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August = Daemons for 40K and Warhammer. Sprue pics on p.19 (Links in first post)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Ancient Chaos Terminator

Satellite of Love

When I saw the email about Daemons in my inbox this morning it was quite a surprise. My first thought was, "great, more new plastics hopefully to replace older metal models". My second thought was that GW did a great job keeping this a secret. My third thought after looking at this thread and similar ones on other forums was that a lot of people who insisted it was going to be Grey Knights or Dark Eldar in August are feeling a little less insistent today.

Hopefully we'll be seeing that Plastic Daemon Prince now and maybe some other metal models replaced or supplemented with plastic alternatives as well.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/05/16 15:34:01

"I hate movies where the men wear shorter skirts than the women." -- Mystery Science Theater 3000
"Elements of the past and the future combining to create something not quite as good as either." -- The Mighty Boosh
Check out Cinematic Titanic, the new movie riffing project from Joel Hodgson and the original cast of MST3K.
See my latest eBay auctions at this link.
"We are building a fighting force of extraordinary magnitude. You have our gratitude!" - Kentucky Fried Movie 
Made in nl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Why, out of everything they could possibly release, they give us Daemons?

I don't need or want any of this GW, so no money from me.

Made in us
Tough-as-Nails Ork Boy


I would keep an I out for any large pics of deamons, if they are gonna release grey nights later this year now would be perfect to sneak them in. Just and idea that came to me.

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about 1250
Proud member of the OCLU (Ork Civil Liberties Union).  
Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

H.B.M.C. wrote:I mean just look at the recent bumbling acts of marketing childishness we've seen in just the past year! Iron Man 2. All the trailers, previews, interviews, Comi-Con panels, tie-ins with burger joints and whatnot. None of that should have happened. The real way to market a movie like Iron Man 2 is to not tell anyone you're making it until a week before its release and then BAM, you hit 'em with the movie. You get everyone to sign NDA's that are punishable by forfeiture of all the person's assets and/or the death penalty, you hire hitmen to kill journalists that sneak in to take photos, you threaten local towns with forced sterilisation should they blab that something's filming in their town, and then then you say nothing about the movie at all and, in fact, even go so far as to deny you're making it.

You forgot to mention that noone is allowed to talk about movies by other studios in the cinema
olympia wrote:Makes sense. Release demons right after Fantasy 8th so that the models will be bought by players from both systems.

Makes sense, so that everybody knows that 8th edition is still broken by the Daemon army book

Was hoping for GK or DE in August, oh well. More time to save money

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/05/16 15:43:20

Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

H.B.M.C. wrote:Of course not. Why would anyone want to show their new products in the E-mail announcing their new products. That'd just be stupid.

Dude, we got your disdain of GW about 3 posts ago. Let it go. I don't agree what they do either, but I don't need to drag down a thread with it. Go pick up FoW if you hate it that bad.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
BrassScorpion wrote:When I saw the email about Daemons in my inbox this morning it was quite a surprise. My first thought was, "great, more new plastics hopefully to replace older metal models". My second thought was that GW did a great job keeping this a secret. My third thought after looking at this thread and similar ones on other forums was that a lot of people who insisted it was going to be Grey Knights or Dark Eldar in August are feeling a little less insistent today.

Of course, GKs would make a good release to coincide with Daemons. I have nothing to back that up, it's just speculation.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/05/16 15:52:30

In the dark future, there are skulls for everyone. But only the bad guys get spikes. And rivets for all, apparently welding was lost in the Dark Age of Technology. -from C.Borer 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka


Ive always like the theme of 40k demons.. Just refuse to play them with so many metal models still.. This will be nice

Keeper of the DomBox
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Made in nl
Longtime Dakkanaut

BrassScorpion wrote:My third thought after looking at this thread and similar ones on other forums was that a lot of people who insisted it was going to be Grey Knights or Dark Eldar in August are feeling a little less insistent today.

These Daemons are not a full scale new release, they are only a handfull of items at most. This does not rule out a GK/DE release in August/September.

I was hoping the Dark Elf riders would be among their July stuff.

Made in us
!!Goffik Rocker!!


The all metal line was one of the biggest impediments to playing a demon force, this is a long time coming.


Do you remember that time that thing happened?
This is a bad thread and you should all feel bad 
Made in us
Ancient Chaos Terminator

Satellite of Love

This does not rule out a GK/DE release in August/September.
We're talking about Daemons and August, not September, and Grey Knights, when they return, will be a major relases with a new Codex. No amount of wiggling is going to make it look like predictions of Grey Knights for August were correct.

Why, out of everything they could possibly release, they give us Daemons?
Not every release will be of interest to every fan, it's just not possible. Why post about it if not interested? Thankfully, most forum members don't post every time GW announces a release that's not for them, can you imagine the amount of useless posts if they did? At least the "not another Space Marine release" complainers will be quiet this time.

This message was edited 5 times. Last update was at 2010/05/16 16:21:55

"I hate movies where the men wear shorter skirts than the women." -- Mystery Science Theater 3000
"Elements of the past and the future combining to create something not quite as good as either." -- The Mighty Boosh
Check out Cinematic Titanic, the new movie riffing project from Joel Hodgson and the original cast of MST3K.
See my latest eBay auctions at this link.
"We are building a fighting force of extraordinary magnitude. You have our gratitude!" - Kentucky Fried Movie 
Made in in
Otiose in a Niche

Hyderabad, India

Kroothawk wrote:
You forgot to mention that noone is allowed to talk about movies by other studios in the cinema

That's why they call it the 20th Century Fox Cinema Hobby!

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Kroothawk wrote:
H.B.M.C. wrote:I mean just look at the recent bumbling acts of marketing childishness we've seen in just the past year! Iron Man 2. All the trailers, previews, interviews, Comi-Con panels, tie-ins with burger joints and whatnot. None of that should have happened. The real way to market a movie like Iron Man 2 is to not tell anyone you're making it until a week before its release and then BAM, you hit 'em with the movie. You get everyone to sign NDA's that are punishable by forfeiture of all the person's assets and/or the death penalty, you hire hitmen to kill journalists that sneak in to take photos, you threaten local towns with forced sterilisation should they blab that something's filming in their town, and then then you say nothing about the movie at all and, in fact, even go so far as to deny you're making it.

You forgot to mention that noone is allowed to talk about movies by other studios in the cinema

You're not allowed to talk in cinemas, period. It's a dick thing to do, unless somehow yourself and your friends are the only people in the entire theater.

olympia wrote:Makes sense. Release demons right after Fantasy 8th so that the models will be bought by players from both systems.

Makes sense, so that everybody knows that 8th edition is still broken by the Daemon army book

Was hoping for GK or DE in August, oh well. More time to save money

I love how everyone just immediately assumes that one release invalidates the possibility of anything else.

Releasing Daemons in plastic? Awesome!
But obviously it means there's no possible way there could be releases of Grey Knights that the Daemon releases are tying into, right?
Made in nl
Longtime Dakkanaut

BrassScorpion wrote:
This does not rule out a GK/DE release in August/September.
We're talking about Daemons and August, not September, and Grey Knights, when they return, will be a major relases with a new Codex. No amount of wiggling is going to make it look like predictions of Grey Knights for August were correct.

Why, out of everything they could possibly release, they give us Daemons?
Not every release will be of interest to every fan, it's just not possible. Why post about it if not interested? Thankfully, most forum members don't post every time GW announces a release that's not for them, can you imagine the amount of useless posts if they did? At least the "not another Space Marine release" complainers will be quiet this time.

I never read anything about GK being released in August for sure, so Idk about that. If August is the (rumored) Fantasy (book or starter box) release month I doubt there will be another major release in the same month.

Actually I see truckloads of people post they would have preferred another release all the time (especially if another Marine army is released), I am not sure how anyone can not notice it, and if I feel like posting I don't like a release I will very damn sure do so. That comment was just as much meant as: instead of Daemons there are so many other items that are appealing so much more (not especially to me, but to a lot of other in general). Relax on getting those panties in a bunch please.

Another reason why I don't like Daemon releases is because they encourage people to play their broken codex, which is not a good thing for the game's overall balance. Simple solution is not play with or against those codex/certain lists of course, but still.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
It would also be typical GW if they have gamers buy all these great new plastic Daemons just a short time before releasing a Grey knight codex that totally hoses the Daemon codex

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/05/16 16:41:19

Made in ie
Battlefield Tourist


I hope that even though appears you're talking about 40K daemons in that post, you actually mean Fantasy daemons. The 40K book is nowhere near overpowered- it's wierd and random, but definitely not OP.

Made in nl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Yes I meant the fantasy Daemons in that part of the post.

Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

TBD wrote:Why, out of everything they could possibly release, they give us Daemons?

I don't need or want any of this GW, so no money from me.

I suspect it's because Daemons might not be getting anything for a while so they are getting a token release before they get ignored for the more family friendly armies that will sell more boxes of 8th ed. It'll be an article in WD while they enthuse about High Elves/Empire (bleagh).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/05/16 17:00:52

Made in us
Horrific Horror

I'm somewhat confused, even if the rumor is correct, as to why people are assuming this counts as a 40K release to the minds of GW. Maybe it fits with the monthly scheme they've had recently, but they're about to put out a major release for fantasy, which is as good a time as any to screw around with that scheme.

Not that I have any inside info at all. I'm just saying that, even if the daemon second wave is coming out in August, GK or DE could theoretically be out in September. (Don't get your hopes up, of course, but don't make too many assumptions.)

wins: 9 trillion losses: 2 ties: 3.14 
Made in us
Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

Home Base: Prosper, TX (Dallas)

Makes perfect sense. Release plastic units for Daemons in fantasy. An army that by the look of the rumors isn't going to be nearly as OP as it currently is. And then before everyone realizes the change they've bought tons of stuff to up their model counts for the new edition. It's actually really smart marketing. Especially if they tie in the GK's a month or two later.

Best Painted (2015 Adepticon 40k Champs)

They Shall Know Fear - Adepticon 40k TT Champion (2012 & 2013) & 40k TT Best Sport (2014), 40k TT Best Tactician (2015 & 2016) 
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

makes me sad after I bought 30 plaguebearers for my daemons.....
Made in fi
Jervis Johnson

Another reason why I don't like Daemon releases is because they encourage people to play their broken codex

Please tell me how you've managed to figure out that Daemons are a broken codex in the new edition of Warhammer? Fear, terror and ward saves all seem to suck in comparison to their current worth and having to spend tons more on core is a u-turn from the current style of minimum core of Horrors.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/05/16 17:45:20

Made in us
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

The Realms of the Unreal, of the Glandeco-Angelinnian War Storm, Caused by the Child Slave Rebellion

And here I was thinking I was done with Daemons for a while...

2 - The hobbiest - The guy who likes the minis for what they are, loves playing with painted armies, using offical mini's in a friendly setting. Wants to play on boards with good terrain.
Devlin Mud is cheating.
More people have more rights now. Suck it.- Polonius
Made in gb
Grey Knight Purgator firing around corners

Edinburgh, Scotland

I actually let out a 'squeee' when I read this. Been saving up to buy about 5 boxes of Horrors and Plaguebearers (each). Might get the Daemon Prince too since I've got a little more time now!

And I might be off the mark by a long way here, but is there not something fluff-wise to do with Dark Eldar and Slaanesh? Could be making it up tbh, but if it's true, it could still tie into either DE or GK release

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/05/16 17:54:51

Made in us
Dakka Veteran

I momentarily bought into the idea of an August GK release, but I haven't got a problem with a September release either; if anything having Daemons released just beforehand makes a codex more likely to me.
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

In August, the immortal legions of the Ruinous Powers - the Chaos Daemons - will pour forth once more from the Realm of Chaos to drown the Warhammer world and the galaxy of the 41st Millennium

Wait a sec, weren't we supposed to get Dark Eldar, who got pushed back for Grey Knights, who suddenly got pushed back for Daemons?

At this rate, it'll be Daemons in August, followed by (suddenly) Black Templars in November, followed by (surprise!!!) Sisters of Battle first up in 2011, with Inquisition replacing Grey Knights for late 2011, and Dark Eldar pushed all the way back to December, 2012...

What? You think GW wouldn't do it?

Made in us
Ultramarine Master with Gauntlets of Macragge

Boston, MA

Welp, didn't see that one coming.

Check out my Youtube channel!
Made in de
Decrepit Dakkanaut

September is most likely starter box Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition.

Kanluwen wrote:You're not allowed to talk in cinemas, period. It's a dick thing to do, unless somehow yourself and your friends are the only people in the entire theater.

Tell that the people in the foyer, wanting to talk about the movie they have just seen

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2010/05/16 19:09:26

Hive Fleet Ouroboros (my Tyranid blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/286852.page
The Dusk-Wraiths of Szith Morcane (my Dark Eldar blog): http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/364786.page
Kroothawk's Malifaux Blog http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/455759.page
If you want to understand the concept of the "Greater Good", read this article, and you never again call Tau commies: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism 
Made in nl
Longtime Dakkanaut

Therion wrote:
Another reason why I don't like Daemon releases is because they encourage people to play their broken codex

Please tell me how you've managed to figure out that Daemons are a broken codex in the new edition of Warhammer? Fear, terror and ward saves all seem to suck in comparison to their current worth and having to spend tons more on core is a u-turn from the current style of minimum core of Horrors.

What does "seem" buy us right now?

Until anything is actually confirmed the codex is broken.

And not everyone is planning to play the new edition if some/most of the rumours are true. Around here there will be a lot of people staying with the current edition.

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

SoCal, USA!

Brother SRM wrote:Welp, didn't see that one coming.

I don't think anyone did.

Especially as Tzeentch & Nurgle have needed plastics since DoC was released. If plastic Horrors were released as "Wave 2" up to 6 months after DoC was released, GW would have made money hand over fist as players bought Horrors in massive bulk and made 20+ PD the new standard for play.

Of course, it would have driven the remaining non DoC players out of WFB, but nevertheless, GW would have made a very large, quick buck.

So it's really uncharacteristic of GW to avoid the obvious cash grab.

*cough* Storm Raven *cough*

Made in us
Ollanius Pius - Savior of the Emperor

Gathering the Informations.

Kroothawk wrote:September is most likely starter box Warhammer Fantasy 8th edition.

Kanluwen wrote:You're not allowed to talk in cinemas, period. It's a dick thing to do, unless somehow yourself and your friends are the only people in the entire theater.

Tell that the people in the foyer, wanting to talk about the movie they have just seen

There seems to be a disconnect.
"Theater" is the part wherein you all sit down and watch the movie. It's a dick move to talk during that entire time, and it's common courtesy not to talk about the movie itself until you leave the theater(just in case you spoil something).
Made in ca

watch them make plastic kits of models that no one uses with gakky statlines.

Skorne army

i lost my cygnar army  
Made in fi
Jervis Johnson

Around here there will be a lot of people staying with the current edition.

That is of course their prerogative. They can play an edition that has to be nearly entire house ruled to be even barely playable competitively instead of giving a complete reset a chance it deserves. The current edition of 40K is about five hundred times better than the previous one and I'm sure a lot of people were sceptical about those changes as well.

I just find it asinine to complain about an army getting new models after a complete rules reset since you have absolutely no idea how good or bad the Daemons will be under the new rule set. If armour saves are mostly unmodifiable then Daemons might very well be one of the bottom tier armies all of a sudden. Noone knows and you're being maybe a little more than just pessimistic here.
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