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The history of The Imperium - The Musical!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ro
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

Fullgrim kills Ferrus


Made in us
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium


Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

The first settlers land upon Catachan.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Also? Not entirely background, but at the same time head canon background.

How Wee Me first saw Necromunda when it first released and really, really, really got into the campaign system and its sheer possibilities.

Fellow Whovians to whom Sylvester McCoy will always be their Doctor might see the correlation twixt this song, the promise of Paradise Towers, Paradise Towers Actual and indeed Necromunda.

Made in gb
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

The day Horus chose Chaos.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/03/25 23:43:29

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Not that anyone has read the background yet? But with The Lion returning, and Him being Primarch of the Legion/Primarch I’ve adored since…well….before some of you young whippersnappers have done an exist?

M42, The Lion sets about his business, and Abaddon besmirches his pantaloons.

Made in us
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

When Grimaldus reveals his human features to Princess Zarha


Made in au
FOW Player

I posted this in the 'Specific intro/walk-up music for every faction' thread, but it was actually meant to go in this one. Hence the high level of camp. Naturally I couldn't find this thread until right after posting in the other one ...

Anyway, here's the Tyrannic Wars musical number!

It is well known that psychic contact with the Tyranid hive mind can drive a human insane.

It is less well known that this happens because the hive mind is playing a parody version of a Village People song on a loop.

One better known to my generation from the Pet Shop Boys cover:

Nom nom, nom nom, nom nom, nom nom
We will eat our way
To Terra someday
Your mind in my mind
Evolution is not blind

Across stars so bright
Stab and spit and bite
Multiply anew
This is what we'll do

Life is tasty there
Give them all a scare
Get the guys in blue
This is what we're gonna do

[Norn Queen solo]
Go west! This is what we're gonna do! Ohh yeah!

From the fringes east
We shall spawn and feast
Make new forms of life
Spread panic and strife

I know you are me
How could you disagree?
You make no protest
You will feed the nest

Eat the galaxy
Every bird and tree
Plenty more to chew
Dine out somewhere new

We shall hibernate
New broods to gestate
Till we reach that star
Our delicious new snackbar

[further lyrics redacted by order of the Inquisition]

Nom nom, nom nom, nom nom, nom nom

... I can only assume that I woke up this morning with this song in my head because I stayed up late last night undercoating Tyranids and forgot to open a window to clear the paint fumes.
Made in us
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

Yeah I accidentally did that in this thread too.

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Not Imperium. But I’ve been reading AoO Farsight. Inspired by Farsight’s erm…insight, into the Orky menace and its enduring nature?

Made in us
Perfect Shot Black Templar Predator Pilot

The Dark Imperium

As recorded under Imperial Record Sixty-Three Nineteen, of the 63rd Fleet's ensuing meet and greet with the False Emperor of Mankind, on his baseless claim and treacherous deeds therein:


Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Belisarius Cawl finds The Emperor’s recipe for creating Astartes, and refines it.

Made in us
Been Around the Block

My body is a cage - that keeps me from dancing with the one I love

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

POV: You're one of the last few remaining Night Lords legionnaires fighting to the death against the 1st Legion during the Thramas Crusade.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/08/12 20:19:25

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

The Emperor reveals himself for the first time upon ancient Terra, and sets about his task

Made in gb
Bryan Ansell

Birmingham, UK

We move through the void of space to Sixty Three Nineteen where the 63rd Expedition fleet await the outcome of Hastur Sejanus' meeting with 'The Emperor'.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2023/12/22 16:15:49

Made in gb
Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps

Earlobe deep in doo doo

This should definitely appear.

Yes its a fan song but I genuinely unironically enjoy it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/01/04 00:11:52

"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

The Great Crusade Arrives On Random Human Planet

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Loyalists, before the Siege of Terra find themselves having to Mend And Make Do, yet maintain their faith in the wargear

Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut


During the War of the beast, the Orks invade with an Attack Moon:

Made in gb
Ridin' on a Snotling Pump Wagon

Crusade Era Dark Angels, offering to meet their foe in a form of battle best suited to them, knowing the Hexagrammaton has it covered

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