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DiDDe's IG WIP log. On the table: Chimera converting time!!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


Nice job indeed great display base, you could do with dirtying the red tiles a little look a bit bright overall great work, did you paint the interior of the Valk Red I was not sure if it was painted or a red light
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

That is a great base DiDDe!

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran


Where's my....


That is frakin' outstanding! I love it!

FOR THE ALLFATHER!!!! (Oh, the Emperor guy too...)
lone dirty dog wrote:Yes, build it and they will come ……. Who I don't know and you probably wouldn't want them any way.

Ahh Rivets! -Is there nothing they can't solve? - dsteingass -- It will last longer with rivets..... - you, guys are worse than my children...... - mxwllmdr

My P&M Blog/-=L=- Discussion  
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

hey DiDDe, you should take one of the resin chunks that you cut off the Marauder parts, wash and dry it, and test your primer on that before spraying the model. You don't want a $300+ USD dollar mistake!

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in se
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Thanks alot guys!

and i'll give it a go with dirtying up the floor abit as you say.

and how lucky am i?! we've had rain for about a week straight. and just becouse i were going to take pics outside today, it's not a cloud in the sky!
so enjoy.

lone dirty dog wrote:did you paint the interior of the Valk Red I was not sure if it was painted or a red light

yes i did! and that acctually is my first serious attempt at OSL. and i'm really happy with how it turned out. one thing to point out thouh! yes it looks a little overdone. the vindictus is a night operating vessel and what i want you to think of when you look at it is that it's supposed to be pitch black outside! and when it's pitch black even the smallest of lights can look bright.

with that said. here's some pics of that too

even the canopy got a small paintjob

and last a WIP pic that i like pretty much.

and there's alot more pics in my gallery! so feel free to go visit and vote some.

and thanks for another great tip dave!

Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


Great job well executed mate, nice work love the fact you painted the edges of the canopy
Made in de
Shroomin Brain Boy

Berlin Germany

that is a truly stunning paintjob all around! the base looks totally awesome... so much detail, it has a very lived in feel to it! and the OSL on that valk... very, very, very cool looking...

Made in se
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Thank you really much guys i'm glad you like it. i myself am really happy with how it all turned out. i really didn't think i could pull that off.. since it's my first try at a somewhat bigger sceanery and all.
the only other sceanery i'm doing is the bases of my guard and that's just some GS work.

lone dirty dog wrote:love the fact you painted the edges of the canopy

yeah it does add alot to the overall effect doesn't it?

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

You certainly should be happy about it! It's great man! And it means that everything you do from now on will just keep getting better because of it!

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in ca
Dakka Veteran

That's vey true Dave!
That means that we'll all wait for you! And watch!

And I might even learn. I know... Hard to imagine. But it's possible.

.... I think...?

FOR THE ALLFATHER!!!! (Oh, the Emperor guy too...)
lone dirty dog wrote:Yes, build it and they will come ……. Who I don't know and you probably wouldn't want them any way.

Ahh Rivets! -Is there nothing they can't solve? - dsteingass -- It will last longer with rivets..... - you, guys are worse than my children...... - mxwllmdr

My P&M Blog/-=L=- Discussion  
Made in se
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Hehe silver, that is hard to imagine. i don't feel that i have anything to teach about this.

and dave, my good sir. hopefully it will. but atm i'm not making any progress at all.. i'm stuck with the cockpit and i must ask you this.. how the hell did you fit in the co.pilot?? iv'e searched awhile now and iv'e seen a couple of different methods.. one is to lower the whole cockpit to make it fit.. but that just look silly plus the pilot can't even see out his window. another one is to remove the "joystick" the co.pilot is holding in his hands. but according to your pic, you have the cockpit at it's ment position AND you still have the "joystick" in his hands.. how? what's the secret?

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

It's tricky. You can glue the cockpit itself in, but not the pilots. You'll need to sand the backs of their seats just enough so that once the pilot is in, the co-pilot goes in feet-first, then it should pivot down to meet the back of the pilot's seat. Don't remove the stick, just sand/file the backs of their seats. Obviously, You want to dryfit this a few times before you paint the pilots, the thickness of the paint will make it slightly tighter, so make sure you can get them in and out repeatedly before painting them.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I glued my cockpit canopy on, otherwise I'd take more pics for you.. Just work on sanding and dry-fitting a little bit at a time. You WILL NOT break the pilots by pushing on them and forcing them into position.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/08/03 16:44:12

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in se
Storm Trooper with Maglight

So time for an update i figured!

i haven't done much progress at all since my last update. but what i have done is glueing back 2 small peices in place.

the first one is somekind of an antenna i guess.. and the second one is a power cable.

the antenna peice goes right there.

and the cable goes right there one the tail.

and while on this pic.. i got a small question to you guys that's familiar with resin. that glossy coat on the fuselage. is that mold release agent? couse iv'e brushed like mad on it with a toothbrush in warm soapy water but i wont go away..

and the reason for the small progress is all becouse of the god forsaken cockpit.. i've litterly spent hours just trying to figure out how the hell that thing is supposed to fit!
in this pic it all looks ok.

but then in this one. like i said.. how the hell is that even supposed to fit??

i looked for help on google and such but not luck for me there.. i also tried to follow daves advice and sand the back of the chairs (thanks for that advice dave).

but while looking on google i found a pic of an C-130 gunship firecontrol. and i realised that the stick there were put right in the panel itself. so i figured i'd try to make my own stick and put it on the panel too. in that way i can remove the sticks in the hands of the co. pilot (co. pilot or tailgunner? whatever.. i'm just gonna call him buddy ) and also i get to convert my marauder

said and done. i bagan with removing the little ball thingy on the right hand side of the panel. and put some GS there to widen it a bit.

also before i even thought of begining to cut the sticks from buddy i tried my best to create my own one.

and i'm quite happy with how that turned out. and i also managed to make it in quite an accurate scale to buddy too!
with that done an dryfitted i started cutting away the sticks from buddy himself.

and done it looks like this.

i don't know if you guys can see it. but i tried to make some texture on the top of his hands so that it wont be just flat..

and now they fit batter than ever!

i'm currently still working on some small details on the stick like buttons and such. so stay put for the next update!

Made in de
Shroomin Brain Boy

Berlin Germany

that "joy"-stick looks amazing!!! and those huge gaps... can´t help you there.. puzzles the heck outa me too...

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

That is Ingenious DiDDe! I never put that hose on mine! Great job man!

Automatically Appended Next Post:
..Yep that's the mold-release agent, did you use dishwashing soap? That'll cut the greasy layer.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/08/04 13:50:39

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in se
Storm Trooper with Maglight

Thanks alot guys! i'm really happy with how it all turned out.

and yes dave, i did use dishwashing soap. maybe the water was to cold or it wasn't enough soap in there, idk. i just know that i will give it another go with warmer water and alot more soap in it. and hopefully i'll get it off then.

anyways! the cockpit is done!! and it really turned out better than i first expected! man, i'm glad i found that pic on google.
so here's the pics! couse after all.. it is "pic or it didn't happen", right?

first pics of it installed.

and with crew in there.

and now they're ready for some paint!

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Awesome solution to that problem DiDDe!

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


Nice job on the joystick, have to say brave choice but executed well plus it will make it unique
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

THis is what happens to your paintjob in spots where you don't get the shiny oily crap off

Automatically Appended Next Post:
Check this Tbolt cockpit from Masterclass Book #2 DiDDe

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/08/04 19:59:43

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in se
Storm Trooper with Maglight

thanks guys

and, oh i see! that's not cool at all.

and WTH?!?! that's awesome! i want those skills too :( and i bet you're gonna do just like it?

well, atleast i managed to make a little joystick. ^^,

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/08/04 20:16:12

Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

No, mine will be stock, but you could add pipes and stuff

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


First I need that book (so glad mine not built yet ) second that error on your thunderbolt with the paint is the effect I want, how do you think I could replicate the same reaction but in a constructive way
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Put own some sort of oil coating I guess. When you paint over it, it just beads away before your very eyes.

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


dsteingass wrote:Put own some sort of oil coating I guess. When you paint over it, it just beads away before your very eyes.

Yes but what kind of oil, also how would I apply it as I would only want it on small areas, do you think I could paint a colour let it dry add the oil then paint another colour over the top, once that is dried it would only effect the top coat

If this works I have some nice ideas for paint work
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

Yep..that's what crackle medium does, it crackles the top layer. I dunno LDD, try it out on a chunk of resin sprue from the kit.

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


dsteingass wrote:Yep..that's what crackle medium does, it crackles the top layer. I dunno LDD, try it out on a chunk of resin sprue from the kit.

I dont want it on the thunderbolt I want it for some grot stuff talking of which Dave do you have any spare grot parts from your bombers ?

I would be happy to purchase or trade from you if you have chuck us a PM with a pic and a price or want list
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut

I have at least one full Grot Gunner and some parts. I still owe you a cricut-ed set of Aquillas too.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I'm not saying "do it on the thunderbolt", I'm saying use the resin sprue chunks that I know you have from the Tbolt to test the method, since it is the same material.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2012/08/07 17:46:11

"dave you are the definition of old school..." -Viktor Von Domm My P&M Blog :
It's great how just adding a little iconography, and rivets of course, can make something look distinctly 40K-adamsouza
"Ah yes, the sound of riveting.....Swear word after swear word and the clinking of thrown tools" "Nope. It sucks do it again..."- mxwllmdr
"It puts together more terrain, or else it gets the hose again...-dangledorf2.0
"This is the Imperium, there is no peace, there are only rivets" -Vitruvian XVII
"I think rivets are the perfect solution to almost every problem"- Rawson
More buildings for the Building God! -Shasolenzabi
Made in gb
Da Head Honcho Boss Grot


dsteingass wrote:I have at least one full Grot Gunner and some parts. I still owe you a cricut-ed set of Aquillas too.

Automatically Appended Next Post:
I'm not saying "do it on the thunderbolt", I'm saying use the resin sprue chunks that I know you have from the Tbolt to test the method, since it is the same material.

Well, when you put it like that it makes sense

Yes, I am still waiting for those even more so know as I have a few ideas for something else they would be great for

I would be most happy to take that gunner of your hands and bits , what would you like in exchange

I want that effect on some grot tanks, which will also be resin so should work perfectly, once I work out an oil substance to use

PM when you work out what I can trade or fund for the bits

Made in se
Storm Trooper with Maglight


i just wanted you to know that i'm not dead! well, that's more than i can say about my old computer.. witch by the way crashed about 6 mounths ago.. well by the time i stopped posting.

But i'm back now and hopefully i'll have a major update for you by this time tomorrow. that is if there is still any readers on this thread .
well, major and major.. i haven't done that much since my computer crashed. when it did, it took my desire to paint and build with it. but i have managed to do some stuff!

i haven't done that much on the marauder becouse i want you guys to be there and support me with tips and tricks and ideas and stuff like that while i'm building it. but i have painted the cockpit and glued the main body together and done some GS work on it. also i have painted an idea for the noseart for it. that's about all i have done on the marauder.

so what else have i been up to? i have painted a squad of shock troopers, a sentinel, bought a leman russ and restored that back to it's former glory.
and last but not least i've made some small fixes on my baneblade. but only on the turret so far. like adding a new heavy stubber to it, so now it has 2 of them. i've also scratchbuilt a gunshield for one of the stubbers (yes it has rivets).

well, more about all this tomorrow! hopefully you have something to look forward to! becouse i'm sure as hell looking forward to start posting here again!
i've missed you guys!

Made in gb
Longtime Dakkanaut

Love that base, the IG with the canteen looks properly worried.
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