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Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


HQ- Zhadsnark.

Big mek, kustom force field, fixer uppers, 3 grot oilers.

Pain boy, bike.

3 meks with grot oilers

Troops - 15 bikes, nob, power klaw, boss pole.

10 grots

10 grots, aegis defence line, quad gun

8 lootas, (3 of which meks with grot oilers)

8 lootas, (3 of which meks with grot oilers)

2 kannons

Stompa, grot riggers, 2x additional super rokkits

2000pts on the nose

The big Mek, the meks and the lootas stay in the stompa. That's 11 chances a turn to repair hull points and 13 rerolls game wide (grot oilers) also the big mek is repairing on a 3+.
The grots and cannons hang behind the aegis defence line.
Bikes roll round pew pewing at infantry and light armour.

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Thoughts anyone?

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2014/09/28 16:01:59

mean green fightin machine 
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


Anyone think I can do better? also I don't understand the force org chart any more... I don't wanna go unbound so is this list ok or does a whole detatchment need to be from imperial armour or can I do what I've done and just take the biker boss to get the bike troops?

mean green fightin machine 
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


I think this makes it the ork detachment right? 3 hq 3 troops?

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Would the big mek be better on a bike with kff?

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Or how would i get the ghaz supplement kff on the bigmek bike?

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2014/09/30 20:33:56

mean green fightin machine 
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


lol will someone please help me I aint played 40K in aaaages.

mean green fightin machine 
Made in ca
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Alright I'll bite.

You probably DONT want to use the ork detachment, just because the ork detachment is kind of bad. Use a bog standard combined arms detachment (CAD). Here's a link to a more in depth conversation about CAD vs Ork Detachment if you're interested, because I'm not gonna write it out here: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/0/614150.page#7183930

Ok so first off, you don't have to use the dread mob list. In fact, Zhadsnark isn't even allowed to be in a Dread Mob list as far as I remember. he's explicitly written as a Warboss for the Codex variety Orks. Additionally, assuming he is your Warlord so you can run Warbikers as Troops (in which case the only point of his trait is to get them ObSec, so if you don't fulfil the CAD you're shooting yourself in the foot), that means you aren't allowed to take Kanz, Dreads, or Artillery as per that trait. They're out of place in the list anyway.

If you're running Zhadsnark you might as well spam ObSec bikes because that's what he's for. If you don't, you might as well just take a regular bikerboss and not pay out the ass for him. Here's what I think you should run if you're running Zhadsnark:


Zhadsnark (Warlord): 150pts

Big Mek w/ KFF and Relic Tools + 3 Oilers: 115pts

Little Mek w/ Oiler: 20pts

Little Mek w/ Oiler: 20pts


7 Warbikers + Biker Nob with Klaw and Bosspole: 184pts

6 Warbikers + Biker Nob with Klaw and Bosspole: 166pts

6 Warbikers + Biker Nob with Klaw and Bosspole: 166pts

6 Warbikers + Biker Nob with Klaw and Bosspole: 166pts


2 Lootas + 3 Meks w/ 3 Oilers: 85pts

2 Lootas + 3 Meks w/ 3 Oilers: 85pts


Stompa w/ Grots + 5 Supa Rokkits: 840pts

totals at 1997.

Ok, so you really should only have a total of 4 actual lootas, because the stompa only has 4 firepoints, so excess lootas are wasted points. Thankfully, you can take two units of two lootas and three meks. In this list you have the same number of repair rolls on your Stompa, which I can tell you from experience (I *tried* fighting one the other day that was full of meks. Bad time.) it will be nearly impossible to kill with anything short of a D weapon. Odds are your opponent will have to kill it all in one turn or else it'll just regenerate back to full. Watch out for powerklaws, they can be a stompa's unexpected undoing.

OK, and I cleared out all the grots in the list. Grots are gross and bad. The whole point behind taking Zhadsnark is to spam ObSec warbikers, so the list spams ObSec warbikers. Keep them safe until its time to charge, and even then, warbikers are more of a shooting unit. Use them to zoom around the board scoring tactical objectives like nobody's business. Zhadsnark himself is MEAN, and strikes with an Initiative 4 powerklaw, so don't squander it. I worry that you don't have enough bodies on the field, but I think the shock of a near-invincible stompa will do good things for you. Basically, use it to keep the heat off of your bikers. The stompa will do most of the murdering, but your bikers are your bread and butter. They're the ones getting you VPs, so treat them well.

2016 Score: 7W; 0D; 2L 
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


Omg thanks dude, the no artillery thing slipped past me. The kannons were literally just because I had exactly the right points left for them anyway though.

Wow I'm gonna need a lot of bikes! I don't know whether I can afford that many. Reckon I could get away with dropping a units of them and taking a unit of deffkoptas instead?

mean green fightin machine 
Made in ca
Ork Boy Hangin' off a Trukk

Certainly! In fact, joining Zhadsnark to a unit of deffkoptas isn't a half bad idea, because then at least they dont autofail mob rule, plus he gets to make a scout move with them or outflank them (but scouting isn't a half bad move. Guarantees a turn two charge, but you're not allowed to charge turn one, so weigh the trade off)

Additionally, the Deffkoptas grant Hit and Run at Zhadsnark's Initiative 4, so you can pull out of combat on the end of your opponents assault phase to charge again, or find a different target! It may be worth it to give one or two of them Buzzsaws for S7 ap2 to clean up whatever Zhadsnark leaves alive. Nothing would survive a charge from that!

2016 Score: 7W; 0D; 2L 
Made in gb
Growlin' Guntrukk Driver with Killacannon


Awesome thanks for all the help I will use your list as a temp late and have a tinker with it to add depth copters and slightly less bikes as I already have some and don't want to spend too much on new models thanks very much... Will post it up here when it's done

mean green fightin machine 
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