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Building a better Assassin model (40K)...  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Rampaging Furioso Blood Angel Dreadnought

Boston, MA

The 40K Assassin models are terrible, well the Vindicare is ok but the rest are just awful.

I'd like to start with the Culexus Assassin. (http://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Culexus-Assassin-1) The body should be simple enough but there are no other bare 'body glove' type models in the GW range, that I can think of anyway. I'm ok with using other ranges and I was thinking Infinity, which has suitable body-types, but the scale is just too small.

Then how to approach that head?


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Boom! Leman Russ Commander

Jacksonville Florida

I'd recommend maybe looking to the Eldar/DE ranges mixed with some gs for some body suits. for the head you could use a visor from the space marine scout range with a re-breather from the Imperial Guard command squad. Just some ideas

Made in us
Boosting Space Marine Biker

Las Vegas

The Culexus head is very unique and the most noticeable of all the Assassins. You could use a skull as the basis, but you're going to need greenstuff and bitz to make it look right. I wish GW and/or FW would redo the old Assassins models. I hate the Vindicares especially. Either the "Come at me, Bro" pose or the standing with one foot on the Ork Skull. Bleah. I wish they would do the Vindicare like they did for Inquisitor. The Callidus- both poses were kind of "meh", but the single piece model was alright. I really hate the Eversor. The one holding the head was ok, but the basis of the body really sucks. I want something far more dynamic for the Eversor.

"If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut." - Albert Einstein 
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Warning From Magnus? Not Listening!


 Warboss Imbad Ironskull wrote:
I'd recommend maybe looking to the Eldar/DE ranges mixed with some gs for some body suits. for the head you could use a visor from the space marine scout range with a re-breather from the Imperial Guard command squad. Just some ideas

I second this. Eldar parts will help you keep the tight, lithe body and then mix in some imperial bits.

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Made in gb
Courageous Space Marine Captain

Glasgow, Scotland

Peredyne wrote:
The Culexus head is very unique and the most noticeable of all the Assassins. You could use a skull as the basis, but you're going to need greenstuff and bitz to make it look right. I wish GW and/or FW would redo the old Assassins models. I hate the Vindicares especially. Either the "Come at me, Bro" pose or the standing with one foot on the Ork Skull. Bleah. I wish they would do the Vindicare like they did for Inquisitor. The Callidus- both poses were kind of "meh", but the single piece model was alright. I really hate the Eversor. The one holding the head was ok, but the basis of the body really sucks. I want something far more dynamic for the Eversor.

Vindicare with Exitus Rifle is an amazing sculpt! It looks like a sniper assassin should, and the skull is awesome, with the bullet hole and crosshairs on it. Little details go a long way.

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Credit to Castiel for banner. Thanks Cas!
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Tunneling Trygon

Carrickfergus, Northern Ireland

What annoys me about the skull is that it is clearly implied to be the Vindicare's kill, but it's a skull. How long has he been standing there?

Sieg Zeon!

Selling TGG2! 
Made in de
Grey Knight Psionic Stormraven Pilot

Eldar gurdians make a good base modell. Skintight clothes, not much "eldary" stuff on them, and most importantly, a lot of empty hands.

Seriously, while scratchbuilding those buggers, the biggest problem was finding bits of empty right hands.

I would advise going a bit freestyle for the helmet. Basically anything conic, that looks to large for an actual helmet, and has something that can be painted like a eye/opening on one side, get's you very close in terms of style; add imperial bits to taste.
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut


Not meaning to hijack this thread, but I'm also looking to make an assassin army and had a similar question.

Looking at the eldar and dark eldar ranges, would you all recommend a mix between the guardians, wyches, and dark eldar warriors? Or could this be done with a box of wyches alone.

I've seen great things done with the wyches for death cult assassins, but they are probably more simple than the imperial assassins.
Made in gb
Screaming Shining Spear


funnily enough, assassins seem to be on people's minds at the moment - someone asked me what I'd do to make one the other day, this was my reply:

For the Callidus, there's one of the Scourge heads that has a long plait, and with some judicious greenstuffing, the mask could be flattened out.
Body, you might get away with the Hecatrix body and legs from the Wyches, and you'd have lots of nasty little pistols and knives to choose from as well. That'd make it pretty Dark Eldary though, so you might have to go in there with a very sharp blade and shave away some detailing to smooth things out.

Another option might be to use the scary chicks with spears fro the Dark Elf Bloodwrack shrine, with a head swap and weapon swap - at least then all you'd have to do is file the detailing from the knees off, paint her all black and you'd have a nice lithe assassin.
Again with the Dark Elves, but the Witch Elves wouldn't be too bad, just with the head swap and find a pistol for the second weapon.

For the Vindicare, I know the aesthetic is quite different, but the Dark Elf Shadowblade might do the trick if you want something dynamic, but perhaps a bit tricky to work in the long rifle...
They're a bit chunky, and the backpack is very chunky, but what about a Militarum Tempestus Scion for the Vindicare? Cool helmet (there are options without the spike), and one of them has a sniper-ish type rifle. A black paintjob would do wonders for it.

"Pit Crew! Take this box out back, throw in a rabid Honey Badger and SET IT ON FIRE!"

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