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Made in ee
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

St. Petersburg, Russian Empire

Сataphract W.I.P.
Thousand Sons Legion. Deep Space Marines Chaos conversion model. All interested in the model - write to me personally
[Thumb - 1.asss.jpg]

[Thumb - 2.asss.jpg]

[Thumb - 3 asss.jpg]

[Thumb - 4.asss.jpg]

[Thumb - 6.ass.jpg]

[Thumb - детали.jpg]

[Thumb - Космодесантник Ренегат.jpg]

[Thumb - Космодесантник Хаоса.jpg]

[Thumb - Космодесантник Хаоса 2.jpg]

I accept commission for painting miniatures 
Made in us
Savage Khorne Berserker Biker

Nice Work

My Hobby Blog:


Made in ie
Been Around the Block


Made in se
Dakka Veteran


No idea what those are but they look cool!

An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.  
Made in ee
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

St. Petersburg, Russian Empire


I accept commission for painting miniatures 
Made in gb
Thunderhawk Pilot Dropping From Orbit


Genuinely scary looking Chaos marines – cool!
Beautifully painted...

Made in gb
Blood Angel Terminator with Lightning Claws


Proper chaos looking marines there man.I really like em.

Made in gb
Arch Magos w/ 4 Meg of RAM

The black and lava marine especially is incredible. Great work!

Bye bye Dakkadakka, happy hobbying! I really enjoyed my time on here. Opinions were always my own :-) 
Made in ee
Bounding Ultramarine Assault Trooper

St. Petersburg, Russian Empire


I accept commission for painting miniatures 
Forum Index » Painting & Modeling Showcase
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