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Made in fi
Posts with Authority

oo, Badger looks dope! What kit is that even? A kitbash?

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

its built from the mantic games 'veer myn' tunneller model, see here:


Of course, theres the addition of some bits with aquillas (from the valk missile pods) on the sides and an aquilla in the slot on the back made sure that there were no sugestions of divided loyalties.
The basic kit has a great second edition 40k feel to it. a certain 'je ne sais quoi' like the same level of detail as the classic chimera and russ sets of the time, not to mention the classic rhino variants.
As the weapons that came with it are designed for skaven like critters, they are rather absurd looking. as such they were a no go.
you can see I instead added a melta, the one from the new primaris speeder, purely because it has three barrels, making it seem like it blongs on the model.
It just needed inverting and the original topsight clipping off and a new one added on the new top edge. (formerly the bottom)

A few things to mention should you get one: the model goes together insanely easy. it practically clips together but I'd advise glue tbh.
however worth mentioning that the drills and the front 'plough' blades are made of pvc not styrene, requiring superglue not plastic cement there.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/03/26 09:58:27

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Back to Rynns world with a vengeance!

"With greater power comes greater responsibilities...
We cannot sit in satisfaction of our petty victories any longer.
The liberation of our homeworld is but an empty gesture, the scouring of the greenskin hoards a pointless act, the very salvation of the Crimson Fist geneseed a hollow and meaningless deed, if we allow the same fate to come to others.
Guilliman has shown us the way! He has given us the tools we need to truly execute the Emperor's blessed vison!
I stand before you as proof!
Follow me into hell itself, cross the Rubicon Primaris and join the ranks of our great purge!

come brothers, we have xeno skulls to crush..."

Pedro Kantor, Capter Master of the Crimson fists addressing his charges upon his crossing of the rubicon primaris... Captain Alessio Cortez's own 'speach' after crossing the rubicon primaris was rather succinct in comparison and in truth a great deal less dramatic;

"somebody fetch me a bolter..."

So yeah, this is the final mini I shall be doing for the crimson fists and as such I figured I should go all-out!

clearly based on tor garradon and inspired by the big bugger in the middle of the rogue trader art (who it turns out IS kantor!) I wanted a big, bad and terrifying beakie to lead the charge.

As with cortez and the heavy bolter guy, I shaved and trimmed the knees and chest clean, then added piping detail to the chest.
This dipiction of dorns arrow (the storm bolter) is based off of the old SM commander plastic stormbolter, allbeit with barrels from bolt-rifles, a magazine assembly from a chaos bolter and the targeter is lifted from a gsc's heavy stubber. I simply couldn't be funted with ammo-feeds and it matters not IMHO.
The helmet is from the darkangels ravenwing sprue but I greenstuffed a more prominent crest to better match the old artwork.
With the artwork in mind I knew I needed the appropriate left pauldron. this also came from the classic plastic commander set and was ideal to give the look I needed.
The plumbob thingy on the crotchplate simply had to go, I mean whats tor garridon doing with this anyway? wallpapering the bunkers? come on!
no a simple swap for a crux terminator (again from the commander sprue) and this helped with the whole backstory I'd created with Cortez going missing and Kantor carrying this in his honour and in hope of his return.
the backpack was a simple swap for a regular heavy intercessor one and does the job.
now, I'm traditionally a "NO CAPES!" kinda guy but this mini has one 'hard-sculpted' in and I had the idea that this has been fashioned from the remnants of the old banner from the dude in the boxart.

now, I will point out, that its not that I didn't want to add the severed ork head, its just, I didn't want to....
look, its just silly looking! and as much as I wanted to replicate the feeling of the art my sillyness will only stretch so far... LOL
however, to show the ork hatred and further suggest at the passage of time I added the ork skull underfoot (taken from an old metal vindicare assassin).
I feel it really makes the pose, he's not resting, no way it would take the weight or fury of those sexy cuban heels.
No, he's right in the middle of crushing that skull to splinters!
A few empty shells from anvil and jobs a good-'un...

Heres a WIP that shows off the build/gs elements.

To sum up, this was a great project and a real nice nostalgia fest, making models that 8 year old me would have loved to see at the time.
one of the benefits of getting better at the hobby as you get older is that you can take these journeys and get some real catharsis out of it.
It's also taught me that I should not be so pedantic about primaris/regular marines/horus heresy. if its cool, build it and paint it.
does it spark joy? if the answer is no its time to move on...
A conclusion it seems that GW has taken under its wing at present with the axing and re-releasing of marine kits of late...

This message was edited 8 times. Last update was at 2024/04/29 19:59:56

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Now that's a fist I love Garridon conversions, makes for solid badassery to end your CR run with. Glad to hear he's stomping that skull, because I certainly had the thought that Ork bones are tough but not that tough

EDIT: The tunneller looks great! An unexpected model from you but fits right in with the construction yellow crew.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/04/01 16:15:46

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

I've always loved your Marine kitbashes, never seemed to matter much which torsos you'd use, Primaris, Phobos or firstborn, the results always turned out looking great. Just keep going and leave purism for the purists. You have a knack of making everything look coherent enough.

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

thanks guys. you keep looking at em, I'll keep converting and painting them!

Kriegers are done!

First up the sgt.
Using the tinylegends kit to its best to replicate that classic pose of the fw resins!
gave him the boltcroppers from tiny legends and an astartes meltabomb and krak-grenade. (yellow because Im trying to force myself to get more comfortable painting it, as you know its a bit of a dread colour for me, much like white...*shudders)
My oft-used shells from the deathwatch kit and the chest light from the plastic krieg set. to prevent the ol' subterrainian-homesick-blues creeping in...

next up is this guy in a fancy tiny legends field-cap.
As he has his cap on, his helmet is on his back (this is from anvil's stahlhelms from the trencher regiments range) as well as a lovely rtcw/where eagles dare reference in the form of a dynamite bundle from the gsc acolyte sprue (yes a bugger to remove the monster claw, but worth it for the colour and character it gives the mini you'll surely agree?
Also featuring a DKOK chest light, this time the lens in a orange gem rather than grey to show it's on. (mainly because he was lacking an eye lens, I figured the gem on the chest would balance this out on the mini.)

Then the most aggressive of the squad, this guy shooting and advancing.
I went to town on the kit on his back, using a cadian body with a shovel on the backpack, I added the pickaxe, boltcropper and a bundle of rope/cable, all from the tiny legends kit.
The grenade comes from the anvil trencher range as is the knife with the brass knuckels on the hilt. I wanted this guy to look like the solid warrior of the group. He's a soldier, there to shoot and stab stuff. Yeah, he carries the excavation gear, but hes not messing about with bombs and charges and all that jazz, he's there to provide cover and carry stuff... simple.

Then another field-cap dude, this time in the camo for a different look.
His gasmask required some alteration to get the head-pose as I wanted, the tube carefully removed and a canister from a spare anvil brodie/gasmask head. not a bad look. one now rendered obsolete by Tiny ledgend's latest kits that contain flexible hoses, making coversion much, much easier.
His grenades are from the grey knights, the skull grenade suggesting at perhaps something chemical or special in some way?
The positively huge melta-charge is from the new plastic krieg. I say huge as the ones in the fw kit or tiy legends kit are about half the size! LOL and again with the chest-light lens for the splash of colour it gives.

heres group pic with t'other one from before:

Not by any means done with the krieg 22nd just yet.
I've a plan for some heavily armoured and heavily armed guys in stalhelms and gasmasks to go with these fellas that'll provide cover/support whilst the engineers go about thier business of doing sneaky explosive thingys and setting up sappy-trappy doo-hickies...

more soon

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/04/13 19:49:08

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

-REDACTED- no longer relevant

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/04/15 13:05:07

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

bit of an odds and sods weekend.

so, firstly I got the dogs done:

Donnie is Col. Sumner's (of the Selby 151st) personal warhound.
After the Colonel was awarded the Aquila Imperialis medal for his actions in combat, he promptly removed the medal from his own chest and affixed it to Donnie's harness, stating; "Without him, I'd have never got more than fifty yards through those trenches..."

Vinz, is Commander Grant's (of the 97th scions) tracking hound.
Of vinz, he was heard to remark; "Neither heretics nor xenos can hide from vinz's nose. he sniffs 'em out and we take 'em down..."

Donnie was painted in the blue-grey of a great dane. A simple task of basecoating skavenblight dinge and subsequent lighter drybrushes of admech grey and dawnstone, finishing with some extreme edge highlights of admin grey to his muscletone and face.
Also paying attention to blend some skintone into the ears, around the underbelly and mouth areas, as well as under the eyes and his scars.
His webbing is done in my usual black and brown leather with some green added on the 'wadding'.
Vinz was done as a Masteweiler, a curious breed that can often result in what is essentially a giant rottweiler.
vinz's coat was tackled by a simple drybrush of skavenblight dinge over pure black and a very VERY light drybrush of admech grey over this.
The brown was tackled with tiny layered stippling and highlighting of rhinox hide, mournfang brown, xv88 and lastly zandri dust to achieve the desired blended effect.
For a difference to Donnie and to contrast his dark fur, I did his collar red with brass studs and then, feeling he had enough brown on him already, I did the webbing green with tan 'wadding'.
The noses are simple gloss varnish over black.
The eyes were done with zandri dust and black pupils.
Now, most important; Never do white eyes on dogs or horses. It just looks weird. Trust me, just substitute the white with a tan or light brown of your choosing and It'll look normal.

next I fancied something mechanical so I did this auto-mortar for my Filey 87th:

yes, I know I did one before for the 39th pioneers but that was rather blandly painted in the dirty grey of the artillery and vehicles I had done for said force at the time.
This one references the green and black armour of the Filey 87th and I also added some goblin green on the mortar shells in the drum for a bit of 'pop' (any excuse to use that now!)
I also paid more attention to the direction of the weathering on the drum this time, suggesting rotational scuffing.

finally onto something I ordered from Spellcrow:

everyone knows I love me a good barrel and these are no exception. I went for a less rusty metal approach and a more weathered plastic instead.
using stippling highlights and the contrasting weathering I've been doing on the vehicles of late. so yeah, it works on smaller things!
Going for blue water-butt, propane orange and a yellerun for yellowline trucking co. I've more of these to do so I'm sure I'll get around to them soon...

I had ordered some of the blitzkrieg heads that they have too, intending to use them on some kasrkins as reinforcements for my krieg, but alas they came out way too small for my intended use. Guess I may end up using them on regular guard in the future? who knows...
Still as there's not much enthusiasm for the krieger's now I suppose that's not a huge loss
I'll Just have to rethink those stormtroopers now...

Spellcrow are great by the way, operating out of Warsaw, Poland, they offer a great range of full minis and conversion parts in hand-cast resin and are of a great quality and very affordable. the postage was also surprisingly low. they were also kind enough to throw in some random bits in amongst my order. most likely as a bonus for being a new customer. A very nice and unexpected 1+
Lovely guys. but don't take my word for it, go see for yourselves:

more soon.

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/04/29 09:57:12

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Loving those Kriegers! Especially the camo scheme is fab

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Great work on the Puppers!
Also very late reply to the 90's Blood Angel Terminator; he looks great and the "OSJC filter" makes him better than I was expecting!

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

thanks folks!

Today I got my biker from the Filey 87th done:

Based on an atalan jackal, this uses the bike, legs and left hand from this kit.
The rest is a torso form the valkerie kit, the arms are anvil regiments as are the grenades.
The stowage is a pack fromt he krieg kit, the rope from the tiny legends krieg leftovers and the bedroll on the front is from the nucadian sprue.
obviously, his head is the usual cdf head from madrobot, the pads vansaar (or in this case blue/green stuff press-molds of vansaar pads) and the 'York' pattern lascarbine (made from mk4 marine flamer and lasgun buttstock, muzzle and mag assembly) that all my Filey 87th have.
The big pocket comes from an astartes mini (can't remember which, but a relatively new one, I'm sure)

Dispite the alternative parts used to construct him (compared the footsloggers I've already built from nucadians) I'm pleased with the way that the colourscheme, coupled with the use of the helmet, pads and lascarbine have combined to make him fit right in. Any obvious visual differnces (armoured shins, short coat, rubber crotch and kneepads etc...) can be explained away as specialist equipment due to his recon/outrider role.

special note to the bike camo which is actually a recreation of yet another german camo (to fit in with the spring pattern peadot on the fatigues), this time "ambush" armour pattern.

this was achived with zandri dust, then blobs of waaagh flesh and mournfang brown. then dots of zandri dust on both the brown and green blobs, then a few waaagh flesh dots on the zandri dust.
just right!
all it needed was a targeted shade of brown and black (inthe deepest recesses) then a edge weather (in place of a highlight) of mechanicus standard grey (tried skavenbright but it was too dark). much like the peggy-minge technique, used on my most recent vehicles, just a little simplified as this is a very small surface area and doing camo always slows things down anyway.
not sure I'd use this on a big mini as I feel it would need an airbrush application to look good on that scale but for the bike its fine.
But in truth, even with the colour differences, is not even really that discernable from the cloth peadot.
still its another 40's camo and it makes a lot of sense on this application, alongside the peadot in the force, so I'm not at all bothered.

I don't think I'll be doing any more bikers as this was just a way of using what I had left over from the atalan jackals kit. But this was fun nonetheless.

I've noticed these pics look a little off, colourwise, so I may try to get better ones tomorrow when the light's better...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/04 19:05:09

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut


He looks excellent. Genuinely one of the best conversions that you have done. Great work, as always.

Have a look at my P&M blog - currently working on Sons of Horus

Have a look at my 3d Printed Mierce Miniatures

Previous projects
30k Iron Warriors (11k+)
Full first company Crimson Fists
Zone Mortalis (unfinished)
Classic high elf bloodbowl team 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Cheers Jim, thats good to know, considering he was really an afterthought of leftovers!
one of Bob Ross' "happy little accidents" I guess!

Got this done today:

Jago's got stuff stashed all over the galaxy, got to have proper places to stash it, right?

A scratchbuild I made at work from corrugated card and spare gasket card cut into strips (for the ribbing).
the door-lock "rods" are cotton earbuds with the buds cut off and the hinges are bits of wire off-cuts.
The welded effect is greenstuff and the tiny eagle on the front is sliced from a nucadian lasgun

here's the WIP shot on the bench at work:

Working hard or hardly working, eh?

Alas, my camera had no joy with Filey rider again today, but my mrs gave it a snap with her smartphone on some portrait setting or some such:

not sure if its better, or what, but its another shot, so enjoy!
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

just realised, that I've failed to show a shot of the container from the front!

now you can see all the details in the door side!

also this shot is a little less overexposed and over saturated, better showing a true representation of the colour on this. the other pics almost made it look like its just weathering over plain yellow base.
With this shot, I think you can better see the transition of colour in the stippling layers...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/06 07:36:39

Made in gb
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

Logged into Dakka for the first time in years to simply say...wow.

Holy Moley. Amazing work.

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Cheers man, anything in particular or just the whole shebang?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/07 08:55:27

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

So today I decided to turn the old clock back with a bit of 20-20 hindsight!

You'll remember me saying that the Eoforwich 39th sold their badger excavator to Jago Kane of Yellow-Line Trucking Co. and that some new uniforms and kit were likey in their future?

well, what else do you think was coming into the Eoforwich system in that shipping container?
Yup new kit and uniforms for the boys in brown!

and it seems the troops approve!

I've returned to the 39th and given them a fresh perspective, in the wake of the nucadians and plastic krieg which were not orignially available at the time of my original anvil based builds.

As you can see, he still has the same brodie-lid/gasmask combo, as well as the simple, slim-line back-webbing (astartes leg-pockets from the infiltrators sprue), to keep his design familiar.
The changes are, obviously, the fact that his proportions are greatly improved due to the base being a nucadian and the use of Krieg rifle/arms.
His armour was tackled in the same way as the original 39th albeit with more darker areas added (bellyplate and smaller underplates on shoulders) for interest and contrast.
The trousers/knees are done in grey, much in the style of my selby 151st (with the darkgrey pads) as that works nicely.
The gasmask and gaiters are done in olive green but much a much darker base than the old 39th, so I could go a bit extra with the highlights, again giving more contrast to the mini.
A spot of colour in the form of the red thermite 'nade and some nicley highlighted black areas, incuding the eyes which are now done as black/grey 'gems' as opposed to simple gloss black finish of old.
The smock/coat is the biggest difference as far as paintjob is concerned but probably not that noticable to the layman viewer: It's another peadot, much the same as thecamo the filey 87th currently use (deathkorps drab and gobin green on bugmans glow with zandri and ushabti highlights) but the bugmans glow swapped out for steel legion drab. which was the basecoat of the old 39th minis. These were painted to look like the old 1st world war hand painted camo whereas these look much closer to mass produced, machine printed camo. Which is good if they're supposed to be new uniforms. its a way of adding to the force without making the old minis obsolete. Those original minis are now a representation of an earlier time in the regiments history.
Fluff aside, It's a much more simplified, and as such, cleaner looking camo than the original 39th, but the new way of painting the shapes/dots (as well as only shading the recesses, not an all-over wash) leaves a much nicer overall finish to it.
With it being brigher, greener and shorter, perhaps this is spring uniform?

The pose itself is a nod to the old pathe news reels that showed our boys going off to the war, all pith and vinegar, jolly and confident. Many with no idea of what they'd truly be facing.
The irony was pushed a step further on this model by the sandbags, suggesting he's not just off to war but also going stright 'over-the-top', albeit casual and nonchelant:

"were off to purge the heretics mate, You coming or what?

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/05/11 17:31:07

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Got that mystery (was it though?) vehicle done at last.

The delay on this was anfortunate accident in march when a large and unyeildy object fell from a high shelf and bludgeoned the build rather nastily.
since then its been sitting looking sorry for itself and I've put it off in a fit of irritation at the accident.

Damage to the righthand runner and lefthand front exhaust, as well as several damaged track-links has now been repaired/cleaned up and generally goes unnoticed unless pointed out. much of it looking like fair battledamage. the peggy-minge/weathering goes along way to hiding much of this too!

anyway, heres my stormtroopers' venerable and venrated ride:

Those of you old enough to remember the heady days of rogue trader will remember that prior to the creation of the chimera kit, guard armies had access to the rhino as a transport.
Well you know me, love a bit of 80's nostalgia and this is of no exception.

remembering the following artwork from an antiquated White dwarf:

I set about converting a Horus Heresy Legion rhino into a gaurd-issue transport of yester-year, allbeit viewed through todays modern miniture aesthetic!
First up I got myself a Deimos Rhino.
I've coveted these since they were FW exclusive and now its in plastic, let alone cheaper than the 40k mk2c rhino kit it was a must have item for an old-soak like me.

First up were the grabrails and door handles. A must have as they scream rt era rhino and its a travesty they were ommitted from the otherwise rather splendid Horus Heresy Deimos kit.
Said siderails were made from plastic rod, heated and bent and then set into drilled holes with polycement to permanently secure them. (not wanting snapped rails on this-un!)
I chose to simply put them in between exhausts, not around them like the original kit did it (and the zinge industries conversion kit does it).
This was partly because I feared snap-off damage over time and also because, although nostalgic, I realised it served absolutely no logical sense for them to be there. The running boards are limited to the width of the exhausts, so the grabrails should be also.
The handles on the doors were created out of bent solder and a couple of plastic tube offcuts and were simply glued on with GP cyannoacrylate.
Next thing on the list to recreate from the old kit were the oftimes snapped-off rear aerials.
These were sourced from the primaris impulsor, being a marine kit, the visual sensibilities matched 100% and the solid chunk of them felt much more secure than anything I could have scratch built to serve the same purpose.
While I was at this I also elected to add some extra comms-equipment in the form of a stubbier aerial and a tiny dish taken off of the comms-backpack from the Kasrkin kit.
A nice way to reference the stormtroopers that ride in it and add a bit more detail that didn't take it over the top or cluttered...
Another mostly overlooked detail was the rear hatch.
The 30k rhino simply uses the same flat hatch from the 40k mk2c rhino. This would simply not do for me.
When I did a similar conversion for my spacesharks I had used an original mk1 rhino plate for this section. Now, obviously I didn't have another of those knocking around and although I could have got out a mortgage and bought one from ebay (or simply knocked one up from plasticard or regular card I suppose), I was filled with a desire to make this out of standard kits available, that way its easily replicatable for anyone else, or myself in the future for that matter!
So I simply used the new Deimos Predator front hull , inverted it and slapped it on the back!
To make sense of the window thats now +/- at floor-level, I covered it with a handle bit cut from the door of a landspeeder (so much for available kits eh?, in my defence this was still available at the time, use a vent from something else nowadays?).
Another thing I fondly remember from the old kit was the pair of stowage boxes. To create a modern analogue for these I used the boxes from the new sentinel kit.
They are a nicely high-detailed alternative that fits the bill and also further cements this as an Imperial-guard rhino.
Now, this kit does not have the windscreen and wipers detail that the 40k one does, so I set about sorting that out by cutting some off the 40k one's front plate and setting them behind the deimos window ports. Unfortunately the plate I had only had one window on it (the other had been trimmed off and used eleswhere) so I made a bluestuff pressmold and made two greenstuff replicates instead.
Other details on the front include the spare track (taken from the mk2c kit) held on with a spare handle from the Goliath kit. This was a reference to the spare track on the old SOB mk1 repressor kit. (remember those?) I had previously used this on my old mk1 rhino conversion for my royston rifles and its a nice detail that allows for some heavy weathering a rust effects. As such, I thought it would add a bit of further visual interest to the front of the vehicle. I didn't do the dice because, one its not a lucky 7s rhino and, two I didn't want to!
Further details are the alternative headlights, made from cut-down missile pods from the landspeeder kit (as I did on my spacesharks RT inspired rhino). These can be considered optional, the standard ones are fine TBH but its something I liked so did it.
Now I'll say that I had toyed with the idea of the front ram but I just dont like them and never have. As such (again, like my spaceshark rhino before it) I simply added two tow-lugs from the russ kit instead.
I suppose I should mention that damage on the front of the right runnerboard. I replaced the missing bit with simple plasticard offcut (actually cut from an old tank plate leftover from the bits-box) but rather than attempt to recreate the chequerboard texture I simply modelled it as the hasty repair it was. Fiction mirroring real-life! I painted it in grey rather than green as if the quickly welded on plate never got more than a spray of primer before use and its stayed that way ever since.
No. I did not paint the interior. I figured the internal side doors were enough and thats good enough for me! The top hatch is glued down but the bolter-hatches are free for poseability. Because I painted them seperate anyway so why not!
I'm most happy with the colour gradients and weathering on this-un, especially on the internal beige areas too, they went much better than I thought they would.
Unlike the Griffon I did in the same scheme, I was much more carefull about where I put the successive highlights this time, creating gradients on the panels, which is easier on an astartes vehicle as the plate-design lends itself to this much easier. I also ommited the initial basecoat of rhinoxhide then stipple up from DeathKorpDrab up the greens. Instead starting from a base of DeathKorpsDrab and then stippling up. I felt this would make it greener in appearance and, although heavily weathered, somehow a little less disrespected and neglected, yeah its old and dirty but its loved. As a rhino in guard hands would be, it being so rare.
I also like how the red of the artwork's exhausts has happily manifested as the rusty ones on this model. A happy accident if I'm honest but a good one nonetheless...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/19 10:51:32

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

Nice weathering and the color modulation looks great! I thought for a minute you actually used an airbrush on this one. Nicely done man. Also, considering the og plastic Rhino used the exact same piece for the rear hatch as this one, that aspect is very faithful to the original

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2024/05/19 15:08:59

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Cheers Tauist,

Nice to hear re. the paintjob; really starting to get a feel for the stippling now. glad its paying off visually...

As for the hatch; yeah, this was a real nostalgia fest for me, having built more than my fair share of mk1 rhinos over the years, I just knew I wouldn't be satisfied with less as far as references to the old kit goes!

you know, the Imperial Guard forces could take landraiders back then too...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2024/05/20 10:54:37

Made in us
Omnipotent Lord of Change

Albany, NY

Really lovely new/old rhino, you've pushed the mix of design styles even further and refined it further than FW even did (the back hatch for example). One enthusiastic guardsman thumbs up

(Said guardsman is a treat as well!)

INSTAGRAM: @boss_salvage 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Thanks BossSalvage

I think it helps that the hatch gives a bit more chunk to the ass-end of the rhino too, on some subconscious level, it makes it's silhouette match the older one a bit better...

as for the 39er, I'm glad someone likes him!
He's only really a one-off for curiosities sake but I can't absolutely rule out any more of the updated 39th boys completely...
Made in gb
Shas'la with Pulse Carbine

Very nice! It seems that I have blinked and missed loads. The new 39th trooper is looking great as is the Filey soldier on the bike with his autumn camo!

My hobby ADHD, mostly Necromunda, with a splash of regular 40k... 
Made in fi
Posts with Authority

 osjclatchford wrote:
Cheers Tauist,

Nice to hear re. the paintjob; really starting to get a feel for the stippling now. glad its paying off visually...

As for the hatch; yeah, this was a real nostalgia fest for me, having built more than my fair share of mk1 rhinos over the years, I just knew I wouldn't be satisfied with less as far as references to the old kit goes!

you know, the Imperial Guard forces could take landraiders back then too...

Dude, even Eldar Harlequins had Land Raiders back then! Ubiqutous to a fault, it was

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

@ guarding blink and you can miss loads from me, yet other times I'm quiet for a fortnight or more.
I'll say its been fun to play with the tones in the camo on each of these forces; orangey krieg, pinky green for Filey and browny green for the 39th.
To be honest I'm tempted to do something completely off the wall with the same tonal values but completely different colour. Less realistic references from wartime camo and a more cartoonesque scheme. Like a blue shade peadot or the like. Kinda like Serbian police camo. (Damn I always find the real world references, even when I'm trying to be whacky!) perhaps that's a possibility for those five stormtroopers I'm yet to model/paint?

@ tauist, re. Eldar landraiders; it was a crazy time in hindsight, but seemed quite normal at the time. Tbh, I got properly stuck in with second ed, but was fully absorbed into the 40k settings vicariously prior to this by mates and thier brothers and buds who were most passionate about roguetrader, back when I was still doing wartime dioramas...

Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

Today I decided to repaint earthshaker carriage I'd done for the 39th.

Taking my hand to the opus artis drybrush again, I revisisted the peggy-minge technique, this time going back to the rhinox hide basecoat start, as was done on the griffon.

As you can see, it translated well on this mini, making it a great sister-piece for both the Griffon and the Rhino.

The brown basecoat gives an extra layer of dirtyness to the whole thing. Not something I really wanted too much on the command Rhino, for reasons aforementioned, but ideal on an old trenchgun like this'un.

Details include the rust effect on the tow-chain, as on the tracks on the other vehicles, the toolbox in rhinox hide with grey weathering, as the ammo boxes on the Rhino and the dark green cloth detail on the bag/roll on the front, matching the heavybolter canvas on the Griffon.

I shant bore you with the full build/conversion details, as you can simply read the original build from when it was done for the 39th in this post:

More soon

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2024/05/28 05:46:12

Made in gb
Mad Gyrocopter Pilot


Very cool updates, the rhino looks awesome.

One and a half feet in the hobby

My Painting Log of various minis:
# Olthannon's Oscillating Orchard of Opportunity #

Made in us
Hardened Veteran Guardsman


Is that earthshaker carriage a FW one or the Victoria Miniatures one? I love the painting you've done on the guard - you're spending more time on each guardsman than I spend on the characters. Impressive

Guard, Templars, Dungeons & Dragons, Terrain & More. - https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/800909.page

Way too little free time. 
Made in gb
Storm Trooper with Maglight

chigwell, essex

@olthannon thanks, dead happy with it myself.

@blockade23, yeah I suppose that to many the amount of effort on each guardsmen compared to what you get out of it is a little absurd, but I'm no gamer, just a collector and painter so. To me it's worth it.

Also re. the cannon, it's a kitbash;

"Years ago, when I first planned the bombard conversion, I had purchased a earthshaker cannon sprue on ebay for a very low price (snapped it up!) purely to get my mits on the cannon support struts.
I figured I'd get round to making a carriage for the leftover cannon eventually and somehow, so 12 or so years later and 'eretiz!

the wheels are the make or break of this conversion, they come from lego technics range and I've had them since I first bought the lego kit they came off of when I was a mere whelp of a boy! (single figures!)
once I discovered 40k (I had also been doing wartime vehicles and dioramas in my pre-teen days) I realised the wheels were suitably 40k looking and would be ideal for one of those 6 wheeled chimera jobbies that was often in the wd's of the time.
however, I never got my hands on a second set of wheels so this conversion never happened.
years pass, and in the box they reamain. the tyres long since lost to the mists of time.
however, the design is perfect for representing artillery-wheels to mimic the dkok early 20th century industrial warfare asthetic.
all I had to do was add some 'trench-tyres' which, during the wars, were little more than thin plates of dense vulkanised rubber that soften the footprint of the wheels somewhat, preventing damage to the actual wheel itself, keeping the gun standing true. just like the ork artillery wheels show them and I've also seen them first hand on similar weapons in the imperial war museum etc...
I simply used cereal box card superglued on for this but a better/more patient modeller would have sourced some abs pipe the right size and cut it into even segments and glued that on.
I figured, as It was going to be filthy and old looking, this would not be worth spending money on. spacemarine bike (or ork) wheelhub finished the wheels off just fine.
yes, I know the fw carriage has four thin wheels a side but these are twice the thickness so, funt it, it'll do...
the gun was altered by adding the muzzlebrake from the leman russ canon, the rest of the russ battle-cannon used either side of the earthshaker-gun as a mount. to this I added to trimmed down bits of imperial dozer-blade as a stubby, almost vestigial, blast shield.
as I'd used the original breach-plate on the bombard, I simply used a valkerie rocket-pod end with a little styrene railroad valve-crank I bought a bunch of at the engineering exhibition a few years back (one is on my autocannon conversion in the royston rifles thread, if you're that interested).
couple of pistons from the imperialguard dozer chassis, and a crank made from the searchlight mount on one side and a heavybolter mount bit from the valkerie sprue on the other side and the gun was done.
this was then mounted on a frame made of two predator/whirlwind plates (top/bottom) and some more of that long-suffering valkerie kit for the sides, a couple of track-guard bits at the back end and two rhino doors.
one as the back beneath the breach area and one trimmed down and put on the left side as a stand-point.
this last bit also has a handle off of something I cant remember and theres a grabrail made from a
tow hook (like I did on the nebelwerfer). also on the left side is a control panel made from a cut down auspex with a gungrip from a gsc heavy weapon positioned like a joystick.
on the right side there is the stowage section from the russ (fixed up with trackguard leftovers) and a towcable from the imperial guard tank-sprue.
the rear outrigger/platform is made from the dozer chassis with step-platess from the landspeeder-storm added. also on here is a towhook and a nifty little loading-crane, made from the servo arm from the long-suffering atalan jackals sprue with a reiver grapnel claw mounted on it (looks more like those annoying fairground claw-games than a shell-loader, true. But tis a nice detail nonetheless.)
this is then finished off with a swizzels plastic lollystick axle (no longer available these days, they are all compressed paper now, so use styrene or brass/ali rod/tube) with a pair of wheels made from the plastic basket drain holes like I did on the nebelwerfer. however, instead of leaving them plain metal with weathering, I decided to make trench-tyres for these too as it would match the others nicely and also suggest at the weapon's great weight.
oh, yeah, all of the outrigger is liked to the rhino plate under the breach-area via an upturned space marine bike pedal-section.
the front of the carriage-frame is finished with a pit of artboard (plasticard would be better in truth) with the storage-box from the predator kit and two of the chimera skull plate bits 'hung' under this to represent further amour to prevent grenades et being thown under or whathaveyou.
onto one of these the 'canvas-wrap' from the imperialguard tank-spruewas added, if for nothing but a difference in colour and texture and also to hide the twinned nature of the two chimera plates on there..."
- quoted from my previous post when I first did it.

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2024/06/07 19:17:35

Made in fi
Posts with Authority

 osjclatchford wrote:
Today I decided to repaint earthshaker carriage I'd done for the 39th.

Taking my hand to the opus artis drybrush again, I revisisted the peggy-minge technique, this time going back to the rhinox hide basecoat start, as was done on the griffon.

As you can see, it translated well on this mini, making it a great sister-piece for both the Griffon and the Rhino.

The brown basecoat gives an extra layer of dirtyness to the whole thing. Not something I really wanted too much on the command Rhino, for reasons aforementioned, but ideal on an old trenchgun like this'un.

Details include the rust effect on the tow-chain, as on the tracks on the other vehicles, the toolbox in rhinox hide with grey weathering, as the ammo boxes on the Rhino and the dark green cloth detail on the bag/roll on the front, matching the heavybolter canvas on the Griffon.

I shant bore you with the full build/conversion details, as you can simply read the original build from when it was done for the 39th in this post:

More soon

Fantastique finish on this earthshaker! Feels like the modulations are really coming to their own now

"The larger point though, is that as players, we have more control over what the game looks and feels like than most of us are willing to use in order to solve our own problems" 
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