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Made in au
Ferocious Blood Claw


Am new to MESBG, just wondering if anyone can point me to any decent STL providers for this game?

thank you.
Made in gb
Dakka Veteran

Lincoln, UK


These are prints rather than STLs, maybe ask them where they git them from?

The Sonic Sledgehammer Youtube channel has painted up some Easterling prints too - there may be more details in the videos.
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


The Printing Goes Ever On does good work, not directly covering the movie aesthetics (perhaps a little more like the book descriptions in places) but the sculpts print really nicely with just the right amount of detail, and they've covered almost every major faction at this point to at least some degree, except Easterlings and Gondor (which they're currently doing on Patreon this month, and which is looking good). They also do customisers for a few armies, giving you loads of options for unit types, wargear and poses.

Medbury Miniatures and Davale Games on MMF do some as well, but I've not used them so can't speak to their quality.

Made in au
Ferocious Blood Claw

Thank you for the replies! Greatly appreciated.

The Davale stuff in particular look amazing.

Can i ask a newb question: with Davale...the wood elves i assume would likely be used to represent Mirkwood elves. But what of the 'bloody elves'? Would they be used as Lothlorien of Rivendell?
Made in us
Grim Dark Angels Interrogator-Chaplain

A Protoss colony world

Another good one is KZK Miniatures, in Myminifactory's tribes. Their sculpts look good at any rate, I haven't actually bought any of their stuff yet (waiting to buy a new printer since mine has basically died, one of these days...)

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/13 01:56:48

My armies (re-counted and updated on 11/1/23, including modeled wargear options):
Dark Angels: ~15000 Astra Militarum: ~1200 | Adeptus Custodes: ~1900 | Imperial Knights: ~2000 | Sisters of Battle: ~3500 | Leagues of Votann: ~1200 | Tyranids: ~2600 | Stormcast Eternals: ~5000
Check out my P&M Blogs: ZergSmasher's P&M Blog | Imperial Knights blog | Board Games blog | Total models painted in 2023: 40 | Total models painted in 2024: 25 | Current main painting project: Kruleboyz Spearhead
 Mr_Rose wrote:
Who doesn’t love crazy mutant squawk-puppies? Eh? Nobody, that’s who.
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


 JesusFreak wrote:

Can i ask a newb question: with Davale...the wood elves i assume would likely be used to represent Mirkwood elves. But what of the 'bloody elves'? Would they be used as Lothlorien of Rivendell?

To me, they look more like Rivendell, with the crested helmets and layered armour. The knights in particular seem closer to the Rivendell knights in The Hobbit than the Galadrhim cavalry models.

Made in de
Experienced Maneater

A few have been already mentioned here.

There's also Medbury Miniatures (only pledged to their Historical tier, but the models and supports are top notch), which have LotR stuff in their fantasy tier and Quartermaster 3D, which did Easterlings, and Last Alliance kickstarters (also good stuff, can vouch for the Iraq and Guard files, but quality should be consistent).

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2022/09/13 10:33:28

Made in us
Courageous Questing Knight


OMG - now I want to build another Elf army on my printer...

Curse you, Dakkanauts!!

My Novella Collection is available on Amazon - Action/Fantasy/Sci-Fi - https://www.amazon.com/Three-Roads-Dreamt-Michael-Leonard/dp/1505716993/

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Any one of these folks do Rohan elites?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in gb
Is 'Eavy Metal Calling?


As in Royal Guard?

or Outriders?

or the full customiser, which will let you build them with a huge variety of heads, weapons and poses:

Made in si
Foxy Wildborne

Cheers but those are ridiculously priced for max 2 poses per unit.

Anyone know what's going on with Medbury, none of their Rohan stuff is on Myminifactory?

Posters on ignore list: 36

40k Potica Edition - 40k patch with reactions, suppression and all that good stuff. Feedback thread here.

Gangs of Nu Ork - Necromunda / Gorkamorka expansion supporting all faction. Feedback thread here
Made in au
Ferocious Blood Claw

 lord_blackfang wrote:

Cheers but those are ridiculously priced for max 2 poses per unit.

Anyone know what's going on with Medbury, none of their Rohan stuff is on Myminifactory?

Yeah mate - was wondering the same. Similarly, i reached out to Davale a few weeks back querying the Rohan models whereabouts. They stated: " At the moment they are not available either physically or STL. But they will be very soon physical, the STL will take some more months".
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