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Chaos workbench. Slimy tentacles & batwings galore. (Pic heavy)  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


An ongoing labor of love. Dark, twisted, slimy love. I don't play 40K, but I've tried to keep "plays as" in mind with the models in case I decide to sell them on ebay or something. While I am certainly not the worlds best artist I really enjoy the creative process of converting and painting. Comments are quite welcome as I find the Dakka community to be a source of constant inspiration. If anyone has questions on where bits were sourced, or how conversions were constructed I will be happy to provide info. I'll update with better pictures as models are finished.

I wanted to draw more on the Cthulu mythos than any of the GW Chaos Gods, hence the abundance of tentacles, bat wings, and crawly nasty stuff. I might write some fluff for them if I ever get really bored. <shrug>

[Thumb - Army.jpg]
Overview of project

[Thumb - raptors.jpg]

[Thumb - raplord.jpg]
Raptor Champion

[Thumb - raplord2.jpg]
Rear shot

[Thumb - CSM2.jpg]
Chaos Marines

[Thumb - Demonettes.jpg]

[Thumb - Zerks.jpg]

[Thumb - Demonprince.jpg]
Demon Prince/Chaos Engine

[Thumb - jetbike.jpg]
Lord/Herald on jetbike

[Thumb - jetbike2.jpg]

[Thumb - Terms.jpg]
Posessed Terminators!

[Thumb - Tlord1.jpg]
Terminator Champ/Lord

[Thumb - Tlord2.jpg]

[Thumb - Tlord3.jpg]

[Thumb - Twing.jpg]
Winged Terminator

[Thumb - Winglord.jpg]
Chaos Lord

[Thumb - Tscorp.jpg]
Another Terminator Lord

This message was edited 9 times. Last update was at 2015/01/24 20:16:59

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in gb
Raging Ravener

These are some beautiful models, never seen anything like them before. Definitely loving the Demon prince

Slaanesh: "Hey guys we're back! We brought presents. And yes, they ARE sexually suggestive"
Tzeentch: "So did we miss anything while we were away"
Khorne and Nurgle trade a shifty glance
Tzeentch: "Hey! Whos been touching my stuff! Where did my Old World go?!"
Khorne and Nurgle wander off whistling. 
Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


 tomball0706 wrote:
These are some beautiful models, never seen anything like them before. Definitely loving the Demon prince

Hey thanks man! I'm looking forward to finishing the conversion and getting it painted.

Would you believe this is the 3rd complete rebuild on that DP model? It originally started as kitbashed Carnifex & Ironclad Dread 5 years ago...lets just say that my attention to detail was a lot less back then.

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in nl
Stalwart Space Marine


Wow the models look really cool. The Daemon prince is really interesting. The more you work on a model even after years it will allways improve because you mprove as a modeller/painter.
Keep up the amazing work. looking forward to some more pics.


Imperial Fists Chapter and Allies: 680 Points Painted
Link: http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/629525.page 
Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


Here are a few more of the scorpion guy. This kind of centaur conversion is really easy (the tail was a bit more tricky tho...) and gets solid results. Sadly, I dropped him and broke the tip off one of the claws. :( I'll have to repair it with greenstuff at some point.

[Thumb - matscorp.jpg]

[Thumb - matscorp2.jpg]

[Thumb - matscorp3.jpg]

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2015/01/16 22:45:50

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in be
Mechanized Halqa

I really like your raptor champion ^^
Nice touch on all of your models btw

Made in ca
Mekboy Hammerin' Somethin'

Love the use of Tyranid bits as mutations. Great idea!

Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


Put in some time on washes and highlights for the winged Terminator. Also tried a black backdrop for photographing...really seems to make the colors pop.

[Thumb - unnamed.jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (1).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (2).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (3).jpg]

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


Plugging away slowly at the big guy. The top of the Dread hull really looked like crap so I tried to fill and make it more interesting with some plasticard.

Lesson learned, black backdrop not so hot with a black primed model. lol

[Thumb - unnamed (4).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (5).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (6).jpg]

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2015/01/22 20:16:16

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

Love the wings!
Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


Currently being painted. Arms and backpacks are pinned. The meanies with claws are going into the "Possessed Berzerker" group, the heavy weapons guy is going into the regular CSM block. You can see how rough the GS work is on the zoomed in head pic. It looks fine from about 8 inches back, but I definitely want to get some sculpting tools. All in all I am happy with the repair job on a badly damaged possessed head.

[Thumb - f97a9602567937b3cc6618e7923edabb_35843.jpg]

[Thumb - f736da1b52827a40e5fded722d91d7a4_35843.jpg]

[Thumb - f2937c852ac04b3e3afc290320f88064_35843.jpg]

[Thumb - 2d9715ebc50e439c2289ec2043ce5f5e_35843.jpg]

[Thumb - 7f74f83939776aac2b475930e2ce1807_35843.jpg]

[Thumb - ea7f810b9c644819992c228435be600f_35843.jpg]

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/01/30 04:38:58

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in be
Mechanized Halqa

Actually I didn't pay much attention to the prince the first time I saw your pictures. That one's really nice too, and I like the change with the colours. Is the black with green highlights intentionally or just a wip stage untill you paint him green aswell? Because I like the black ^^

How did you make the crest for your heavy weapons guy? I don't know how you've applied this greenstuff without tools, but I'd say get some if you think you will use more gs. I always try to start off without tools or expensive materials, and when I like what I'm doing or I get the hang of it, I get better materials to improve my skills, that always works and shows me what difference good tools make and what they're good for.

Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


 soulcow wrote:
Actually I didn't pay much attention to the prince the first time I saw your pictures. That one's really nice too, and I like the change with the colours. Is the black with green highlights intentionally or just a wip stage untill you paint him green aswell? Because I like the black ^^

How did you make the crest for your heavy weapons guy? I don't know how you've applied this greenstuff without tools, but I'd say get some if you think you will use more gs. I always try to start off without tools or expensive materials, and when I like what I'm doing or I get the hang of it, I get better materials to improve my skills, that always works and shows me what difference good tools make and what they're good for.

The giant cyberdemon thing is going to have the same silver/green paintjob as the rest of the army. Its still very much WIP as I really want it to be a centerpiece (I mean DUH, right?).

The crest (which is actually off center and drives my OCD nuts) is just a piece of plasticard cut to size and bent to fit on the skull. I attached it with Bob Smith Industries insta-cure. I shaped the GS with my modeling knife. To top it all off, its GS thats literally 5 years old. I damn sure need to invest in better sculpting gear.

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


irrelevant post

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/02/02 02:21:57

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


Got my studies done for the weekend and finished up the base layering. Possessed field medic/mad scientist to go with the zombie demon squad. I am really digging the heavy weapons guy. Decided to make his bayonet a power weapon....because \m/.

Silver is Citadel Ironbreaker, green is Reaper Olive Green, bone is Citadel Screaming Skull, blue is Citadel Ultramarine Blue, red is Reaper Blood Red. Reaper is from their Master series. Next step will be washes. Everything got 2 solid coats and then a touch up except for bone areas which got 3 coats.

[Thumb - unnamed (2).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (3).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (4).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (5).jpg]

This message was edited 3 times. Last update was at 2015/02/02 02:24:17

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


Whew, so yeah....life happens and school has kept me pretty busy.

I'm the world's slowest painter, but hope to have these guys finished up pretty soon!
[Thumb - unnamed (1).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed.jpg]

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

Made in us
Mutated Chosen Chaos Marine


Annnnd ready to do the final highlights.

And its impossible to get a decently lit photo. Thanks iphone, you suck.

[Thumb - unnamed (2).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (3).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (4).jpg]

[Thumb - unnamed (5).jpg]

This message was edited 2 times. Last update was at 2015/04/12 23:50:42

The Undying Spawn of Shub-Niggurath

Twitter: BigFatJerkface

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