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Nihilistic Necron Lord

Getting started on painting up my Godtear stuff and doing the undead Revenants first. Armor is done, and got the flats on their cloth as well. Skin’ll be painted bone and washed brown. Deciding yet if I want to wash the cloth in color or the same brown. May do the brown to just contribute to their dinginess.

Got plans for special bases. Need to get a few blanks made up so I can get molds of those done. Also make sure my plan works and looks alright before I start ripping these off their originals.
[Thumb - 572EA159-1062-4C1D-A838-CA69DA2044AB.jpeg]

Made in us
Nihilistic Necron Lord

Getting started on painting up Styx right away, catching him up to where I left off Morrigan and Mournblade. Man, Mournblade is smol, and he’s the Tank!

Styx’s rules disappoint me a bit. Morrigan has the rule where she get double the benefit from a buff, so I long awaited an undead Shaper and was looking forward to Styx. Unfortunately unlike the other Shapers who’ve tended to do lots of ally buffs, he only debuffs the opponent. Dang, but I guess that is rather on point for an undead character.
[Thumb - 9C137869-57FC-494C-B5F4-47755716D860.jpeg]

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