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Worst Moments playing immature players?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in cn
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!


Hi, I'm new and i'm not sure if this is the right place too post, dakka has been very nice so far

But whats the worst moment like this for you? I have two stories,

I was playing a doubles tornament in my shop back in London where i was paired with this mildly annoying (but in no way evil or horrible) guy, vs two friends of mine who were both a little and alot older than me, My Tau are chipping away my friends Eldar quite well where the teammate starts scream "PROTECT MY THUNDERFIRE CANNON!" right in my ear, i turn too him and say "but your in cover, theres no need" he continues to whine so i do so, by doing this not only my FW's are now no longer getting cover from my railohead but i have too only fire my main gun where before i was glancing the eldar walkers too death before, as i guessed the FW sqauds were killed in an instant and we were almost down too about 5 marines, of then the guy screamed "ITS YOUR FAULT" when i was clearly killing a good amount of eldar, orks and holding an OBJ. We lost the game when eldard came over and kicked the hammerhead and thunderfire too death.. Of which the other team said "you would have won that if you had never moved the rail head"

A much worse time was me playing a 40 year old power gamer who has said countless un- PC stuff in my shop and even making racist comments about my themed army. When playing his 'nids he would scream every i said if i was in cover, he would openly make odd remarks about how my knowage and grades in college and gaming skill were linked...and at the end because at the time i was using a store rulebook (of which i have now got my own after saving up) called me a "a poor kid who should not play warhammer" This man (may i re add who is in his 40s) was later banned for simular stuff.

As this is my first topic again i'm not sure if this is the right place too post and i'm sorry for any spelling mistakes as i'm typing from my phone. Thank you!

3000 - 天空人民军队
2000+ - The Sun'zu Cadre.
2000 Pt of Genestealers
1500 Pt of Sisters

'Serve the people'
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Battle Barge Impossible Fortress

Bless his heart, there is a gentleman in his late 40's who may be a little too slow to grasp 40k.. but he plays anyways (and I encourage him). He's a swell person, but playing him in games can be brutal and everyone knows it. I usually try to play him every other weekend.

My point.. Is that this man is absolutely great compared to some kid (in his 20s) that used to come around. You know the type. Always talks about how his day is terrible when you make him remove a unit and that how his mom died and things just haven't been the same around his house since. Unfortunate.. But seriously, let's play the game.

Nope. Packs up turn 2 after you make him remove another unit. Returns next weekend to tell everyone he is quitting 40k and is selling stuff.

Repeat the process each weekend. Plays games/Leaves/Returns

That's the only type of person that annoys me when I play 40k at the store. I can handle waac guys. I don't play them. : ]

I'm not mad at this person. It just taught me to pick my battles carefully and that I can only have fun against other people who want to have fun.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2013/10/10 03:58:27

Made in cn
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!


Yeah i agree, i can't stand it when people leave half way though and those games were early on, later i got a feel for the local players, god dman i never even stopped too think about the people who leave half way though or go "can i make my team commit suicide" when they start too lose...

3000 - 天空人民军队
2000+ - The Sun'zu Cadre.
2000 Pt of Genestealers
1500 Pt of Sisters

'Serve the people'
Made in us
Member of the Ethereal Council

This "Adult" i played was horrible. He cried about loosing two units and I got some lucky rolls and killed a feew of his things. It eventually got to a horrble shouting match. He whines about how tau killed his flyer list.

5000pts 6000pts 3000pts
Made in us
Regular Dakkanaut

I remember in 5th edition where I played against someone's Chaos Space Marines. Man, he kept claiming that Kharn had Eternal Warrior and he had toughness 5.

I told him that Kharn does not have eternal warrior and toughness 5 when I read the codex (I read it before playing him) and told me my pdf was different from his codex. Turned out his book had a smudge where Kharn's toughness and the codex never stated he had eternal warrior.

Made in us
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Oregon, USA

I had a kid (about 15) do the following a few years back:

1/: complain to the store owner that i wasn't using GW models (I was running old-school DE, this was before the update) and should be banned.

It is a FLGS not a GW store, so this didn't fly.
I can understand that he didn't recognize them, as they last had an update before he was potty trained (at the time) and weren't stocked anywhere.

2/: Argue that my codex was a fake, as it was so old-looking and none of the pics inside 'looked like 40k' - (see above) - i patiently explained that DE were still an army, and this was the most current codex available.

3/: Pitch an absolute wobbler when my Dark Lances ignored his AV 14 (I guess he never played vs CWE either?) claiming i was cheating.

4/: Ragequit when his 5 man assault marine squad got owned HARD by my Archon before they even got to swing (if i'm remembering right).

Quote 'They are marines! Read the *bleep* books, Play DOW. Marines are better than everyone at everything, so they can't lose. No way even one marine would lose to one guy.'

Embarrassing to be around, worse to play. Spent the rest of the day quoting passages from BL and the 5th ed rulebook that made his UM look good and shooting me dirty looks. He also had a bad habit of calling everything he disliked 'gay' and dropping f-bombs every third word, which got old fast...

Thankfully that was the last time i saw him.

The Viletide: Daemons of Nurgle/Deathguard: 7400 pts
Disclples of the Dragon - Ad Mech - about 2000 pts
GSC - about 2000 Pts
Rhulic Mercs - um...many...
Circle Oroboros - 300 Pts or so
Menoth - 300+ pts
Made in us
Resolute Ultramarine Honor Guard

Peoria IL

In early 5th Ed this kid was going on and on about how invincible Thraka and his 5 meganobz were. So right after he called a waaagh, I charged him with khan and LC/PG/SS command squad (all on bikes) with a bike chappy. Killed them all except Thraka (who took wounds) in initial assault. I lost a couple next turn, then Hit and Run, shot him and charged again ( killing him despite 2++. Kid turned red and picked up metal model, chucked him across store where he hit a cinderblock wall, bits raining down on painted tournament ready armies.... Locals not happy, player banned.

Note: Records since 2010, lists kept current (W-D-L) Blue DP Crusade 126-11-6 Biel-Tan Aspect Waves 2-0-2 Looted Green Horde smash your face in 32-7-8 Broadside/Shield Drone/Kroot blitz goodness 23-3-4 Grey Hunters galore 17-5-5 Khan Bikes Win 63-1-1 Tanith with Pardus Armor 11-0-0 Crimson Tide 59-4-0 Green/Raven/Deathwing 18-0-0 Jumping GK force with Inq. 4-0-0 BTemplars w LRs 7-1-2 IH Legion with Automata 8-0-0 RG Legion w Adepticon medal 6-0-0 Primaris and Little Buddies 7-0-0

QM Templates here, HH army builder app for both v1 and v2
One Page 40k Ruleset for Game Beginners 
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Battle Barge Impossible Fortress

I remember this one player with blue Tau. He was so mean and sometimes he threw his models at me. I still have the scars today.

Oh and he likes kroot so it makes him nasty.

Because Heldrake

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/10/10 04:26:00

Made in ca
Nasty Nob

 Brometheus wrote:
I remember this one player with blue Tau. He was so mean and sometimes he threw his models at me. I still have the scars today.

Oh and he likes kroot so it makes him nasty.

Because Heldrake

To be fair, that's a decent excuse...

ERJAK wrote:

The fluff is like ketchup and mustard on a burger. Yes it's desirable, yes it makes things better, but no it doesn't fundamentally change what you're eating and no you shouldn't just drown the whole meal in it.

Made in cn
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!


*update* The guy (who is a father may i add) befriended many of the 14 to 16 year olds (that age) and one of them was a boy who would openly make racial remarks. Now on dakka i have posted my chinese themed army and got good feedback, even from formor US army vets. But this kid never let go my army was a "Dirty red" army and make horrible racist jokes like "his guard cant see" etc and would even make them with this old bloke. Now my ex-girlfriend would play 40k too and she was white and black mixed race, but looks maybe a little asian at first glance. These two boys (i refuse too call the othera man) started laughing and saying loudly "a mixed race black and chinese would be so funny and so ugly" etc at which point my ex stood up and said "your both horrible manchildren" as the shop owner and i turned our heads they packed and ran. They went on too found their own gaming club of which no body goes too.

A few months later the new shop owner and friends mention the kid got banned, i ask why and nobody said anything...i found out in the end he tried to impress a girl by calling my tau the "chink team"...

3000 - 天空人民军队
2000+ - The Sun'zu Cadre.
2000 Pt of Genestealers
1500 Pt of Sisters

'Serve the people'
Made in ca
Guarded Grey Knight Terminator

Calgary, Alberta

Our store has a younger kid still in high school with the attention span of a goldfish. He keeps running off in the middle of games to go look at things up front, and does this even just one against one. When he got wind of an Apoc game we were running on an irregular day, we didn't have the heart to tell him no, but he couldn't keep his focus on the game at all. He kept running off during his team's turn, and at first, we cut him some slack and went to go get him. But, well, when you're playing 10k+ a side, time is an issue, and it was frustrating when he'd vanish every fifteen minutes and not be around to declare his shooting or be aware what was going on. The opposite side quietly just focused him more than we would've otherwise and when he came back and found out his Terminators got eaten by a C'tan, he wasn't very happy. He didn't rage but it did make his attention span worse. The most awkward part is that now he has a need to prove himself in Apocalypse but we really can't stomach inviting him back with his inability to stay in the game.

In retrospect, we're pretty lucky this is the worst immaturity we've had since I've been going there.

One unbreakable shield against the coming darkness, One last blade forged in defiance of fate.
Made in au

Sunshine coast

1500 per side used models had brought eldar v tyranids. He got first turn . I seized iniative
Shot wraithknight at swarmlord rolled box cars to wound claims swarmlord has a 3++ I go with it because the swarmlord deserves an inv realistically and this was a "friendly game" rolls snake eyes for saves then proceeds to pick up the offending wraithknight and throws it over the fence( outside club) into a bush scratched paint but otherwise not broken complains and leaves games and goes home. Next week he arrives and gets annoyed when the club didn't let him in.

3000 4500

Made in us
Trustworthy Shas'vre

DFW area Texas - Rarely

 hiveof_chimera wrote:
1500 per side used models had brought eldar v tyranids. He got first turn . I seized iniative
Shot wraithknight at swarmlord rolled box cars to wound claims swarmlord has a 3++ I go with it because the swarmlord deserves an inv realistically and this was a "friendly game" rolls snake eyes for saves then proceeds to pick up the offending wraithknight and throws it over the fence( outside club) into a bush scratched paint but otherwise not broken complains and leaves games and goes home. Next week he arrives and gets annoyed when the club didn't let him in.

wow...someone picked your property and threw it over the fence?

That would not end well. at all.

for me the biggest challenge are the guys who either deliberately cheat, or are so used to gimmicks or relying on crutches that when they can't use them they just bitch up a storm.

"Remember, in life, the only thing you absolutely control is your own attitude - do not squander that power."
Fully Painted armies:
TAU: 10k Nids: 9600 Marines: 4000 Crons: 7600
Actor, Gamer, Comic, Corporate Nerd
Made in cn
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!


yeah, i knew a guy who would never buy a necron codex but he knew all the stats...but tricked the entire store into thinking you were allowed 9 wraiths in a squad, i did't mind so much because he was a fun guy too play with.

3000 - 天空人民军队
2000+ - The Sun'zu Cadre.
2000 Pt of Genestealers
1500 Pt of Sisters

'Serve the people'
Made in gb
Hallowed Canoness


Hmm, most immature player I've ever met... had a really good excuse, since he was like, nine.

Didn't stop me pulling his hand away when he tried to set off one of the store-granted party poppers directly under the wing of my converted vendetta though. That would have ended... badly.

"That time I only loaded the cannon with powder. Next time, I will fill it with jewels and diamonds and they will cut you to shrebbons!" - Nogbad the Bad. 
Made in nz
Pulsating Possessed Space Marine of Slaanesh

Christchurch, NZ

I've been pretty lucky, even our youngest players (11-12ish) are at least okay to play against.

The worst I had was a player who was running Contemptor Dreadnoughts, and spent most of deployment and the first turn talking them up. As a result, he was pretty miserable when one died to Havocs and the other one to a Vindicator very early on. He ground through the rest of the game, but his heart wasn't really in it.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/10/10 08:52:05

CSM/Daemon Party

The Spiky Grot Legion

The Heavily-Ignored Pedro and Friends

In the grim darkness of the 41st Millenium, there are no indicators. 
Made in au

Sunshine coast

davethepak wrote:
 hiveof_chimera wrote:
1500 per side used models had brought eldar v tyranids. He got first turn . I seized iniative
Shot wraithknight at swarmlord rolled box cars to wound claims swarmlord has a 3++ I go with it because the swarmlord deserves an inv realistically and this was a "friendly game" rolls snake eyes for saves then proceeds to pick up the offending wraithknight and throws it over the fence( outside club) into a bush scratched paint but otherwise not broken complains and leaves games and goes home. Next week he arrives and gets annoyed when the club didn't let him in.

wow...someone picked your property and threw it over the fence?

That would not end well. at all.

for me the biggest challenge are the guys who either deliberately cheat, or are so used to gimmicks or relying on crutches that when they can't use them they just bitch up a storm.

Yeah trust me it didn't end well
But he was like 9 and it was pretty for his only synapse on field but it wouldn't of been that bad if he just continued to play instead of trying to break a 125 aud model ( plus basing) then running off if he sat down and begged for mercy to me and explain thoroughly ehy and offered to continue and pay for damage etc I may have just considered advising a suspension instead of banning him( club runner asked what I would consider fair) but running off didn't help

3000 4500

Made in cn
Hurr! Ogryn Bone 'Ead!


I played a kid (under 11) once when i was the only guy in the shopn and the store owner semi-forced me too, proper spoilt kid and had 3 preditors and went for my longstrike railheads, i won in the end with a riptide but only by the last turn, the annoying thing was even when winning he would just walk off and look at a random model for games he did't play and just point too his mum for the ones he wanted, the shop owner had to physicly steer him back too the table. When i won i swear he had foget he was playing a game too begin with so he never cared!

3000 - 天空人民军队
2000+ - The Sun'zu Cadre.
2000 Pt of Genestealers
1500 Pt of Sisters

'Serve the people'
Made in gb
Regular Dakkanaut

West Browmich/Walsall West Midlands

I have come across it a few times, twice with a young lad on my team, and seen it when my club fellows have been playing...

To cut a long story short, i ended up becoming a 'guardian' for the day (parental responsibility uh oh ) and had to look after him, the first time it went swimmingly as we blasted our opponents to bits in epic style, with me in command, hence the trolling was rather fun as he was trolling our resident troll who does it very well indeed. The second time he had no such luck, all of us had fun in trolling him (shame on us indeed ) as he tried to troll some of our finest but got it back in return . But otherwise he was very well behaved, but a bit cocky i'm sure we will knock it out of him one way or another as i had to escort him back on the bus (ahh the luxuries of public transport- hogging the back of the bus with out stuff ) and his 40k 'tactics' sounded a little hot headed, as i kept on providing counters to his wild ideas. I hope to face him with my Tau or Dark Eldar one day just to teach him a lesson in 'real' 40k.... *ahem*

though i have seen some real egos be pot shotted in epic fashion. At tourney once one of our esteemed members had taken a nurgle Epidermus list (yes that old troll list...) and came up against DA deathwing. The guy wasn't quite the ticket, but there was no need for his dickish behaviour when he lost 20 termies in 2 turns so nurgle was on the march and the whining started, oh well. This same player of ours also ended a young gents win streak at another tourney, we found this out when one of the TOs came over and said 'whoever beat this guy gets our thanks' the said guy wasn't impressed to say the least. I was on the table next to them so i heard everything, it was a pleasure to hear the discourse

we have never seen people throw models, we've had plenty of 'accidents' with them thought. Old metal dreanought legs falling off when the model is picked up was a trait of mine

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/10/10 09:30:14

A humble member of the Warlords Of Walsall.


Cryx- epic filth


GW: IG: ABG, Dark Eldar , Tau Black Templars.
Made in us
Bloodthirsty Chaos Knight

 Ascalam wrote:
'They are marines! Read the *bleep* books

Like Lukas the Trickster getting one of his hearts ripped out by Duke Sliscus?

Space Wolves: 3770
Orks: 3000
Chaos Daemons: 1750
Warriors of Chaos: 2000

My avatar 
Made in gb
Raging Ravener

Me and a good friend would go down my FLGS every Friday and play the guys who went, we were 15 and 19 at the time and they were all around 30 and we're always lovely guys to play against. However one time we invited a friend to come down with us and his dad came down too. The friend was really enjoying himself and fell in love with the hobby there and then. However his dad was a complete pain and embarrassment. He was going round picking up models (who we're in battles) saying things such as "he's got a condom gun" or "it's a dildo launcher". He also broke someones old steam tank (remember the brilliant metal ones?) by dropping it on the floor and instead of saying anything, pushed it under the table and walked off. Thankfully we never say him again.

Slaanesh: "Hey guys we're back! We brought presents. And yes, they ARE sexually suggestive"
Tzeentch: "So did we miss anything while we were away"
Khorne and Nurgle trade a shifty glance
Tzeentch: "Hey! Whos been touching my stuff! Where did my Old World go?!"
Khorne and Nurgle wander off whistling. 
Made in us
Longtime Dakkanaut

Saratoga Springs, NY

Not going to lie, the only younger person in the LGS I go to is actually amazingly well behaved, and probably nicer than most of the other people there.

The thing that really annoys me though is when people just keep bragging about how awesome their army is. There's one Tau player and one Tyranid player who are kind of the "power gamer" types, and they will literally just walk up to you and start taking about how awesome their flying hive tyrant/riptides are and how much stuff they killed with them last game.

Although, the most immature gamer I know was probably me back when I was in grade school, Never did anything really stupid, but I'd always just hang around staring at people playing games and asking/saying random stuff that really didn't have much to do with the game in question.

Like watching other people play video games (badly) while blathering about nothing in particular? Check out my Youtube channel: joemamaUSA!

BrianDavion wrote:
Between the two of us... I think GW is assuming we the players are not complete idiots.

Rapidly on path to becoming the world's youngest bitter old man. 
Made in gb
Twisted Trueborn with Blaster

Im lucky in that my FLGS club is all pretty like-minded players. We all play for fun and rarely care about the win or loss, as long as we have a fun game. I got tabled last night (atrocious rolling mainly) but I got to kill lots of BA so I didnt mind! We have some very fluffy lists, and most of us just pick the units we like best regardless of how good they are. We're competitive, but only in the sense of friendly rivalry, not competitive in the way we build and play our armies/games if you understand my meaning.

Recently my mate who plays Tau (whom I shall call S) organised a friendly game against another player who plays nids (whom I shall call A). Essentially the problem was the A brought a list which was almost designed to break a gunline to pieces, whilst my friend S had not brought a list designed to beat Nids. S brought FW, Kroot, an Ethereal and a single riptide, and i think a Railhead. Maybe some BC Pirahna's too.
A brought 2 Mawlocs, the Doom, Pod Fex, Triple Tervigons and Zoans in a Pod. While I agree its not the most evil list ever, its the way he used it and his behaviour that annoyed me.

For example, when using the Mawlocs, A initially deceived S into thinking the movement caused by Terror from the Deep could force units off the table, and thus destroy them. And then later became aggressive when we explained it to him and showed him that they could not.

He also used the Terror from the deep to hit both levels of a 2 level building. I believe it can only hit the bottom level, though I could be wrong.

He also had taken the 3 Tervigons as troops, but only brought 2 Termagant broods.

I represent the Surrey Spartans gaming group. Check us out and feel free to come along for a game! https://www.facebook.com/groups/425689674233804/
Tzeentch Daemons 2000pts
Kabal of the Sundering Strike 2500pts
Eldar Corsairs 750pts
400pts Corregidor/Nomads
300pts Yu Jing
200pts+ each of Imperial and Rebel fleets for X-Wing
A Terran Alliance and Dindrenzi Fleet for Firestorm Armada
A Necromunda Goliath gang and Spyrer gang 
Made in ca
Pustulating Plague Priest

*sigh* Looking back I think I was immature in one game. First I interrupted a group of people just to get one of them to play. After that, I put a freaking time constraint saying I had 30 minutes to play a game. Didn't help matters that I didn't have an army list ready. Thankfully, they were kind enough to help me out with this. I didn't rage quit or throw people's models around but still, I was pretty immature then.
I matured a lot after seeing how other people play the game though.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/10/10 13:24:10

Faithful... Enlightened... Ambitious... Brethren... WE NEED A NEW DRIVER! THIS ONE IS DEAD!  
Made in us
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

Oregon, USA

 Wilytank wrote:
 Ascalam wrote:
'They are marines! Read the *bleep* books

Like Lukas the Trickster getting one of his hearts ripped out by Duke Sliscus?


Selective reader, methinks.

If it didn't have UM in it i think he probably skipped over it, and apparently he really bought in to the hype the Adeptus Propagandum churns out

The Viletide: Daemons of Nurgle/Deathguard: 7400 pts
Disclples of the Dragon - Ad Mech - about 2000 pts
GSC - about 2000 Pts
Rhulic Mercs - um...many...
Circle Oroboros - 300 Pts or so
Menoth - 300+ pts
Made in us
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

Hatfield, PA

 hotsauceman1 wrote:
This "Adult" i played was horrible. He cried about loosing two units and I got some lucky rolls and killed a feew of his things. It eventually got to a horrble shouting match. He whines about how tau killed his flyer list.

Those cheesy tau ruined my OTT flyer spam list...waaaaaaah! waaaaaaah!.

This is the definition of irony right here...

Maturity as a player definitely is not based on age. I like your quotes on adult...definitely something to keep in mind. I have had better games with 12 year olds than some adults who acted more like 4 year olds when a game didn't go their way. I just don't get it. It is a game. It is really worth a grown man having a temper tantrum over?

Luckily these days I have much less contact with really annoying players. The folks I tend to play most regularly are all good folks. Most are adults, but some are kids too. In all of them only really 1 truly annoying guy in our Flames of War rotation and we all take turns dealing with him.


CSM 6k points CSM 4k points
CSM 4.5k points CSM 3.5k points
and Daemons 4k points each
Renegades 4k points
SM 4k points
SM 2.5k Points
3K 2.3k
EW, MW and LW British in Flames of War 
Made in us
Archmagos Veneratus Extremis

On the Internet

There was a guy I knew who used to play at the FLGS I played at when I was still in the military. Kind of guy who was loud, angry and had a tendency to lose a lot because he had bad rolls (we joked that he rolled 2 things well: leadership and scatter).

Well, it finally happened. He was on a hot streak and was looking like he as going to take the tournament for the first time.

And then I tied the game in the end against his Space Wolves (objective based game, he had one, I had one, and the other one was contested) (if anyone is wondering, yes it was with my Sisters, and it was 5th Edition).

Now this was the last game of the day other than the two finalists who would then either split 1st place or battle it out (they got a 60/40 split on the store credit with the 60 going to 1st place) and he is perturbed. He starts yelling at me about how it's all my fault and how I cost him the tournament and on and on as he's packing up and then eventually leaves in a fit of rage.

He'd won 3rd place for the first time ever but had a fit because he hadn't placed higher.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
And people wonder why I don't play tournaments anymore.

Just as a follow up: he used to get stoned (to keep his anger under control) before showing up to play. He also ended up with a DUI sometime before I got out so I didn't have to deal with him anymore after that.

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2013/10/10 14:23:20

Made in gb
Boosting Space Marine Biker


A few weeks ago, i was playing in a tournament. In tournaments you kinda expect some people to be immature, juvenile and argumenative. I was placed quite highly, and found my poor imperial fists up against a Triptide Taudar army.
I was fully expecting to get face smashed, since i'd entered at the last minute, and i was just packing IF's with dev centurions (LC/ML) with allied DA for the librarian and power field to protect the cents somewhat, and cast prescience on other units in my back field.

By the end of my second turn, 2 riptides, and 6 broadsides had snuffed it, one riptide to bike and grav guns, one riptide to hillariously bad saves, 3 broadsides to an orbital bomardment, and 3 more to getting snuffed by an overcharged ion blast due to mind control. i had to sympathise somewhat. his army was awesome, mine wasn't. in the third turn, as his third riptide got clobbered by everything, and he rolled hillariously badly for saves again, he threw the riptide on the floor and stamped on it, picked up another and threw it at a wall, and left, never to be seen again.....

I'd already tabled a 12/13 year old in the previous match, and he wasn't happy at all, but the only reason you could tell anything was wrong was the quivering of his chin, no dramatics or anything, but the thirtysomething with the hardcore tournament army, guess he couldn't take losing
Made in us
Frenzied Berserker Terminator

Hatfield, PA

 ClockworkZion wrote:
He'd won 3rd place for the first time ever but had a fit because he hadn't placed higher.

Sadly too many people go through life this way every day. They are angry and upset over what they don't have/don't get and completely ignore all the good things in their lives. It is a sad and depressing way to live life. I don't get angry over games because they are just that: games. They are a diversion from the day to day and even a loss is still a game played to me. I still stood around the table with friends and had a good time. Last tourney I played in was for flames of war. I was tied in the lead with another player on the last day of the league. He was unable to show up until late so I played one of the younger players in the league that day instead of the two first place people having a head to head to win. The kid eeked out a win and when the other guy came in to play he got a win and took the league and store credit. It was still a fun league and I still had the bragging rights of being in 2nd place. More importantly the young kid got to brag about how *he* played a role in keeping me from being the winner. It was a win all around. I could have stormed out of the store and been angry, but would have just looked like an ass. What is the point?


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/10/10 15:26:10

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