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Going up against orks allied with CSM, tips?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Stealthy Dark Angels Scout with Shotgun

I'm fielding DA with POSSIBLE SM Allies maybe Tau? But let's say I don't ally any force. Scared to go up against heldrake and the likes. What am I to do? Running a DW heavy army.

Made in ru
!!Goffik Rocker!!

I'd not say that DW are very effective vs boyz. Yep, they kill alot but boyz can drown them in bodies and even outshoot sometimes. Sure, they're good vs drakes but now it depends on what orks bring. If that are nob bikers - termies will be good. If it's a helhuge mass of boyz - termies will drown.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/04/28 04:30:18

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

 koooaei wrote:
If there are nob bikers - termies will be good.

this made me laugh. termies will wound on 5's and the nobs will have 5++ then 5+ FNP. if the termies have powerfists, then it's exactly the same but the nobs swing at the same time. even if the nobs don't have powerklaws, they'll dish out 5 S5 attacks each. the termies will drown either way.

I'm noticing a trend in my advice recently, it always features these words:
Get a skyshield.

that's not just a generic "this are make you win" thing or anything, I'm genuinely thinking it'll help against a heldrakes baleflamer. if you have any devastators to use, I'd get them a skyshield to keep them safe.

deathwing is terminators in landraiders isn't it... I'd suggest a redeemer, if you can. hordes will be removed, and nob bikers will burn quite nicely. I honestly think the standard LR will be ill-fit for purpose, as its lascannons will be too powerful for the armour you face or too few shots for the horde.

just remember to expect lots of S7 shooting or lots of flamer templates, that's almost always why people ally orks in. they forget the boarding planks, the deff rollas, the massed boys, the large units of artillery, the dakkajets...

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Big Mek in Kustom Dragster with Soopa-Gun

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Not going to lie, termies in general are a bad idea against orks. Even the ones that tote those S10 hammers (GK i think....not 100% sure which MEQ has those) i dont give two craps about. Nob bikers still ate them for lunch...in melee lol.

I cant suggest any good units to bring since i dont know that much detail on marine armies. All i can say is DONT bring termies lol.

An ork with an idea tends to end with a bang.

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Jealous that Horus is Warmaster

Flamers, flamers and more flamers. As for the Helldrake take anti-air options such as flakk missiles or just get some bolters around the rear of the heldrake as it is only av 10 and it can get glanced to death after enough shots.
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Stone Bonkers Fabricator General

Beijing, China

 Farseer Will wrote:
Flamers, flamers and more flamers. As for the Helldrake take anti-air options such as flakk missiles or just get some bolters around the rear of the heldrake as it is only av 10 and it can get glanced to death after enough shots.

flakk missiles are pretty bad at downing AV12, 5++ IWND flyers, especilly when flakk missiles usually come on T4 3+ models sitting in cover.

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entityreign wrote:
I'm fielding DA with POSSIBLE SM Allies maybe Tau? But let's say I don't ally any force. Scared to go up against heldrake and the likes. What am I to do? Running a DW heavy army.

DW aren't very good against Orks, nor are they aren't great against CSM either. I imagine they are taking CSM for cheese, Heldrakes, other AP3 ignores cover, FMC, and maybe nurgle oblits. None of which DW are very good at.

Perhaps try standard of devistation in a landraider crusader surrounded by bikes. Try to melt the orks with dakka. The nob bikers are tough though Perhaps keep a vindicator around to scare them from assaulting.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/05/06 20:14:46

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Add a banner of devastation in a land raider with hurricane bolters and couple units of bolter marines backed by a power field generator librarian to give them a 4++ vs the heldrake. This should give you about 100 bolter shots a turn about 60 are twin linked. Use terminator speedbumps with assault cannons on rear armor to blow up transports and contest their deployment zone.
Made in ru
!!Goffik Rocker!!

Well, nob bikers come to be around 1.5 the cost of termies. You're looking at 400 pts per 6 models with 5++ and fnp. They're beatable in melle by termies. However, thanks to being fast, i don't see an ork general charging a decent-sized termie unit with nob bikers. The risk is too high, remember - they're not fearless and even though, they can't get swept emidiately, they can be swept on a next turn's charge or get shut down for a turn at least. Thanks to bike's mobility, it's not that hard to avoid termies if they're not in LR.

Anywayz, there are gona be lots of boyz that are an excellent counter to termies since forever.
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