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1k Pts - Daemons vs Blobguard Annihilation (finished!)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Jacksonville, NC

For fun before my tourney game today I got a quickie in against a new guy at the shop.... Heres the lists:

Creed in a command squad w/ Master of Ord, Astropath, and the other dude that -1 reserves, vox, medic, melta

10x Vets - Vox, Flamer, Melta

Platoon squad:
10x Guard - Vox, grenade launcher, Commissar
10x Guard - grenade launcher
10x Guard - grenade launcher
10x Guard - grenade launcher
10x Guard - grenade launcher

PCS - Melta, Power fist, vox

Leman Russ - Lascannon, HB sponsons


Fiendweaver Mini

5x Fiends - UM
5x Fiends - UM
3x Crushers - banner, instrument

5x PB's
5x PB's

Full army pics...

Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: Pitched

I'll skip deployment as it shows pretty well during T1....

I win the roll off and choose to go first. He doesn't seize.

I get my primary wave: Weaver, crushers, 1 fiend unit

Daemons Turn 1
Everything drops in and scatters. I run and get everything into bubble range. Thats it.

Daemons 0 KP - IG 0 KP

Imperial Guard T1
He shuffles, not much movement.

Shooting he unloads on my crushers, killing 1 after some sick saves.

Daemons 0 KP - IG 0 KP

Daemons Turn 2
I get nothing in thanks to his -1 to my rolls :(

Fiends move up to charge his russ, my weaver and crushers go for his blob.

Shooting weaver drops his template of doom and kills 4 guardsman, attempts to kill some vets and fails as well.

In assault the fiends roll badly, stunning his russ twice. Weaver and crushers combined kill around 6 guardsman, he does nothing back, and we hold.

Daemons 0 KP - IG 0 KP

Imperial Guard T2
He moves his PCS to come charge weaver with his PF. His vets run to come shoot stuff should combat end.

Shooting he does... nothing lol.

In assault he charges in with his PCS. Overall, he loses combat by 5 or 6, and his PCS runs, but his blob holds on (note: hes doing like 4-5 wounds to weaver every combat, and 2-3 to the crushers, I'm just rolling beast). My fiends explode the russ, losing 1 to the explosion.

Daemons 1 KP - IG 0 KP

Daemons Turn 3
Fiends wheel around to come assist in the weaver assault. My other squad of fiends drop in, landing off the banner.

Shooting I try and pop the commissar with gift, but he saves.

In assault I dominate guardsmen, killing 10 or so.... but they stick again! bastards!

Daemons 1 KP - IG 0 KP

Imperial Guard T3
Everything aims at my new fiends, he moves around to clear sight on them. His PCS rallies and comes back for more.

Shooting he does a bunch of wounds on my fiends, but I roll some good saves, taking 1 wound.

In assault his PCS comes in again... but between the fiends and the crushers, he loses combat by like 12. The PCS bails again, the blob yet again holds its ground....

Daemons 1 KP - IG 0 KP

Daemons Turn 4
Everything else comes in finally, landing off the banners. My new fiends move to get to CREEEEEEDDDDD's squad.

Shooting I finally pop the commissar.

In assault I kill the blob to a man, consolidating well to keep the PCS running.

Daemons 2 KP - IG 0 KP

Imperial Guard T4
With 2 units left he goes all out, trying for the moral victory of killing weaver. PCS runs off the field.

Shooting he unloads, but weavers untouchable. With nothing better to do he charges weaver with his vets... I win combat by 1 and sweep them...

With only CREEEEDDDD and crew left we call it, as there was no need to table him when victory was already this well in hand. I'd only lost 2 fiends and 1 crusher to his 66 guardsmen and tank...

Daemons 4 KP - IG 0 KP


Afterthoughts: God I hate guardblobs... they're so tough to move! Honestly, if I'd rolled badly at all, weaver may have ate it and this game could have gone much differently. Luckily, Weaver held out, soaking up stupid amounts of punishment to score the big W for the Daemons. While my opponents list wasn't that great, with some tweeking it could be great.... too bad 6th is upon us!

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2012/06/27 03:06:05

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1st Place Special Mission tourney 12/15/18 (Battlereps)
2nd Place ITC tourney 08/20/18 ( Battlerep)
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Made in gb
Servoarm Flailing Magos

That's a terrible guard list. Just saying.

Ever thought 40k would be a lot better with bears?
Codex: Bears.
Made in us
Knight of the Inner Circle

I think its a fine list, at 1k the numbers of troops will outweigh the possible armor the enemy could bring.

6000 points
4000 points
Empire 5500 Points

Made in gb
Servoarm Flailing Magos

No it's not. Creed is a huge waste of points at that level, for virtually no payoff, there is a grenade launcher and a flamer in the same squad, the PCS has a medic which will hardly ever be needed, for 30 points, and you have ONE anti-tank weapon in the entire list.

Ever thought 40k would be a lot better with bears?
Codex: Bears.
Made in us
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Jacksonville, NC

@joey: I admit creed is a waste this low, and I see what my opponent was trying to do (I also think he semi-customed the army to face daemons a bit). If he had 100 guardsman I'm sure he would have used 2 blobs. Either way, he did have 2 or 3 meltas, and his russ. I think his entire plan hinges on frfsrf against infantry, at 1k unless someones running something like DE, 4 or 5 vehicles are the norm. A russ, a few meltas, and a MOO should be able to tackle them.

Check out my P&M Blog!
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Latest Tourney results:
1st Place Special Mission tourney 12/15/18 (Battlereps)
2nd Place ITC tourney 08/20/18 ( Battlerep)
3rd Place ITC Tourney 06/08/18(Battlereps
Made in us
Raging Ravener


Creed is only useful for outflanking a strong (probably Tank) unit and hanging back to issue orders to heavy weapon squads, and neither are in the army. Also, what is he outflanking that he needs an astropath for? And master of ordnance is never good imo. It's very much like my guard lists when I first started playing and cared only about big armies. The demon army, on the other hand looks varied, and while it might have trouble against huge armies like the guard, including fateweaver guarantees that you'll win. he just doesn't have the weaponry to fight MCs
Made in us
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Jacksonville, NC

Hunchkrot wrote:Creed is only useful for outflanking a strong (probably Tank) unit and hanging back to issue orders to heavy weapon squads, and neither are in the army. Also, what is he outflanking that he needs an astropath for? And master of ordnance is never good imo. It's very much like my guard lists when I first started playing and cared only about big armies. The demon army, on the other hand looks varied, and while it might have trouble against huge armies like the guard, including fateweaver guarantees that you'll win. he just doesn't have the weaponry to fight MCs

Honestly, I think he used part of his 2k list and just cut it down to 1k. I agree that Creed was a waste, didn't understand why he bought all the bells for his command squad, and wondered why he didn't take any power weps in the blob (for against other armies at least). Honestly if he threw in a couple melta-vet squads or stormtroopers to drop in and pop a transport for the blob/russ could work, or some HWS, or another blob (or split the blob into 2 30 man blobs with commissars) would be nifty.

My list actually took two staples of 90% of my lists (weaver/fiends) and tacked in my newly painted Plaguebearers and Crushers. I figured they'd be fun for one of my final 5th games; I built the list before I knew what he had lol. Stupid stubborn blob squad....

Check out my P&M Blog!
Check out my YouTube channel, Heretic Wargaming USA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLiPUI3zwSxPiHzWjFQKcNA
Latest Tourney results:
1st Place Special Mission tourney 12/15/18 (Battlereps)
2nd Place ITC tourney 08/20/18 ( Battlerep)
3rd Place ITC Tourney 06/08/18(Battlereps
Made in us
Rotting Sorcerer of Nurgle

Jacksonville, NC

Rep is el' completeo (yep, I totally know spanish... /snicker)

Check out my P&M Blog!
Check out my YouTube channel, Heretic Wargaming USA: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLiPUI3zwSxPiHzWjFQKcNA
Latest Tourney results:
1st Place Special Mission tourney 12/15/18 (Battlereps)
2nd Place ITC tourney 08/20/18 ( Battlerep)
3rd Place ITC Tourney 06/08/18(Battlereps
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