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Have you got a Timmy? A brief study on MoO's encounters with a TFG and a study of behaviours.  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in gb
Worthiest of Warlock Engineers


Okay, I made (or should that be am making )this thread in response to a certain thread by Selym, in which he discussed a certain friend of his who just happens to match, in attitude, a certain opponent of mine. Given that it is obvious that more than one of us Dakkanoughts have a Timmy I have decided to start this thread.

Okay, for starters, what is a Timmy? Quite simply put a Timmy is a WAAC power gamer who will insist on bringing the most powerful and cheese mongering builds that they can think of to a game, said lists which will usually be tailored to their opponents army and what they believe that opponent will bring. The Timmy will usually boast about how powerful their army is and how they will crush their opponent. On the other hand, the Timmy will also whine and complain about anything that they perceive as "Overpowered" or "unfair" and may even try to put in to play restrictions that prevent such units being brought, or try to play games that prevent these units being used. Timmy usually tries to get as many toys as possible to aid him/her in fighting and will often try to bring as many of them as possible.
However, despite his/her powerful armies and toys Timmy is rarely a good tactician and often suffers heavily when facing armies of an equal power level, losing drastically and thus taking a major hit to his/her ego (see below) which results in the Timmy going out of his/her way to try and rebuild this image of personal superiority and invulnerability. In some cases Timmy will even cheat, sometimes heavily, in order to ensure total victory against the 'lesser' player, although even then they may still be crushed by an opponent who is smart and knows what they are doing. This can lead the Timmy to even further levels of dickery and cheating, and should be watched out for.
Some Timmy's will try to employ home brewed characters and/or units that they have made for "fluff" reasons. usually said characters and units will be extremely overpowered and under priced.
Notably, most Timmy's play the 'fluff sues' armies, typically (and most usually) Space Marines (sorry good SM players), Grey Knights, Eldar or Tau. They may also play 30K Marines too.

A case example (and a small study) would be this, taken from my own Timmy:

This Timmy used to be a good friend of mine until a few years back. He was an okay guy and then 'it' happened. He usually won heavily, owing to the new Marine codex, but I could still hold my own. I never questioned his lists back then (though looking back I should have) and relied upon mutual trust. Then one day 'it' happened. I won a game and my Guard royally thrashed his Marines. Nothing much happened initially, though I noticed that on the next game we played he seemed to have more stuff. I resumed losing. His armies seemed to get tougher and tougher and he didnt seem to like playing anyone else......
The first real hint came with the inclusion of his new homebrewed "chapter Master" (in reality a discount Primarch with stupidly good rules and stats) named Makutor Nagga.
Makutor was a powerful character and in the space of four turns had wiped most of my army out.... Then the second 'it' happened. My Company Commander, on one wound and unlikely to survive managed to kill this Juggernaut in single combat. The game was a draw.
From there the escalation in Timmy-ness largely halted for a while until...

Enter the tanks
Up until this point my Guard had had no tanks, barring two Chimeras and a single scratch built Thunderer, but noting the current turn of things I acquired a single Exterminator. This single tank shocked my Timmy with its resiliency, but apart from that failed to do much more and as he had more tanks and anti tank units he was able to safely ignore it. What he couldnt ignore came later. In an agreed game with an AI Horus and guard unit in the middle of the table I turned up with two Battle tanks and a proxied Executioner. Although he won these tanks where a shock. In the next game the Battle tanks, now joined by a second Exterminator, began to decimate his army.
It was around this time that the first major whining began. Up until now there had only been one or two grumbles about the orders (in particular FRFSRF), but now the complaints about 'OP' Leman Russ could be heard ever so often.

Timmy counters
It was soon after this that Timmy called for a new game idea he had developed. Simply put the game would take place in an underground city but "the corridors and streets are too narrow for tanks and only transports and walkers can be used". Like the trusting fool I was I agreed. It was a massacre as my army was wiped by Charadon units including that commander in terminator armour. Denied the firepower needed the Guard caved.
Naturally Timmy was very happy with his victory.
Life continued and the games against Timmy varied, but he continued to win and I continued to be ignorant to the notion of cheating. Timmy was happy with his "superior tactics" which kept bringing him victory (with the occasional grumbling about OP Guard units) until

The great tank whine
I made a mistake. I dared to start using Guard tanks as my primary source of firepower and Timmy did not like it. Timmy's tactics largely consisted of running most of his army across the board as fast as possible whilst his devestators provided supporting fire. up until I got tanks this had been an okay tactic as my Infantry could not put out enough firepower to stop his Marines, but with the two Battle Tanks, the two Exterminators and the Thunderer I could now put out a serious amount of hurt and when I added an Eradicator to this list all bets where off. I had dared to got too far and needed reigning in.
Timmy started up a bitter rant of complaints over a PM. He told me that i no uncertain terms IG tanks where over powered and that I needed to stop relying on them because I was breaking the game (please note, this was in 6/7th) and ruining it. We talked and (after a thread on Dakka - see above link) I managed to get him to see reason. Or so I thought.

Timmy, the cheating, or the Primarch Vulkan
Timmy called for another game at 1.5K with no Super Heavies (I was the only one with a Super Heavy at that point and I rarely used it) and I thought "why not? He has seen reason after all". Boy was I wrong. An after battle analysis showed that he had brought over 2.5K's worth of stuff (thank you Dakka for that bit) as well as a Primarch.
Unfortunately I won the game, largely owing to Timmy's lack of a tactical mindset. Timmy was furious about this, though when confronted about his cheating fell oddly silent.

Timmy and the cavern
Timmy had started building a 30K army by this point but was still largely a 40K player. Now, after his resounding defeat, and a couple of other close games, he decided he wanted another 'underground city fight', but this one would be a "fun and fluffy'" game, and we could each have a free walker unit. Timmy turned up with Charadons with an Ironclad unit and assault terminators, and a lot of Charadons allied with Konrad Curze and a large number of 'counts as' nightlords.
needless to say the battle was not.

The end of the Chaos
Timmy had a small Chaos army and, with the new Cities of Death WD rules felt like bringing them back for a game (he hadnt used them in a looooooonnnnnnnggggggg time). Once again a 2K game and I agreed too it. After all, it sounded fun.... Timmy wanted to play the Sewers mission (each player has three counters and places them pre-game. You can infiltrate units through them) I brought my Shadowsword just because it was getting dusty and Timmy turned up with [fanfare] a Demon Primarch.
Needless to say it should have been a tough fight but it wasnt, primarily owning to Timmy's tactics. Once again he chose to bumrush most of his units and only bothering to infiltrate 20 cultists and 5 Thousand Sons, all of whom ate a Volcano Cannon.
Timmy promptly packed up and went home to launch a massive tirade online, mainly focussed around how ‘OP’ Guard orders are, and that Shadowswords are cheating units . Shortly afterwards he sold his Chaos for ‘reasons’.

Grey Knights
Around this time, Timmy faced another friend of mine who plays GK. Whilst details are unclear Timmy came away furious and refused to play GK again unless they lost their psychic powers, calling them "cheese" and "OP".

The Viking Pirate
Fast forwarding a little (I am rusty here) life continued as normal. However another friend of mine (the Viking Pirate - an all round awesome guy) decided to play Timmy. This friend has Space Wolves and decimated Timmy in what was a one sided massacre. Timmy complained bitterly about Bloodclaws and how Marine Scouts shouldnt be veteran....
Timmy also faced Orks shortly afterwards IIRC and had a tough fight.

The cheese party - Invisible Vindicators and sneaky Librarians
This is more of a general review on Timmy's tactics around this time. Timmy now had a set number of favoured builds that he liked to run. Invariably he would have his favoured 'Guard Smasher' combo consisting of three Vindicators and a five man Libby conclave. The Vindicators would be in a squadron and the Librarians would cast Invisibility (they always got Invisiblity - more on that later) on them whilst advancing behind the Vindicators. The invisible Vindicators would form up in a solid block and hide the Librarians whilst being largely immune to return fire themselves.
Timmy also liked close combat. These dedicated units usually consisted of Lightning Claw Terminators with by that Charadons Captain/Chaptermaster. To get them in safely every sergeant had a Teleport Homer, although sometimes they where deployed in a Landraider. Needless to say, stopping them was tough.
Primarchs. Timmy loved them. And still does. The usually advance with another big unit or are put in the Landraider. As before, Timmy like assault and will endeavour to get there.
10th Company Task Force. Not really too bad on its own, but when combined with everything else it became the iceing on the cake.
Assassins. Timmy loves these and uses them a lot. His two favoured are the Vindicaire and the close combat choppy murder one.
Wub-wub disco party. AKA ALL DA LASORS. Triple Las preds with the Landraider Terminus Ultra make Timmy feel good, especially when pesky Guard tanks are being tough.
Extra points. Ultimately this was Timmy's fall back. He would cheat and not bother to bring a force list, relying upon me trusting him. Looking back he did this a lot.
Bumrush. Ultimately all of Timmy's tactics come down to this. He just launches everything (baring a few dedicated fire support units) across the board and hopes to hit home. At a fair points value this is easy to counter but when he cheats, well....

Boarding the ships
This one is my fault. I made the mistake of mentioning boarding actions to Timmy a year back and we tried one game. After losing all three of his objectives (he had to stop me blowing up three objectives to win) he decided that they were silly games and we moved on, until that is he asked for one again. Silly me, I should have realised. He had noticed that I couldn’t infiltrate my Stormies any more and so couldn’t kill the objectives fast, and coupled with his new toys it soon turned into a slaughterfest.
Suddenly boarding missions where okay again.

Typhon joys
Not a big one here. The Timmy wanted a now LoW game, well to be specific he said no Shadowsword variants. I was understanding enough to agree. Big mistake and the Timmy was giggling as he set up.
It turned out that he had procured a Typhon (bank of mum) and was using it. Two turns. Two.

The Cheatening – Timmy gets desperate/confident
Another ‘underground City, not tanks’ match although this is to be the last. Timmy had a hard time persuading me, but as I was in a good mood I did eventually cave in. Agreeing to 2K Timmy made the critical mistake of showing me his army a few days before we played. I knew he was cheating at once for the simple reason that he had more Infantry than I did, despite his cheapest naked basic Infantry unit costing more than my most expensive tooled up unit (he was using 30K), and one of his walkers costing more than mine.
After a bit of calculation I brought roughly the equivalent and the game ended in a very close draw, although his wining the deployment role off and infiltrating most of his army meant I had a rough time.
The “superior tactics” attitude was back
There was a brief interlude after this period where he played against the Ork player and then we had a Deathwatch campaign (mini wargaming [yes, he also failed to do well there, losing half his team to a bumrush to the objective after declaring he was turning rebel]). After facing the Ork players 30K Alpha Legion (a very nasty army) we then had a three way between my Guard, the Ork players Orks and his World Eaters (I think they were anyway) in which he lost most of his force he really started to complain.
Long story short, My Guard and thus me by default, are utter cowards and he was fed up of me sitting back and using my long ranged firepower. Apparently the guard should advance across the table to take objectives and it was my fault that I lost games because I built bad lists and refused to push recklessly.

The 30K era, or a legion shattered
For this period Timmy played two other Marine/30K players. Each time he was beaten heavily, with one game against Imperial Fists resulting in him being tabled by turn three. Against the Viking Pirate’s Death guard (mainly the contents of the macragge set) he lost heavily, the first time having his Artillery outflanked by Veterans and the second time being delayed by DS units which prevented him from holding the objective.
It was also around this time that the Viking Pirate noted to me that the Timmy seemed to take out his frustration at losing on players who had weaker armies than his, frequently bringing the cheesiest possible lists for these. Of course he would usually win and thus would feel better in himself.
Operation Salt, the start of the fall
Shortly after the Viking Pirate flattened Timmy for a second time Timmy sent a request for a game, his outrage at having lost badly to someone with less than half his obvious. To quote
Are mission is hammer and anvil deployment and auto night fighting oh an NO CHEESEY LISTS and TANK SPAM
when I asked when I tank spammed (a little confused as I have 6 tanks) he said
Err all the fething time

This was followed by a long rant about Shadowswords and which one is for which book (apparently the GW one can only be used with the GW Apocalypse book, even though it cannot be legally built from it) Eventually things where resolved (he apologised for acting in such a way).
So, Operation Salt begins. Operation Salt (my name for it) was intended to crush him. By this point I was beyond mercy, having had him going on about how I would have to advance and not hang back. He also boasted about how his army would be far too powerful for me to counter.
I should probably note here that the Viking Pirate warned me about how badly he had crushed the Timmy, and to prepare for a bad one.
I had intended to teach him a lesson, basing my army around a Macro Cannon with a Veteran Section to garrison and another to take the Bunker, an inquisitor for Servo Skulls, etc. All the objective taking was to come from deep striking Stormy units and a Termy unit with a Libby. The battle was a farce, right from the start something felt off about his force, although I put it down to suspicion.
Well, after a humiliating defeat I returned home to stew. Something had been off and it turned out that he had over 2660 in a 2K game. Needless to say I was furious, and luckily the Viking Pirate volunteered to confront him, whereupon the Timmy claimed it had been a 2.5K game.
This was compounded by Timmy whining about the Macro Cannon (despite it doing little after nuking his Landraider Terminus Ultra)

Operation Whine, the last battle
I should have left it there, this was already over. But I was still furious about my humiliation and I would have my vengeance. Taking a gamble that the Viking Pirates suspicion was enough to stop him from cheating I agreed to a 3K game. I also had one more piece of data to my advantage – he had Perturabo and he had built the Tormentor and was eager to use it.
I built my army based around two CAD’s with the Macro Cannon, each CAD having a LOW, one a Baneblade borrowed from the Viking Pirate and the other being my own Stormsword. With an allied Armoured Company I had 11 tanks plus two super heavies, enough to do real tank spam.
The battle was pretty tough, for him. I pushed up and took the centre early on and proceeded to dominate the board. Timmy lost 21 to 11, and even worse lost Perturabo and The Tormentor as well.

The result was immediate, The next day a tirade was waiting for me online. Timmy was furious about his humiliating defeat. He accused me of cheating by bringing a tank that wasn’t my own and for using more than 25% of my points of Lords of War, claiming that the rules in the 30K book applied to 40K as well. He also called Macro cannons overpowered.
This went on for a day and then he finally made his last rant, refusing to believe that he could be wrong or his precious marines could lose. He lost and badly and had an utter paddy.
Timmy then attempted to remake contact. Thus far I have done nothing more than politely reply.

So, this concludes our case study. YMMV but this has been my experience. To sum thing up though:
- A Timmy likes to win by any means possible
- Timmy’s army is THE BEST. There is no room for anything else to be THE BEST
- Timmy believes that anything that can kill his/her models or even provide a challenge is ‘OP
- Timmy likes to have his special rules but hates other armies having them (mine called Guard orders overpowered and claimed they should be once per game)
- Timmy dislikes anything that challenges THE VISION that he is THE BEST
- Timmy will frequently belittle other players to make him/herself feel better
- Timmy will often have tantrums if he/she perceives someone has “cheated” (IE, won)
- Timmy will call any list build that he/she doesn’t like ‘cheese’
- No one else but Timmy can win
- Timmy will cheat whenever possible
- Timmy may also try to fudge dice rolls, or roll whilst your not looking (mine has done this - surprising how often he got Invisibility)

So, now that I have shared my experience and analysis, what about you Dakka? Any experiences to share?

Free from GW's tyranny and the hobby is looking better for it
Made in gb
The Last Chancer Who Survived

United Kingdom

And I thought Dave was annoying.

Ever asked Timmy why he cheats?
Made in ca
Lord of the Fleet

Halifornia, Nova Scotia

No experience like that for me. Had a friend who was a sore loser, but no cheating or other scummy gak.

All this story screams to me is that you should always have a list with point values before a game, and that people only get one chance when they cheat. Truthfully I don't know why you would play him knowing he cheated, regularly and blatantly.

Mordian Iron Guard - Major Overhaul in Progress

+Spaceship Gaming Enthusiast+

Live near Halifax, NS? Ask me about our group, the Ordo Haligonias! 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

We shall name him Mark. Mark is a complete TFG. I say this because he is obsessed with winning the game at the exclusion of everything. Including learning or following the rules. I'll tell you all some examples of why he's TFG.

- A store beginner game (Mark has now been banned from these) where people generally bring two units. Mark brought 10 Wraithguard and 10 Scatbikes and attempted to use a Wraithknight to counter a pair of Rhinos as that would make it fair.
- Mark spends large amounts of time criticising other peoples playsyles by which I mean he will spend an hour and a half calling somebody a coward because they're shooting rather than charging. With their Guardsmen.
- Mark will give you a lengthly speech about his next action. For example I charged and killed a unit of 10 Scatbikes with Striking Scorpions. Cue a speech about how he was going to charge and kill them with a Wraithlord.
- Mark has absolutely no idea about the rules which is probably because he refuses to learn. To give an idea of how bad things are in the last game I played with him on at least two occasions didn't roll to wound. He's been playing for at least five years and doesn't understand how to wound things.
- Mark is a terrible team player (this is a problem because the games he's started attending at the store are team games) because he will just go and do his own thing which means that he forces his own teammates to miss shooting and movement.
- Mark has a lot of bad habits. He will cheer loudly over killing a single model with 10 Scatbikes, make repeated threats to units, insult the other player (he spent an entire game calling me a traitor), brags endlessly about how he'll smash his enemy and to top it off will tell people they're annoying him because they had the audacity to politely call him out when he cheated.

tremere47-fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate, leads to triple riptide spam  
Made in gb
Towering Hierophant Bio-Titan

Bristol, England

I always thought Timmy or Little Timmy was the under 16 kid running around picking up models without permission, not knowing the rules or caring, getting his parents to buy him a whatever because it's cool looking once a month etc etc.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/08/06 19:57:15

Oli: Can I be an orc?
Everyone: No.
Oli: But it fits through the doors, Look! 
Made in ca
Confessor Of Sins

 Selym wrote:
And I thought Dave was annoying.

Ever asked Timmy why he cheats?

From my experience with video games, people who make a habit of cheating frequently don't view it as cheating at all. They believe that any advantage they can actually get is a justifiable increase of power. Likely people who cheat in tabletop games view their cheating as simply that if they're able to get it by you, then it's a legitimate tactic.
Made in cz
Mysterious Techpriest

Fortress world of Ostrakan

I'm so glad that I never met Dave (although I met Dave, but it's different Dave. ), Mark or Timmy.

Only thing I encountered was a bit of tailoring. (Or I was suspicious of it). He choose the list he wants to play after he saw what I have. He never made new list, he choosed one from several he already had, but still.
"Have alot of tanks? Enjoy my deep-striking Carnifex spam.
Have alot of infantry? Here comes the Hive Crone, Exocrine and a MASSIVE horde of gaunts..."

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/08/06 20:19:39

Neutran Panzergrenadiers, Ostrakan Skitarii Legions, Order of the Silver Hand
My fan-lore: Europan Planetary federation. Hot topic: Help with Minotaurs chapter Killteam

Made in gb
Water-Caste Negotiator

Celestial Realm

 Alex Kolodotschko wrote:
I always thought Timmy or Little Timmy was the under 16 kid running around picking up models without permission, not knowing the rules or caring, getting his parents to buy him a whatever because it's cool looking once a month etc etc.

Hey, wait a minute... Jk, I know the kind of people you mean

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/08/06 20:21:37

"Good men mean well, we just don’t always end up doing well." 
Made in ca
Confessor Of Sins

 Hawky wrote:
I'm so glad that I never met Dave (although I met Dave, but it's different Dave. ), Mark or Timmy.

Only thing I encountered was a bit of tailoring. (Or I was suspicious of it). He choose the list he wants to play after he saw what I have. He never made new list, he choosed one from several he already had, but still.
"Have alot of tanks? Enjoy my deep-striking Carnifex spam.
Have alot of infantry? Here comes the Hive Crone, Exocrine and a MASSIVE horde of gaunts..."

I've heard of some people noticing their opponents doing stuff like this, and their solution was to bring an extra army that was totally different from the one they planned to use. They'd get all the models of their decoy army out of the cases and arrange them on a nearby table, wait for their opponent to list-tailor and get their own army unpacked, then put away the decoy army and bring out the totally-different army they planned on using all along. What are they gonna say in protest, "Hey, you can't do that, you have to use the army I specifically built my army to beat?"
Made in us
Powerful Phoenix Lord

I read threads like this, and I think "Why does anyone play Timmy?"

"Timmy" sure won't enjoy when he rolls up and no one agrees to play him. When he asks why, simply inform him.
Made in ca
Longtime Dakkanaut

Thanks for breaking him.
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 Elbows wrote:
I read threads like this, and I think "Why does anyone play Timmy?"

"Timmy" sure won't enjoy when he rolls up and no one agrees to play him. When he asks why, simply inform him.

My situation is that he's turning up to a game which is basically "The game starts at 3 and we'll make teams when you arrive. Bring 1k points." No choice is provided.

tremere47-fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate, leads to triple riptide spam  
Made in gb
The Last Chancer Who Survived

United Kingdom

For me, Dave is almost always my only opponent. 40k lost a lot of populatrity sround my area. So it's play him or drop my hobby.
The last year and a half has been mostly drop the hobby.
Made in ie
Norn Queen

Dublin, Ireland

No personal experience of Timmy either at tourneys or amongst friends.
Had a guy I used to play that would argue the sky was grey if it was blue and made games tedious and pretty unfun but his lists werent OP.
So maybe a mini-timmy.
A few of our group ended up refusing to play him in the end.

What happened to playing 40k for a bit of fun and pewpews?
Who knows.

Dman137 wrote:
goobs is all you guys will ever be

By 1-irt: Still as long as Hissy keeps showing up this is one of the most entertaining threads ever.

"Feelin' goods, good enough". 
Made in gb
The Last Chancer Who Survived

United Kingdom

I had one friend who played 40k for the pewpew layzors. Got rather disillusioned by everyone else trying ro powergame.
Made in ie
Norn Queen

Dublin, Ireland

Was it a close gaming group Sel?
I used to play hard VS our pewpew player but eventually just played more "fun" and relaxed lists ......well for fun really

Dman137 wrote:
goobs is all you guys will ever be

By 1-irt: Still as long as Hissy keeps showing up this is one of the most entertaining threads ever.

"Feelin' goods, good enough". 
Made in ca
Confessor Of Sins

 Selym wrote:
For me, Dave is almost always my only opponent. 40k lost a lot of populatrity sround my area. So it's play him or drop my hobby.
The last year and a half has been mostly drop the hobby.

Personally I've only played against my mom for the past... decade or so. But that's more of a social anxiety thing.

Sometimes having nerdy/geeky gamer parents is awesome.
Made in ie
Norn Queen

Dublin, Ireland

So cute pouncey
Whats she play?

Dman137 wrote:
goobs is all you guys will ever be

By 1-irt: Still as long as Hissy keeps showing up this is one of the most entertaining threads ever.

"Feelin' goods, good enough". 
Made in ca
Confessor Of Sins

 Ratius wrote:
So cute pouncey
Whats she play?

She used to play Space Marines, but when Allies came back in 6th I wanted to have Space Marine allies in my army. So now she plays Orks. She really likes playing Orks because they're so straight-forward to use. Just charge the melee units foward haphazardly and keep up the firepower with the shooty units.
Made in ie
Norn Queen

Dublin, Ireland

Hehehe, who do you play VS her?

Dman137 wrote:
goobs is all you guys will ever be

By 1-irt: Still as long as Hissy keeps showing up this is one of the most entertaining threads ever.

"Feelin' goods, good enough". 
Made in us
The Hammer of Witches

A new day, a new time zone.

 Alex Kolodotschko wrote:
I always thought Timmy or Little Timmy was the under 16 kid running around picking up models without permission, not knowing the rules or caring, getting his parents to buy him a whatever because it's cool looking once a month etc etc.

It can be two things.

"-Nonsense, the Inquisitor and his retinue are our hounoured guests, of course we should invite them to celebrate Four-armed Emperor-day with us..."
Thought for the Day - Never use the powerfist hand to wipe. 
Made in gb
Worthiest of Warlock Engineers


 Alex Kolodotschko wrote:
I always thought Timmy or Little Timmy was the under 16 kid running around picking up models without permission, not knowing the rules or caring, getting his parents to buy him a whatever because it's cool looking once a month etc etc.

He acts like a child... Reason enough to call him Timmy.

To all those asking why I play him: For a long time he was my only 40K opponent and even when the club opened it was just a habit to agree to every game he messaged me about. It wasnt until a few months back that I really stepped back and took a long, hard look at things and it wasnt until the most recent game (this Monday just gone) that I really finally snapped. I had hoped to break him and make him realise he was being a dick but he wasnt having any of it.
If (very big if) I ever game him again it will be with priced up lists, no more trusting.

Free from GW's tyranny and the hobby is looking better for it
Made in ca
Confessor Of Sins

 Ratius wrote:
Hehehe, who do you play VS her?

I play Sisters of Battle with vanilla Space Marines allies.

Sisters of Battle because I love playing female characters in any game that lets me do so, and I also really like the aesthetic of a holy warrior along with heavy plate armor. Space Marines because I have models of my partner's RP character in 40k armor which I like to use but don't fit into the Sororitas aesthetic because his character is a dude who wears power armor in battle yet is so opposed to the Inquisition that representing him as an Inquisitor, even if only for gameplay reasons, feels utterly wrong.
Made in ca
Insect-Infested Nurgle Chaos Lord

I've told this story many times but like the fat maneater I am, I must tell it again

So it was sometime after 6th edition got released, and Tau was updated. I had not played yet due to a lack of local players and my army was just getting caught up to 5th edition standards. Then one day a new member to the gaming club (we mostly played magic) asked if anyone played Warhammer, specifically 40k. I said yes and we organized a game. He wanted it to be immediately, but I said I haven't even cracked the 6th ed rulebook yet (I didn't even own it at the time actually) but he said he would walk me through it. I also told him that my army wasn't even up for 5th edition (my berserkers were still riding Rhinos for transports) but he says he will go easy on me and not bring anything cheesy.

So I take him on his word on it and brought my usual Chaos force, Nurgle marines backed by a few berserkers and two dreadnoughts, all in rhinos (this was all I had at the time) but I was using the old codex since I didn't have the new one. The other guy said it was ok for me to do this, and he would "fill in" the holes for me (specifically I didn't know the hull points).

This is where the weird happened. During the game he told me that the hullpoints for my Rhinos and Dreadnoughts were "2" because they were small vehicles. Not having read the current rules, I trusted him, and promptly had one of the dreads get blown sky high in the first turn when his tau did the usual "jump out, shoot, jump back" thing Tau do. Fair enough. After a round of shooting, I thought my berserkers would sort out his Tau. This is where he "mentioned" Overwatch to me, but didn't mention they had to all fire snapshots. So basically he got an extra turn of shooting at me with his fire warriors, no penalties whatsoever. Fine, I was used to Warhammer Fantasy's charge responses so I thought this was fair. He then told me about the tau's new rule where they can fire overwatch for each other, but neglected to mention each unit can still only fire once. So basically every time one of my units charged, every model in his army got another shooting phase.

So this went on for the entire game, with him basically blowing up my stuff left and right while my guys couldn't do much to him. He even "helpfully" informed me that my Plague Marines no longer had a 4+ Feel No Pain, but it's now 5+ (this is probably the only true part he mentioned). There were a bunch of other things he mentioned too but the long short of it was his entire army basically spent the game with a 4+ cover save while I had none. So, my army was already crap at shooting, Charging is a death sentence, so I decided to just yolo it and charged my remaining dread (which had 1 hull point) right up at his gunline. He miraculously missed and the dread made it into combat, tearing up his fire warriors and making them run off the board.

This turns out was enough for me to win the game, as the entire game he had hoped he could just deny me objectives by shooting me off of them while camping the last one. My plague marines (one of the few surviving units) managed to end the game close enough to one objective while my dread tearing through that one fire warrior squad not only drove his only unit away from being able to contest an objective, but also meant I held two objectives at the end of the game. So I won and he was furious.

The next time I met him he wouldn't stop talking about how I won through "sheer luck" and that Chaos Marines are inherently overpowered this edition. He also kept saying that Tau required skill like Dark Eldar and that's why he lost; he apparently "just" got the new book and wasn't familiar with the rules. He insisted his next match with me will be different. By this point I had gotten the new Chaos Codex and the rulebook, and call him out on the bullcrap that was Overwatch and the Hull Points, pointing out that, since he often just made it to the 2 hull point mark and never made a penetrating hit, none of my vehicles would have died anywhere near as fast as they did in our game, especially since it was the Dread that won me the game. It was at this point he sheepishly walked away before the whole club ganged up on him for being a cheater. For the rest of the year he didn't show up to any more meetings.

Gwar! wrote:Huh, I had no idea Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines posted on Dakka. Hi Graham McNeillm Dav Torpe and Pete Haines!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can I have an Autograph!

Kanluwen wrote:
Hell, I'm not that bothered by the Stormraven. Why? Because, as it stands right now, it's "limited use".When it's shoehorned in to the Codex: Space Marines, then yeah. I'll be irked.

When I'm editing alot, you know I have a gakload of homework to (not) do. 
Made in ca
Evasive Pleasureseeker

Lost in a blizzard, somewhere near Toronto

As much as I despise the "Timmy", who in my personal experiences has mostly been the over entitled Loyalist player from hell, I still hold a deeper loathing for the waste of life that is the "Sad Panda" (note: in no way is this individual in any way related to our beloved Sad Panda, Lord-Commander of Rumors and generally beloved by all great Farseer or upcoming releases!)

My experience with Mr. Sad Panda was;
The Endless Days of Boasting
Sad Panda would typically 'visit' the local shop at least once a week, and would hang around half the day or more. His time would be spent endlessly boasting about his genius level IQ & overall superiority at 40k. He would routinely hang around the gaming tables, and tell other players off over just about every move they'd make, as they were obviously so tactically inept. Despite repeated warnings from staff to leave people alone while they were gaming, he would inevitably go back to his condescending play-by-play of every error and misstep people would make.
Worst of all, Sad Panda had the world's most annoying voice... nasally, exceedingly whiney, and always with a holier-than-thou attitude attached to it.

Of course, Sad Panda himself never, ever bothered to bring his own (completely perfect & unbeatable) army with him. Instead, he'd spend hours and hours going on about how every single army except for his, (Sisters & Marines btw), were ether so UP they weren't worth bothering with, or could only ever compete by being cheesy & game breaking OP in the extreme.
Sad Panda was literally a vampire who could suck all the fun & joy out of the air by his mere presence. He would have a palpable aura of sheer depression that hung about him, and would sap the will from average gamers to even just hang out for a few minutes and chat. When he was in the store, the store would soon empty out after an hour or so.

Sad Panda also never bought anything from the store either, simply complained that GW prices were stupidly over-priced.

The Day of Reckoning
Eventually, Sad Panda pushed me too far. After a horrific night of 3 mind-numbing hours of his dralling BS about how amazing his armies were, his perfect tactics, etc, etc..., I snapped. I challenged him to put his balls where his mouth was, and bring his Sisters to fight my Drop Guard. (note: 4th edition at the time, and I played pure Deep Striking IG from the amazing doctrine codex - yes I am absolutely a crazy person!)

Shocked, Sad Panda let his ego get the better of him, and agreed to bring his most ruthless tournament crushing list with him for the following week, and teach me why Drop Guard suck so badly they should never ever be allowed to actually exist.

I immediately set about tuning & polishing my list, making sure I had my sneaky Inquisitor and his best buddy Mr. Devious the Culexus assassin ready to go...
My list was basically;
- Commander tooled up for close combat w/power fist, invuln save & his retainers w/medic, couple flamers, banner boy & nutty Priest.
- 2x Infantry Platoons. One w/2 squads each w/Heavy bolter + Grenade launcher - this was my traditional 'fire base', and the other loaded up with flamers + meltas and a Remnant squad.
- 2x lone Sentinels. One w/autocannon + improved coms for reserves manipulation, the other w/heavy flamer for suicide bombing.
- Hardened Vet squad w/Plasma gun. I hate plasma and it hates me. However, my army's lone plasma gunner was notorious for never dying to his weapon, forever making 5+ armour saves as I'd modeled him with a bunch of green stuffed bionics covering half his face!
- 2x Spec Weapon Teams w/demo charge each.
- 1x Mortar squad + 1x Missile launcher squad.
- Inquisitor w/Holocaust + 4 man posse. Their "gimmick" was to (ab)use the way assaults worked in 4th in order to place the 4 grunts as living shields to keep their boss out of actual base-to-base contact, thus allowing his to always blast off at least 1 Holocaust per game in complete safety!
- Mr. Culexus. A hilariously nasty unit at the time, due to his Ld-nuking bubble, AND, the way the Target Priority rules worked at the time.

The Game that Smote the Sad Panda Asunder
Sad Panda (to our surprise) actually made good on his "threat" to show up and "teach me and my sucky IG army their place."

I began the game with my firebase platoon & autocannon Sentinel deployed, alongside the Inquisitor and his posse of faithful meatshields, while the Culexus infiltrated up the flank.

The first two turns were mostly uneventful... I removed a few Guardsmen from mostly Exorcist shooting, while my assassin sneakily began making his way around some LoS blocking terrain to get ready to pounce once the lawn darts finally arrived.
Things started to go south for Sad Panda when he (rashly) threw his Repentia at my Inquisitor's unit. While it took us no less than 15 minutes to convince Sad Panda that I was not cheating, despite bringing forth 3 rulebooks to prove so, he continued to whine endlessly about how much of a "cheater" I was being for placing my unit in such a way that he could not in-fact target the =I= himself with any close combat attacks!
Those loyal servants fell in short order, and then the Inquisitor proceeded to blast off his Holocaust, nuking all but 2 of the 10 Repentia squad! (come the following round, he managed to live through the couple of attacks, and then crushed the remaining two girls with his thunder hammer for added insult!)

Come turn 3, the Guardsmen arrived! Gloriously, and with most every squad rolling a 'Hit' on their scatter roll, which caused yet more whining from Sad Panda about how my dice were probably loaded, since statistically that should never happen, because... "reasons".

My smaller Platoon commands, Remnant Squads & missile teams in my backfield, unloaded on the Sisters who were still hiding in their Rhinos. Both Rhinos were taken out, and my remaining Guardsmen proceeded to light up the Sisters themselves, forcing Moral tests.
And now the bit that really sent Sad Panda into a rage - because of the Culexus within 12", his Sisters were now Ld7! (one squad was actually Ld6, due to being an additional -1Ld for under half-strength!)
Both squads failed their checks, and booked it.

Come his turn, Sad Panda was confused that he was not actually allowed to rally his girls, since they were still within 6" of an enemy. (like all good TFG's, Sad Panda had never really bothered to properly read all the basic rules!)
Sad Panda then moved his lone foot squad of Celestians forward, hoping to murder some offending Guardsmen, only to learn about the Culexus' other really, really, annoying ability... Due to being the closest enemy target, Sad Panda had to check to see if he could first shoot the Guard squad that was further way. (at Ld7, as he was just within the Culexus' bubble due to poor judgement on his part!)
He failed his role.
Then those Celestians had to take a separate Ld test to shoot at the Culexus himself! (hooray for Etherium!) He failed, and his entire squad did nothing. Next turn, they died in a blinding barrage of massed flashlights.

Sad Panda's only remaining units were Celestria + Seraphim squad (which he'd been inexplicably holding back, instead of being aggressive with them), and a pair of Exorcists which had mostly rolled poorly all game for their shooting. (never got more than 4 shots off at a time, with no juicy targets to nuke!)

The final humiliation to be inflicted, was for my power officers to gang-up on the Seraphim unit and beat them silly, and then for him to fail Celestria's roll to revive herself!

The game ended with Sad Panda flying off the handle, basically shouting about how IG were OP as all hell, Deep Strike was a broken mechanic, and the Culexus was the biggest pile of BS to ever see print in a GW codex!

Oddly enough, Sad Panda never returned to the store afterwards, except for a brief visit to rail against me for being a dirty cheat and a cheese mongering power gamer who abused the rules to no end.

Made in au
Ancient Space Wolves Venerable Dreadnought

Both on and off topic, when I saw the title for the thread my first thought was the MTG player types.
It's funny how Timmy is the bad guy here but he's damn near irrelevant in MTG, he's the guy with the biggest, meanest cards but rarely packing a strategy or even practice with his deck.

I don't break the rules but I'll bend them as far as they'll go. 
Made in gb
Fixture of Dakka

 Dakka Wolf wrote:
Both on and off topic, when I saw the title for the thread my first thought was the MTG player types.
It's funny how Timmy is the bad guy here but he's damn near irrelevant in MTG, he's the guy with the biggest, meanest cards but rarely packing a strategy or even practice with his deck.

You don't need a strategy with scatbikes.

tremere47-fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate, leads to triple riptide spam  
Made in ca
Confessor Of Sins

 MechaEmperor7000 wrote:
This turns out was enough for me to win the game, as the entire game he had hoped he could just deny me objectives by shooting me off of them while camping the last one.

In Overwatch (the FPS game, not the WH40k game mechanic), there are game modes where one team has to capture an objective marked by a location by standing on it without any enemies on it long enough for a timer to run out. The other team has to stop them from capturing that location and can contest the objective, stopping the timer, by having any of their team members stand on that objective. Effectively the attackers have to eliminate all enemies who are standing on an objective to capture it.

I have played games on the defending side where most of my team opts for the "just kill them, but don't actually contest the objective by standing on it" approach. Those games are very, very short and have never resulted in a victory for the defence.

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2016/08/06 22:42:04

Made in gb
Worthiest of Warlock Engineers


 Dakka Wolf wrote:
Both on and off topic, when I saw the title for the thread my first thought was the MTG player types.
It's funny how Timmy is the bad guy here but he's damn near irrelevant in MTG, he's the guy with the biggest, meanest cards but rarely packing a strategy or even practice with his deck.

Well that pretty much is my Timmy. He has all the toys (4 to 5 Primarchs, Landraiders, Typhon, Shadowsword, Basilisks, etc) but he cannot use them effectively.

Free from GW's tyranny and the hobby is looking better for it
Made in us
Decrepit Dakkanaut


Surprisingly, there isn't really a TFG at my FLGS. A few years ago, I certainly qualified, but nowadays everybody is basically nice to one another.

Peregrine - If you like the army buy it, and don't worry about what one random person on the internet thinks.
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