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The Mustering of the Emperor's Musketeers  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Finally locked in a scheme for my army, now the task of painting 2k worth of marines begins! I dropped out of the hobby for almost 8 years, and have recently come back in. I quite literally never progressed past spray painting my army red and calling them Blood Angels. Now that I finally have the focus I'm going to be making the Emperor's Musketeers 5th Company. I've found that I enjoy painting now, and I hope by constantly posting and trying new things I will get to the point where I'm fully proud of my army. Granted, a painted army is the end goal and that will make me plenty happy! So let us begin!

This is the first test model I did for the army, I wasn't quite happy with the scheme, just didn't feel right. I didn't like the extreme blue on top of the dark blue, and the Pauldron Idea I had for Chapter markings was blah.

Second Test Model, No just No.

AHA! The Third test model I finally figured out what I wanted overall!

And so the story begins! I have begun painting through the army, the original goal was to be done by November 2nd for a local tournament at my FLGS, but I'm not sure that's really feasible. So, I'll paint what I can at the rate I'm comfortable with. My FLGS is awesome, so there are no penalties for not having a completely painted army, other than looking like a tool when you play people with fully painted ones. I test played the list I want, and it works out nicely. They are an IF Successor Chapter and I like to field a small gun line with 4 mobile elements. Overal force will be a Devastator Squad with Lascannons and Missile Launchers, A Centurion Devastator Squad, A Landspeeder with Multi-Melta and Heavy Bolter, a 3 man bike Squad, 2 Tactical Squads with Flamers and Heavy Bolters, x1 9 man Tactical Squad with a Plasma Gun and a Power fist inside a Rhino riding with my Captain. The list will undoubtedly change as time goes on and I can get new models, but it works for me for now.

Anywho, in the first game my Rhino was made out of Titanium, nothing was killing it, not missiles, or fliers, it just kept going. So the Battlecry become FOR RHINO, and thus the first squad's name was born. The Rhinos, here they are.

Sarge, he loves Rhino Dearly.

Literally right before I matte Sprayed him his Skull Wing Thing fell off, and I just couldn't get it back on to save my life. So it rests at his feet now.

The banner says Rhino

The only survivor after that first test game, this is The Loner, he loves Rhino more than anyone else and has a bit of it's track from his first loss on his base.

The Plasma Gunner, few words, big bangs.

The Second in Command, he also bears the Rhino Banner on his Pauldron

The rest are strong warriors, but not with a story to their name yet. That's what's happened so far, next group is my specialist's and my Assault/Vanguard Marines and before there are any comments, no I'm not on tons of drugs, I just never throw them out because they make awesome paint stands and water pots! The guns are glowed onto 1.5 inch PVC Pipe leftover from a project, I love repurposing scraps and what not!

2 Sergeants, 2 Flamers, 2 Tacticals and then the 5 Assault guys.

Anywho, Let me know what you think. And I apologize for my bad photos, for some reason my actual camera won't transfer to my computer right now, so I had to improvise with my iPhone. Hopefully I can figure out this newfangled internets machine thing and get some nice ones uploaded for the next batch.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/09 20:13:52

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

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Rampaging Reaver Titan Princeps

Earlobe deep in doo doo

The third one nailed it. White's always a pig. I do feel for the Emperors Musketeers they require cloaks and rapiers. Equally Sternguard make fluff sense. I'm not sure a Space Marine can really pull of a Musketeers hat equally I'd never tell one he couldn't.

"But me no buts! Our comrades get hurt. Our friends die. Falkenburg is a knight who swore an oath to serve the church and to defend the weak. He'd be the first to tell you to stop puling and start planning. Because what we are doing-at risk to ourselves-is what we have sworn to do. The West relies on us. It is a risk we take with pride. It is an oath we honour. Even when some soft southern burgher mutters about us, we know the reason he sleeps soft and comfortable, why his wife is able to complain about the price of cabbages as her most serious problem and why his children dare to throw dung and yell "Knot" when we pass. It's because we are what we are. For all our faults we stand for law and light.
Von Gherens This Rough Magic Lackey, Flint & Freer
Mekagorkalicious -Monkeytroll
2017 Model Count-71
Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

I'm actually going to be ordering hats to add onto them, at least the non-helmeted guys, in a bit. I want to paint them all then add hats where appropriate. Privateer Press has almost exactly what I'm looking for! the Captain Montador Hat! http://store.privateerpress.com/captainmontadorhat.aspx

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Little bit of work this morning. Got my liquid Green Stuff out to try and smooth out the Jump Pack edges, and tried out the Astrogranite Citadel textured paints. Hopefully it will turn out looking nice. I've never used either product before.
Hopefully fully sanded down and painted over it looks nice, I am slightly worried I won't do it right and end up with bumpy jump packs!

Ze Astrogranite.

Plan is to get the base coats going tonight on the batch, the blue and grey, and if I have time do the wash and lining in before I put on the detail layers.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

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Mimetic Bagh-Mari


Looking good! I love the look of the layers of paint, I dont have the patience for it though.. :(
Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Thanks! Yea it takes awhile, and drying times can be annoying, but I love painting for relaxation. So the more time the better, Hopefully tonight I can find some time to work on them and get some more pics up!

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Finished the most of the Basecoating on the current batch last night. Got the Blue, Grey, Yellow, Silver, Ushabti, and Red put down on the models. Should have time tonight to finish up by putting the Gold where needed, then putting on my washes and lining in my hard borders!

Basic Tactical marine, there are 3 more of these, but they look the same.

Sergeant, one more of these, but the only difference is a helmet.

Vanguard Veteran, I kitbashed my vanguard together in a hodge podge, they used to be Blood Angels Honour Guard, but I removed the Iconography on the approriate ones. All the Seals and Cloth are out of the Devestator Kit. I'm pretty happy with the way they look, and once I get an actual Vanguard box sooner or later they can augment that or become basic Assault troops. As they are going to be Veterans, I'm going to be doing all the helmets on them white. here's one of them from front and side.

They're a little rough around the edges, so I might build up a little on the jumppacks where I apparently didn't sand the Green Stuff down smooth enough. Other than that though, quite happy with the use of the Liquid Green Stuff and the Astrogranite, came out looking nice on the bases, and after I paint and drybrush them they should look a lot better as an urban base than just some PVA Glue and Sand.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
2000 Points SM 
Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

So, went and had a tournament. Was able to get a nicer photo of the finished squad as a whole. Will be finishing my flamers and sergeants and hopefully the assault squad tomorrow night. Pics tomorrow or Tuesday of those projects!
[Thumb - image.jpg]
The Rhinos

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Ack! Fell behind a bit, but got the teclis painted on and the lives defined. And did the first layer of metal with a wash! Should be able to finish and highlight tomorrow!

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2013/11/07 14:38:37

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
2000 Points SM 
Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Not loading properly, attempt 2.
Still failing, I'll try reloading tomorrow morning! Good night!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Attempt 3 Revenge of the Photos.

Tactical Squad WIP, time to go in tonight and highlight the metals and edges and the Sergeants face!

Vanguard Vets WIP, gotta get the highlights going, and get those purity seals and cloth the right color!

This message was edited 4 times. Last update was at 2013/11/07 14:36:58

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Completed the Flamers, The Sergeants and the Van Guard! Nothing Crazy about the normal dudes though. So some shots of the completed Vanguard!

C&C Welcome!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/12 16:27:21

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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Jinking Ravenwing Land Speeder Pilot

Pittsburgh PA, USA

Very clean and great looking color scheme you have there! The third attempt def nailed it! Can't wait to see more.

Angels of Vengeance P&M Blog

A Tale of 5 Gamers!

Blood Knights Kill Team P&M

Crusade of Vengeance - A Tale of Sacrifce and Brotherhood
Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Woo! Been awhile, but I'm back in the saddle and I've been painting like a maniac at night!

Finished my Apothecary for Kill Team, It's a Blood Angels Honor Guard Apothecary, hence the Jump Pack, but I put skulls where the Blood Drop was, and now he serves the Musketeers! He is my first attempt at using an actual Paint Thinning Medium as opposed to water, it worked pretty nicely, but I ended up getting some gunky spots when I came back to paint over too soon lesson learned. Overall though, I'm happy with him, I also used strictly washes to do his outlining and that turned out better than I thought it would!

and here's my scout squad! First time I've ever tried to do a Camouflage pattern, definitely need to use brighter and more contrasty colors in the future so you can actually see the pattern!

Phew, time to go eat some turkey!

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot

Wait wait! where's slouch hat with feathers?
ones that you can find from any Empire plastic kits meow.

Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Lol, sadly not on these guys, just painting through the army for now then I'm gonna start adding hats on guys after thr bulk is completed.

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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Pyromaniac Hellhound Pilot

Also the lists that should be included
1. Power Rapier & (maybe) Main Gauche, also unpowered rapier or saber hanged on each Marines belt. (also check Empire plastic boxs)
2. boltpistol or plasmapistol with 17th century pistol grip and reciever
3. feathers
4. Mousquetaire du Roi symbol

Exactly there are some different versions of Mousquetaire symbols meow, ones shown here is Louis XIV version.

Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Oh believe me I know I've got my work cut out for me! But I'm bent on having a fully painted army first! Then I'm going to start converting models and adding stuff!

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Thanks for the resources though! I can start buying and trading for those bits now!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2013/11/29 17:30:55

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Dropped off the face of the earth there, oh Holidays you so crazy. Anyways got some more work done on my guys. Got my Terminators done up, painted a Rhino(I REALLY need to do better on paint thinning, the whites came out horrible.) and a Heavy Bolter, enjoy!

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Got some more work done! Finished a 5 man Tactical Squad, nothing special there really, but I did go ahead and have some fun adding in some details to the Auspex one has.

And I completed my Jump Librarian, I'm going to be running him with my Vanguard in order to do some damage on the way in, and maybe infeeble or hallucinate whatever they are about to charge!

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I've been cutting back on the Lothern Blue on my guys also, so instead of a shockingly bright highlight on every edge, I've been using it more as an edge highlight along certain edges to kind of simulate a light source or some such. I'm having fun with it, We'll see if I keep it up or the whole army or go back to doing every edge I can find.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/01/07 17:44:38

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

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Masculine Male Wych

Newcastle Upon Tyne

well I had a look at this blog/page and I think it is brilliant. I love it when people showcase their models. I will not comment on any negatives because you are showing these for people to see and to tell you what went well. Actually, one negative thing (not negative really) I don't know if it is the camera but it looks like there is a streak of paint on the librarians face. I just wanted to know if you had spotted this.

Flames of war- USSR and UAR
x wing- customs= imperial rampant destroyer and tie geist and tie phantom.
proper models= x wing 5 the fighters 2 interceptors 2 bombers rebel transport y wing 3 b wings and tantive IV 
Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

I didn't, ach, I tried bring him up to witch flesh on the face, and did the service studs as well so it might have gotten a bit muddled. Where exactly are you seeing it?

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I should really go back to using my little light box, just for clearer photos. I just do it this way cuz I'm lazy.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/01/07 18:12:36

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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Made in us
Fighter Ace

Denver, CO

Been too long, Babies are a massive time crunch that takes away from the hobby! But the best reason to not be doing anything as well.

Here's my latest, it's my Storm Talon!

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On a side note, my thinning still needs work. Although this doesn't look anywhere near as bad as my Rhino, the white is still a little too thick. And I just noticed that I completely whiffed on the joined lines for the Skyhammer missile launchers. Le Sigh.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/03/27 18:50:06

Eagles soar, but weasels don't get sucked into Jet Engines.

My Little P&M Blog.

My Blog on Random 40k Things, Painting, and some Narrative Batreps every now and then.

2000 Points IG
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