, and the pictures are a bit larger and are linked to the gallery. I'll see if I can fix the first post to match.

-Emily Whitehouse| On The Lamb Games
Made in us
Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

San Diego, CA USA

Great thanks! The way you posted the pictures there is perfect. They are larger than in this post and I can click on them to get DAKKADAKKA SUPER ZOOM on the gallery page. Great tutorial. Thank you for sharing!

Made in gb
Bounding Assault Marine

A very nice guide to painting Orks. I will try it out on some of my sons models...I have an entire Ork army to paint (not looking forward to that!).

I notice that on the final pictures the area where the Orcs hand meets the axe handle and where the wooden plank meets the tunic look very wet and shiny. Is this because the model was still wet when you took the photo's or because of the puddling effect of the washes? Can this be gotten round as it does detract from the final look of the model.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Sacramento, CA

Cypher871 wrote:A very nice guide to painting Orks. I will try it out on some of my sons models...I have an entire Ork army to paint (not looking forward to that!).

I notice that on the final pictures the area where the Orcs hand meets the axe handle and where the wooden plank meets the tunic look very wet and shiny. Is this because the model was still wet when you took the photo's or because of the puddling effect of the washes? Can this be gotten round as it does detract from the final look of the model.

Its from the wash still being wet, it dries Matte.

-Emily Whitehouse| On The Lamb Games
Made in gb
Bounding Assault Marine

Got ya, still a good tutorial though.
Made in us
Huge Hierodule

North Bay, CA

Suggestion. Have you tried painting the tunics and wood before your first Devlan Mud wash? If you did that, you could hit the whole figure with the wash and knock out a step and make that step faster.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

Sacramento, CA

Ifurita wrote:Suggestion. Have you tried painting the tunics and wood before your first Devlan Mud wash? If you did that, you could hit the whole figure with the wash and knock out a step and make that step faster.

The first wash is just for the skin, the second wash is for the skin and tunic.

I like the browning effect DM has on the ork's skin, so regardless of Orc/Ork type i do a wash of that on the skin. Since Savage Orc fluffyness talks about how dirty they are, I give them an additional DM wash to bring that out.

For Black Orcs/Komandos I'll do a Badab Black wash in place of the second DM wash.

-Emily Whitehouse| On The Lamb Games
Made in gb
Bounding Assault Marine

I'd like to see a black wash on some Kommandos, especially as I have just finished converting a bunch of them.
Made in au
Fresh-Faced New User

Thanks for the tutorial. very helpful
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Scyzantine Empire

Good use of pictures. I like that you include the paints to use for each step in the pic. Well done!

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"Can a magician kill a man by magic?" Lord Wellington asked Strange. Strange frowned. He seemed to dislike the question. "I suppose a magician might," he admitted, "but a gentleman never could." Susanna Clarke Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell


Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

great tutorial! im using this for all my new savage orcs... only difference is that im using incubi darkness as 1st coat instead of orchide shade!

but cheers man! so happy i found a darker scheme to use! =] =]

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