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[Marvel: Crisis Protocol] What heroes and villains do you run?  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

I have Bullseye, Daredevil, Doctor Strange, Wong, Vision, and the Winter Soldier.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

I've been picking up everything. Most fond of the Avengers/Defenders set of characters, but some of my favorites have fallen by the wayside. Thematic villain teams of Cabal/Criminal Syndicate are real strong and fun as well.
Made in gb
Executing Exarch

I've got the starter box, Gwen, Miles and Venom

Holding off puling the trigger till I can get some table time and see how the game shakes out as have a couple of concerns;

The double pack thing seems a smidge cheeky, I wouldn't mind Daredevil but have no interest in Bullseye, and that applies to a fair few

The roster and points granularity might run into problems as characters just become 3/4/5 point fillers with broadly samey skill sets and power creep sneaking in

Finally getting an Xwing card chasing vibe, wont impact me as I'll just be playing at club so can print anything I need

And the ongoing lack of FF4 or the Surfer

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

The game is really strong. Probably my favorite system in quite a while. Thus far I haven't seen much to be concerned about regarding the cards. The strongest of the bunch are largely in the core set. Otherwise they largely play to specific strategies. The bigger issue on that front is the scenario cards, which while not competitively demanding, are more of a variety draw unless your plan is to actively master one specific objective set.

I think as far as the dual packs are concerned, it's just deciding what you want to play. The mix and match style means nothing is useless, but it depends for a lot of the dual packs. There's some bleed, but also clear stopping points. Bullseye for example encourages Kingpin, but those two expand out the core set Villains pretty well and don't require anything more unless you really want it. It REALLY depends on the specific characters you're talking about though and what team you want to run them in. For example, the Wolverine/Sabertooth pack is split across X-Men/Brotherhood, but they're both members of X-Force so....
Made in ca
Fresh-Faced New User

I have them all but GreenGoblin. My son and I play almost everyday. The 3/4/5 is a thing, seems most popular are always 4, so when a good 3 or 2 comes out we get excited.

My favorite are the bad guys, Modock, Kingpin. Im a big Xmen fan, which is why I started, so I enjoy them too.

I also got a 3d printer and doing New York board is a blast.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

The low granularity points are a huge blessing for the game. Since the point total can change every game and you pull from a larger roster, the small variation makes it much easier to swap characters in and out as necessary. The affiliation rules do a remarkable job of leaving things open ended but doing JUST enough to ensure characters see play because they help fill the base requirements. I think the main change I'd make is to raise the Tactics card limit to 10 to make 2 affiliation rosters easier to manage.
Made in sg
Regular Dakkanaut

I only played 5 games of Crisis Protocol and 2 of those were an in store event for the infinity wars op kit. I like how easy it is the pick up the rules but how complex it can get from roster building, tactics card building and objective cards as well as some nice combo plays.

I always choose a thematic route though and it is good to see the devs supporting this as the OP kit was made for fun in mind not balance.

Currently own the full Black Order and some criminal syndicate dudes with a total of 10 Figures but I have just expanded my set by another 20+ characters cause I love the game and miniatures.
Made in pt
Fireknife Shas'el

Lisbon, Portugal

Got the core box and everything mutant-related.
However, I also started getting some Asgardians - already have Thor/Valkyrie and I'll grab a Loki/Hela as soon as my FLGS gets a box (they're all gone for now :/)

Will get Punisher/Tasky in the long run and, even later, Strange/Wong. The other stuff doesn't really interest me

AI & BFG: / BMG: Mr. Freeze, Deathstroke / Battletech: SR, OWA / Fallout Factions: BoS / HGB: Caprice / Malifaux: Arcanists, Guild, Outcasts / MCP: Mutants / SAGA: Ordensstaat / SW Legion: CIS / WWX: Union

 Unit1126PLL wrote:
"FW is unbalanced and going to ruin tournaments."
"Name one where it did that."

 Shadenuat wrote:
Voted Astra Militarum for a chance for them to get nerfed instead of my own army.
Made in gb
Revving Ravenwing Biker

Wrexham, North Wales

I try and mix it up, but I can't seem to stop choosing Ghost Rider. I love Hulk and want to use him more, but he's a struggle. I'm looking forward to adding Dr Strange to my list...
Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

What five cards would be good? Thank you.
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

BillyN831 wrote:
What five cards would be good? Thank you.

Team Tactics cards? A lot of that depends on your roster of characters. Wakanda Forever is probably the best card in the game but you have to be playing Wakanda. Have two cards off the restricted list is certainly a good place to start though. They're there for a reason.

Made in ca
Regular Dakkanaut

Thankee. Thankee.
Made in ca
Speed Drybrushing


Been deep-diving into the game for a couple months now. My main affiliation currently is Web Warriors:

Amazing Spiderman
Miles Morales
Ghost Spider
Black Cat
(Moon Knight)

Venom is more a thematic choice (there are many better T4's, but he's a decent bruiser that's in-affiliation), and the last 3 are mostly rotating fillers as I grow my collection and find models that I enjoy playing with. Chances are, core Black Widow will be another T2 that joins the roster somewhere to help fit the spider theme, and let me run extra- wide.

I mostly pick Extracts and Crises that bring lots of objectives over a spread out board, as that's how the WW want to play. Currently this is what I have for the 6 scenarios:

Fear Grips World as "Worthy" Terrorize Cities
Struggle for the Cube Continues
Spider-Infected Invade Manhattan

Infinity Formula Goes Missing!
Portals Overrun City with Spider-People
Riots Spark Over Extremis 3.0

As for Tactics cards, there's a lot of options and variety based on how you want to play, and having some options based on match-up.

My current deck of 8:

All Webbed Up
Aunt May's Wheat Cakes
Spider Tracker
Advanced R&D
Field Dressing
Climbing Gear
Lethal Protector

All Webbed Up,. Aunt May's Wheatcakes and Spider-Tracker are affiliation specific cards that boost my brawling power, buy me some heals, and give me out of sequence reactive placing.

Advanced R&D, Med-Pack and Field Dressing are fantastic Unaffiliated. I can R&D for a turn 1 webline pull with Ghost for safety when using someone like ASM or Miles to grab a center objective, or save for later when Shuri generates enough power to share the load (as she doesn't always need to spend it but generates a lot easily). I also take lots of hits and expect to go down a lot, so MP and FD are good ways to buy some extra HP or to save a hero that gets dazed before they can activate.

Climbing Gear is a fun one, although pseudo wasted as the majority of my roster has Wallcrawler already. I usually bring this card specifically for Ghost Spider, as it's the Advance Small that I value that helps trigger her Spider-Strike extra moves (in effect potentially giving her a 5 action turn: Move Small, Attack + Move Long, Attack + Move Long, and if she has enough power, multiple Webline pulls to reposition enemy models), although because it doesn't require an activating character to play, anybody can do it to gain the immediate Advance Small (helps when you get displaced, or to reposition away from incoming danger or move onto an objective).

Lethal Protector is a Venom-specific card, and it's used when I do take Venom as a way to help get him up the board quickly and acts as a pricier pseudo-bodyguard (Venom has some nice tricks to counter-punch when attacked). Not the most competitive choice (both the character and tactics card), but we mostly play casual/narrative here so both make it in.

I'm a handful of characters short of having the Spider-Foes fully painted, although honestly I think I'm going to pivot into Black Order as just a complete opposite style of the way WW want to play. I may sneak Asgardians (Asguardians? ) right after BO as well.

This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2021/09/13 19:11:56

Made in us
Pious Palatine

Excited to run Rogue in Affiliation in Aforce (assuming she gets Aforce which...she should.) for the sake of a combo I might pull off once every 10 games.

Take Shuri, Wong(or Okoye if I think my opponent doesn't know what I'm doing), 2T BW, She-Hulk Rogue for 17. Take an extract with a midfield objective.

Double L move BW up to center to grab extract and bait attacks. If it takes 2 attacks to down BW that makes the rest of the plan a lot easier.

Activate shuri, use her builder as much as possible, use her as bait but be more careful with her than widow.

Activate Wong to build a power and give it to Rogue.

Now the fun starts: Activate Advanced R&D. Pass a power to Rogue (there are ideal scenarios where rogue, shuri, and She-hulk get 1 power her, but only Rogue matters)

Special Delivery She-Hulk into a good spot (Bonus points if she actually gets to use her builder) Charge Rogue into something with poor physical or energy defense and swing for the fences.

With great rolls OR your opponent triggering the A-Force leadership, Rogue has a slim, slim shot at generating 6 power here. Any power Shuri has should be dedicated to rerolls here because Wilds could swing it for you. If she DOES, you can immediately trigger follow me to activate she-hulk and potentially paste 2-3 characters before your opponent can react.

It's not the most practical use of these pieces but I just want it to work once for the MEMES!

Made in us
Martial Arts Fiday

Nashville, TN

I'm thinking of starting to play. Thinking X-Men. Although I'm drawn to MODOK for some reason.

"Holy Sh*&, you've opened my eyes and changed my mind about this topic, thanks Dakka OT!"

-Nobody Ever

Proverbs 18:2

"CHEESE!" is the battlecry of the ill-prepared.

 warboss wrote:

GW didn't mean to hit your wallet and I know they love you, baby. I'm sure they won't do it again so it's ok to purchase and make up.

Albatross wrote:I think SlaveToDorkness just became my new hero.

EmilCrane wrote:Finecast is the new Matt Ward.

Don't mess with the Blade and Bolter! 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

 SlaveToDorkness wrote:
I'm thinking of starting to play. Thinking X-Men. Although I'm drawn to MODOK for some reason.

Getting to call out his superpowers is generally a good time.
Made in us
Gore-Soaked Lunatic Witchhunter

I really like playing Dr. Strange (Strange1, not Strange2) with Captain Steve's leadership. It's expensive (10 threat including the Soul Gem), so it's better played on narrow missions, but Steve's ability to sit in the middle of the table refusing to die is really enhanced by Strange pumping his defense and healing him when he gets low.

Balanced Game: Noun. A game in which all options and choices are worth using.
Homebrew oldhammer project: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/790996.page#10896267
Meridian: Necromunda-based 40k skirmish: https://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/795374.page 
Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

At the moment I'm really enjoying the street level hero side of things. Sam leading Avengers, Defenders, Web Warriors, Midnight Sons, etc. Tons of exciting characters and they all mix into rosters really well.

Looking forward to the update though. Hoping to see some of the high power heroes make a return.
Made in us
Roarin' Runtherd

My son and I picked this game up a couple of weeks ago and have been having a blast with it.

I usually run X-force: Cable / Domino / Deadpool / Wolverine or Sabertooth, and occasionally black widow if I need to get the points right, until I pick up honeybadger

Cable's movement tricks with Cat and Mouse and body slide have been helping alot with the early game.
Made in us
Fresh-Faced New User

I've typically throw Magik into most of my lists. Her mystic/energy damage is solid and she's crazy mobile.

"Journey Through Limbo" is super fun to teleport opponents away from objectives.
Made in us
Tzeentch Aspiring Sorcerer Riding a Disc

Orem, Utah

I have found that the Guardians of the Galaxy work really well together. They're individually useful and cheap enough that you are seldom out-activated by your opponent.

Made in us
Fixture of Dakka

NE Ohio, USA

I've got:

Doc. Octopus
Green Goblin
*I will happily ditch Goblin & Kraven as soon as they make a classic Electro & Scorpion

Crimson Dynamo
Red Guardian
Ursa Major

Task Master
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