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Imperial Guard Cadians and Chimeras for Client  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

This very nice looking Cadian army is at level 2 paint standard with level 1 basing. It also has simple freehand insignia painted onto all of the infantry and tanks. The army has a very dark camo scheme, featuring black and dark green. Highlighting was used to help distinguish the colors and make the models pop where they might otherwise be hard to distinguish.

The Chimeras also feature some light weathering with mud and dust effects on the lower portions of the vehicles as well as having all weapon options magnetized so they can be swapped out to different vehicle load-outs.

We're always taking commissions! Check us out, we have very reasonable prices: http://www.frontlinegaming.org/custom-terrain/paint-service/
[Thumb - 10-27-12 chimeras 001.JPG]

[Thumb - 10-27-12 chimeras 004.JPG]

[Thumb - 10-27-12 chimeras 005.JPG]

[Thumb - 10-27-12 chimeras 006.JPG]
All 3 with magnetized weapons.

[Thumb - 10-27-12 chimeras 007.JPG]

[Thumb - 10-27-12 ig 001.JPG]

[Thumb - 10-27-12 ig 003.JPG]

[Thumb - 10-27-12 ig 006.JPG]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/10/28 00:07:38

Made in us
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!

Plano, Texas

Erm, the mantlet for the multilaser is upside down.

- Assembling first army.
Nowlan's IG Army in progress

Thin your paints, drill your gun barrels, remove all mold lines. The Emperor wills it.  
Made in nz
Daring Dark Eldar Raider Rider

New Zealand


Good painting skill though. Ima thinkin of starting a IG army in the next couple of months, and this gives me some inspiration.

"Archon Yulliptidon sat apon a throne made of polished glass, which gleamed with magnificence in the rays of the dying suns, beautifully suspended above the the many razor sharp peaks that where Commorragh. The archon held within his hands a a delicate pyramid of sculpted crystal, from which emitted a faint glow, an echo of the soundless screams of pain belonging to countless tortured souls forever trapped within. The room in which the archon sat in was something like a throne room, but displayed apon the walls where helm of every color, but all the same in size and shape. Some bore eagles on their foreheads, and others still contained the decapitated heads of their previous owners. Two huge, beautifully carved iron double doors, engraved with intricate runes of pain and suffering, opened at the far end of the room, to reveal a tall, elegant dark eldar warrior, clad in armor made from bone and flesh. "lord Yulliptidon, you asked for my presence?" Said the arrival, " to what do I owe the pleasure?". The archon raised his elongated head, skin as pale as a full moon, eyes as vivid as a horrible nightmare. " I did not ask for you, Thrayon, I ordered your presence. Do not think to much for your self, for truly, you are not much past a feral that one would find on the streets. As for why I have ordered you to my palace, it is because their is a task that I wish you to preform. I wish you and you kabal to cleanse the imperial out fort of Sargosain Gastienagan." Thrayon was both aghast and interested at what the archon had just said. "Such a task would stretch my kabal to its limits, only a great reward would be enough to do a deed like this." Yulliptidon was outraged by the the proposal of a "great reward" by Thrayon, but did not let his anger show, hiding it with a cold smile that hid his evil intentions surprisingly well. The archon was was famous for never telling a lie in his life, but was very fond of veiled double speak, and this was no exception. "Do not worry, Thrayon, you shall receive what you deserve." Thrayon, happy with this outcome, left to carry out Yulliptidons task. Little did he know what was coming. Thrayon had done a thousand evil deeds, and what he deserved was a horrible death equal to to all those he had caused. Yulliptidons smiled. He was going to have fun."

Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

Haha, I love how much people like point out errors on the internet. The mantlet is magnetized independently from the weapon itself, the client just has to spin it around and all is well.

@Archon Tobias

Thanks, I hope you got some good ideas.

Made in us
Maddening Mutant Boss of Chaos


The edge higlighting seems a bit sloppy and seems to have too much contrast.

Made in us
Nurgle Veteran Marine with the Flu

Eaton Rapids, MI

Sloppy? No. sloppy would be caking on paint and doing no highlights. This is a clean basic paint job for a paying customer. It looks great! And if this is their level 2 I am impressed. Bravo!

Fly Molo of Dark Future Gaming!
Made in us
Been Around the Block

Very good color, great highlights, great weathering,
Clean and all magnetized.

Bravo Bravo Love them. Great work
Made in us
Deadly Dark Eldar Warrior


I have to admit they look good though they seem just a tad sloppy, not enough to justify having to redo it. If I was paying for those I would accept them any day of the week.

Dark Eldar 3000
DKOK 1000
Empire 3000 WIP
Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

Thanks for the feedback, guys.

The high contrast from highlight to base color was intentional as these are a level 2 commission and only had 1-2 level of highlight, so we chose a color that would really pop from the table top. Up close like these pictures are (larger than real life) you can see any errors quite easily, but on the table top, they look great, which is what the customer paid for.

Glad you all like them though, the pictures don't show the light drybrush and color variation as well as you can seem them in real life, unfortunately.

Made in us
Huge Hierodule

United States

I really like the stark highlighting on the Chimeras, actually.

Hydra Dominatus: My Alpha Legion Blog

Liber Daemonicum: My Daemons of Chaos Blog

Alpharius wrote:Darth Bob's is borderline psychotic and probably means... something...

Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut


These look great. I am always amazed at what your level 2 quality is. Do you get many commissions for your level 3 with level 2 being so good?

Las Vegas Open Head Judge
I'm sorry if it hurts your feelings or pride, but your credentials matter. Even on the internet.
"If you do not have the knowledge, you do not have the right to the opinion." -Plato

Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

@Darth Bob

I do too, actually. I paint my own models with really bright colors and high contrast highlights because it makes them pop like crazy. It does tend to give a cartoony appearance, but I like that personally. Some folks go for a more realistic look, which is totally fine. It's personal preference. We can paint either way, but when we have the client's permissions to take license with it, I tend to gravitate to wards this type of highlighting.


We get mostly level 2 request as like you said, I can honestly say our level 2 (table top quality) blows most paint companies out of the water. For the cost, we really do give a superior product.

Lately though, we have been getting a lot more requests for level 3, but only on small groups of models.

Level 1 is pretty popular too, because it is so fast and cheap. Not much detail work, but the end result looks excellent from the table top.

Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan


See, i prefer the high contrast to the usual basic edging.

Dont get me wrong, normal edging is nice and i feel it makes a model complete.
I do however, prefer to go up an extra shade or 2 with highlights like this.
I just think it gives a model alot more character and they stand out loads more, without looking weird or off.

Made in us
Hoary Long Fang with Lascannon

Memphis, TN

I like your style here. The way that it is painted looks very much like a battlefield paintjob. I am not sure if this was your intention but the numbers really make it look like that. Great work!

Check out this comp!http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/498307.page
My P&M Blog:http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/497661.page
2500 Brothers of Sanguinor
2500 Purifiers
750 : Bad Wolves

2 successful trades: TemplarCoyote, blood angel

P.M. for a reference! K.C.C.O.! 
Made in us
Humorless Arbite

Outside the DarkTower, amongst the roses.

Looks good to me. I like the shoulder numbers, nice touch.

Every Dakkanaught gets a 4+ Pinch of Salt save.
When you suffer a Falling Sky hit, roll a D6 - on a 4+ the hit is ignored as per the Pinch of Salt save. On a 1-3 panic insues - you automatically fail common sense tests for the next 2 weeks and get +7 to your negativity stat. -Praxiss

Made in ca
Heroic Senior Officer

Krieg! What a hole...

Did you free handed the numbers on the pads?

Member of 40k Montreal There is only war in Montreal
Primarchs are a mistake
DKoK Blog:http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/419263.page Have a look, I guarantee you will not see greyer armies, EVER! Now with at least 4 shades of grey

Savageconvoy wrote:
Snookie gives birth to Heavy Gun drone squad. Someone says they are overpowered. World ends.

Made in us
Wicked Ghast

Lake Charles, Louisiana

i don't see any slop these look great you're all mad men ! MAD MEN I SAY but they look good
Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

Thanks again for the feedback, it is much appreciated! Glad I am not the only one that likes the bright contrast!

And yes, the squad numbers are all freehand. We actually prefer to freehand insignia on models unless the symbol is really difficult to paint. It usually looks better when freehanded, and is actually faster to do, too.

Made in gb
Raging-on-the-Inside Blood Angel Sergeant

I think the highlights on the Chimera are really good, Good job.

d-usa wrote:Orks are the GW version of R2D2. No matter how advanced the defenses may be, there is always an open serial port somewhere that can be pluged into and a firewall that was never configured.
Made in us
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Didi you over-sharpen in Photoshop the 414 numbers on the Chimeras? They look pixelated compared to the rest of the photo.

"All right, sweethearts, what are you waiting for? Breakfast in bed? Another glorious day in the Corps! A day in the Marine Corps is like a day on the farm. Every meal's a banquet! Every paycheck a fortune! Every formation a parade! I LOVE the Corps!" ---Sgt. Apone

"I say we take off, and nuke the site from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."-----Ripley

Brushfire's Painting Blog Gallery
Made in fr
Fighter Pilot

Strasbourg France

Not a fan of the colour scheme, but if they were commissioned that's not your fault.

The painting itself is quite nice, and I also am a fan of the highlights !
Made in us
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit

These are pretty far from,sloppy. Nice work!

Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

Thanks guys!

And yes, the client specifically asked for a very dark, green on black paint scheme. He sent us pics of what he was gong for and we matched the colors almost exactly. He liked the super dark scheme, which is cool. We want to give our customers what they want!


I have really, really limited photo editing skills, like damn near zero. We don't have Photoshop, but a freeware editor called Gimp that is actually quite good. All I do to the pictures is to brighten them if the color is too dark, crop them, and then add our company watermark. If the numbers look pixelated, I honestly can't say why. I don't even know how to sharpen a part of a picture! haha

Made in us

This Is Where the Fish Lives

 Reecius wrote:
Thanks guys!

And yes, the client specifically asked for a very dark, green on black paint scheme. He sent us pics of what he was gong for and we matched the colors almost exactly. He liked the super dark scheme, which is cool. We want to give our customers what they want!


I have really, really limited photo editing skills, like damn near zero. We don't have Photoshop, but a freeware editor called Gimp that is actually quite good. All I do to the pictures is to brighten them if the color is too dark, crop them, and then add our company watermark. If the numbers look pixelated, I honestly can't say why. I don't even know how to sharpen a part of a picture! haha

GIMP is a wonderful photo processing tool, especially considering that it is free. A couple things will help make these photos much better: dump the card board box and bright white background for either a darker one or a gradient (which can also be done with GIMP) and instead of adjusting the brightness, adjust the color levels until it resembles the actual item the most.
I don't know what you are taking pictures in, but if you haven't yet, invest in a nice tabletop photo tent with lights. After you do that. check out Massive Voodoo, as they have some awesome backdrops that you can print out and use. You've really been pushing you commission services (which is good, more power to you!) on this forum lately and I think that if you address those few things, it will give your business a more polished and professional look.

 d-usa wrote:
"When the Internet sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending posters that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing strawmen. They're bringing spam. They're trolls. And some, I assume, are good people."
Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV

Those are some excellent suggestions, thanks! I feel really good about the talent of the artists we've gotten on our team, but my photo skills have held me back from posting anything as they really didn't do the models justice.

Massive Voodoo is awesome, thanks! Those are some really cool backdrops.

Right now we're using a home made photo booth, it is better than what we had previously (nothing) but it does have it's limitations as you can see.

Do you have any suggestions on a photo tent? I am new to photography and definitely open to suggestions. We want to take pictures that do the artists' work justice. And yes, I agree 100% that the better presentation equates to a more professional look, which is what we strive for.

Thanks again for the tips, it is much appreciated.

Made in us

This Is Where the Fish Lives

Just go to Amazon and search "tabletop photo tent" and see what comes up. There are plenty of options ranging from pretty expensive to very cheap. I bought one for $40 and while it certainly does the job, it leaves some to be desired as far as number and quality of the lights.
The backdrops will help give those pictures a little more pzazz and a little more work with GIMP and the quality will definitely be bumped up a notch and give these artists they much deserved justice.

 d-usa wrote:
"When the Internet sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending posters that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing strawmen. They're bringing spam. They're trolls. And some, I assume, are good people."
Made in us
Guard Heavy Weapon Crewman

United states

Beautiful work! I am currently in the process of getting ideas for my IG army.
Made in gb
Judgemental Grey Knight Justicar

$25 for the tank seems resonable, but $8 for those guardmens seems pretty expensive, maybe I am just out of touch with the whole commision paintings.
Made in us
Awesome Autarch

Las Vegas, NV


Awesome, thanks again!


Thanks! I hope it gives you some inspiration.


Our average competitor charges $10-$12 for the same level of painting, we are significantly lower. And, we typically have a lot more detail work.

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